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  1. Feb 12, 2013 · It is God’s own power that raised Jesus from the dead (Eph. 1:20) and God’s own power that raises us to spiritual life (Col. 2:12; 1 Pet. 3:21). This is the power behind resurrection in baptism.

    • Note Verse 1 - Jesus' Birth
    • Note Verse 2 - Jesus' Life
    • Verse 3: Jesus' Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension

    Consider the following facts about Jesus that we need to understand basedon the Bible teaching about His birth:

    We could spend hours discussing Jesus' life and teachings. We willconcentrate on just a few events that demonstrate His character and Hispurpose for coming.

    A. Predictions Of Jesus' Death and Resurrection

    We learned that fulfilled prophecy and Jesus' miracles are two of thegreatest proofs that He really was from God. The most important of themiracles that occurred was His resurrection from the dead. If Jesus reallyarose from the dead, that would be amazing. But even more amazing is the factthat His resurrection was predicted ahead of time.

    B. Betrayal and Arrest

    Matthew 26:1-4,14-16- Jewish leaders determined to kill Jesus, becauseHe had revealed their sins to the multitudes. Judas, one of Jesus'disciples, was also a thief. He agreed to betray Jesus to His enemies forthirty pieces of silver. Matthew 26:36-41- After teaching His disciples how to partake of theLord's Supper in memory of His death, Jesus went to Gethsemane. There Heprayed that He might avoid the suffering of the cross, but even so He waswilling to obey the Father's will. Matthew 26:47-5...

    C. Trials and Crucifixion

    We will not discuss many details, but consider some of the evidence thatJesus was innocent and not worthy of death. Matthew 26:57-67 - In the Jewish trials, Jewish leaders soughtgrounds to kill Jesus, but could not find valid proof even with the help ofmany false witnesses. Finally they convicted Him of blasphemy because Heclaimed to be the Christ. But it was easy to prove that He claimed to be theChrist. The question was: Was the claim true or false? The Jews never evenconsidered that. They...

  2. Aug 6, 2019 · The resilience of skin, the strength and structure of bones, the dynamic balance of muscles—our physical being is knit according to a pattern of stunning purpose. Consider how the human body is a window into biblical teaching. Bible Gateway interviewed Philip Yancey, who, along with the late Dr. Paul Brand, wrote Fearfully and Wonderfully ...

  3. Sep 1, 2020 · The work of the Spirit in the believer’s life begins with regeneration. The Bible is clear that we are all sinful, incapable of our own righteousness and spiritual life (Rom 3:10–12; 8:7–9). Our minds are hostile to God, and in our flesh, we cannot please him (Rom 8:7–8; Isa 53:6).

  4. Feb 6, 2020 · The resurrection story is the account of Jesus Christ rising from the dead after being crucified on the cross and buried in the tomb. It is the cornerstone of Christian doctrine and the foundation of Christian hope.

  5. Apr 7, 2012 · The apostle Paul — who wrote 13 of those 21 New Testament letters — explains it like this: “He [Jesus] himself is our peace, who has made us both one [Jew and Gentile] . . . and reconciled us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility” (Ephesians 2:14–18).

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  7. THE LIFE OF CHRIST. Summarizing the life of history’s most dominant and unique figure is a challenge. The importance of Jesus is shown by the fact that his life is the dividing point in our calendar between the era before Christ and that which followed the life of our Lord. We proceed in four steps.

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