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  1. Be true to the self He made you to be: you have an important role to play as a part of the body of Jesus--the Church. ...more. God made an eye to be an eye--a foot to be a foot. And He made...

    • 2 min
    • 93.3K
    • LifeKids
    • “We Are The Body”
    • Children’s Sermon (Romans 12:1-8) We Are The Body of Christ
    • Children’s Prayer Moment
    • Bible Verses/Story to Reference: Romans 12:1-8

    Children’s Sermon on Spiritual Gifts and Living at the Body of Christ

    Main Objective: The church is the body of Christ. We hear this more than once in the New Testament, but what does it mean? The body is a great illustration of teamwork for kids. On a spiritual level, we want to communicate how we can use our individual talents to be part of God’s plan and work. This message emphasizes how on our own we may not feel too important, but when we come together, keeping Jesus as the head, we can do wonderful things for God. He has made us to rely on each other, jus...

    Greet children, with several “presents” at hand: Hello, children of God! Have you ever received a present? I would hope so, anyway. I have some little gifts here, and maybe you’d like to help me open them and see what’s inside. Can you do that? (Pass out a gift for each student, or open the bags in front of the students. Each bag should have some i...

    Prayer: (Have kids repeat each line) Dear God, Thank you for giving us unique gifts Help us to use them for your glory Allow us to work with one another Recognizing that we are the body And YOU are the head Thank you for your love We love you, God! In Jesus name, Amen!

    Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasin...

  2. Oct 2, 2020 · Jesus has two Life Sequencing Timelines. There are two pages for the lesson and these are divided by each page. Each page can make a complete lesson with more in-depth teaching. These timelines cover early life and how the events happened at the end of His life.

  3. Mar 30, 2021 · The Life of Jesus: Timeline. Virgin Mary is announced that she will give birth to Jesus; Summary of Jesus’ Life from Birth to Resurrection. King Herod tries to kill the newborn King (Jesus) Baby Jesus and his parents escape to Egypt; Jesus is taken back to Israel, to the city of Nazareth; The Greatest Work of Jesus for Kids. Sermon on the ...

  4. Examine a children’s version of an anatomy and physiology book and talk about how all the parts of the human body work together. Explain how the respiratory system brings oxygen into our bodies and how the digestive system processes the fuel (food) we eat.

  5. May 27, 2014 · Lesson Six: The Resurrection and the Life. Main idea: Jesus has power over life and death. Series: This study is part of a 8- part series on the I AM statements of Jesus. Follow that link to find the other lesson plans. Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references, Romans 5:12-21, 1 Corinthians 15

  6. Jairus and his family were crying when his daughter died because they were sad. And Jesus brought her back to life. But even if that doesn’t happen for our loved ones, we can trust that Jesus does bring them back to life—a new life in a new, amazing body!

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