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Desert crust decreases the infiltration rate of soils, thereby increasing runoff and soil erosion, reducing the availability of water to the root zone, and impeding seedling and plant growth.
- Developing Countries, Issues In
These issues and problems include inadequate drinking-water...
- Desalinization
Because only 1 percent of the Earth's water is fresh, it is...
- Artificial Recharge
Artificial recharge requires some form of man-made...
- Radioactive Chemicals
Radiologists measure soil radioactivity levels near...
- Precipitation and Clouds, Formation Of
Clouds form by the rising and cooling of air caused by...
- Hydropolitics
The Jordan River watershed is included within the borders of...
- International Cooperation
The natural flow of water, both on the Earth's surface and...
- Runoff, Factors Affecting
A plant cover and litter layer of dead vegetation protects...
- Developing Countries, Issues In
They can leave behind loose, gravelly material in the dry “river” bed, or carve a deep groove in baked, compacted soils. Eventually, runoff scours the lowest lying areas, creating dry beds of loose, sandy soil known as “desert washes.” They form regularly on slopes in parallel, and carry the runoff to flatter ground.
Jun 28, 2018 · At a certain depth below the land surface, the spaces between the soil and rock particles can be totally filled with water, resulting in an aquifer from which groundwater can be pumped and used by people.
The dominant form of runoff in humid regions is throughflow, i.e. lateral flow of water which has infiltrated the upper soil layers. In dryland regions, overland flow (lateral surface flow of water directly intercepted from rainfall) is dominant because soils and mantles are too thin to maintain throughflow and the water table is generally too ...
Stormwater runoff from surrounding landscapes carries particles into streams. The particles include soil as well as plant and animal detritus.
Dec 14, 2020 · The model, called HYDRUS-1D, simulates how water redistributes in a sandy desert soil based on precipitation and evaporation data.
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How does vegetation control water movement in desert soils?
How can soil features be used to infer hydrologic processes?
Why is water movement important in desert environments?
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How do water storage dynamics and flow affect soil forming processes?
How does soil regulate the terrestrial freshwater supply?
Water storage dynamics and flow facilitate the four basic soil forming processes: translocations, transformations, additions and losses of soil constituents in a soil profile.