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640 acres
- One section contains 640 acres. A section can be further divided into quarters (NE, NW, SE, SW) of 160 acres each or into 16 legal subdivisions (LSDs).
People also ask
How many subdivisions are there in Alberta?
How many acres are in a section?
How big is a township in Alberta?
What is property - Alberta Township System (ATS) data?
What is the Alberta Township system?
Where can I find a map of Alberta?
Each section is one mile on a side, or 80 Chains square (approximately), containing 640 acres. A Third System township therefore measures approximately 486 Chains east-west and 483 Chains north-south.
Map Service from AgCanada: Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba: quarter-sections, sections, and townships. Ontario: geographic townships and concession lots. To view fabric for each province, expand "Canada Land Parcels" in contents and enable layers.
One section contains 640 acres. A section can be further divided into quarters (NE, NW, SE, SW) of 160 acres each or into 16 legal subdivisions (LSDs). Legal land descriptions are written as in the following example: SW 24-38-20-W5 – southwest quarter of section 24, township 38, range 20, west of the 5th Meridian.
- What Is The ATS?
- What Is The History of The Dominion Land Survey System?
- What Is The Plss System?
The Alberta Township System (ATS) is a variant of the Dominion Land Survey (DLS) system as implemented in Canada. The ATS is a grid network dividing the province into equal-sized square parcels of land, for purposes of administering legal land title. The ATS designates land as being west of the 4th Meridian (110 degrees west longitude), 5th Meridia...
The Dominion Land Survey System laid out nearly uniform land parcels that can be precisely described and located in the settled areas of the four western provinces. This system was designed to describe essentially agricultural land areas in an understandable and detailed manner down to ten acres (4 ha) in size. Cities, First Nations reserves, feder...
The public land survey system is most often used on topographic maps published in the United States and has its roots in the early surveys of North America in the 1700s. The PLS system differs from other coordinate systems in that it is more descriptive and relies less on absolute measurements of location. It is useful in that it is a good way to g...
In principle there is a mathematical basis for the Alberta Township System (ATS) variant of the Dominion Land Survey (DLS) system as implemented in Canada. The implementation in western Canada reflects a number of slightly different approaches, as well as a large number of errors.
Apr 6, 2011 · A Township is divided into 36 sections, each approximately one mile wide and one mile long. From north to south, each section measures exactly one mile. From east to west, a section can measure more or less than one mile, depending how wide a township is at a specific latitude.
The Property - Alberta Township System (ATS) data includes a GIS-ready mapping database created by Alberta Environment and Parks and includes the following: Provincial coverage of legal sub division (LSD), quarter section, section, each with statutory road allowances, and township polygons, derived from ATS V4.1 coordinates.