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  1. If we think of the church as a body, then Ephesians 4 presents us with an anatomy lesson, a view of the physiology and structure of the body--how the various organs function together, how the parts of the body are coordinated to accomplish the purpose of the body.

  2. The article offers Biblical, Patristic and Historical understanding of the use of images in the Catholic Church and shows that the present-day use of images and icons are not equivalent to the idol worship condemned in the Bible. It offers a proper understanding of the use of images by the Catholics. See full PDF.

    • Mahimai Dass A.
  3. Nov 3, 2015 · The goal of this article, however, is to highlight the relationship between God images and God concepts, and to provide a hermeneutical process for interpreting and surviving the God image...

  4. Oct 31, 2023 · The Bible informs us that there are three dimensions of man: spirit, soul, and body. We also know that the Holy Spirit of God indwells all believers. So what is the communication like between God who is a spirit and man? It’s somewhat like the communication that occurs with radios, TV, or WiFi.

  5. Part One. The Uniqueness and Significance of the Man Jesus Christ. "More than 1900 years later, a historian like myself, who doesn't even call himself a Christian, finds the picture centering irresistibly around the life and character of this most significant man...the historian's test of individual greatness is 'What did he leave to grow?'

  6. Oct 13, 2021 · Jesus understands that we need a work-life balance. He commanded us to work ( John 6:27 ; 9:4) and rest in Him ( Matthew 11:28 ). This means that Jesus recognizes and takes care of our whole being, that is our body — soul — spirit connections.

  7. According to Philippians 3:21, God “will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body.” So the best picture of what we’ll be like in heaven is the resurrection body of Jesus Christ. We will have a body fit for the full life of God to indwell and express itself forever.