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Bi-monthly cycle
- Residential and Multi-Residential service customers are billed on a bi-monthly cycle. For new customers, the first bill may cover a period of more than or less than 60 days. Commercial service customers are billed on a monthly cycle. Asked Questions - Los Angeles Department of Water ...
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How often should a utility meter be read?
How are electricity and water meters read and recorded?
What does a water meter read?
How do electric meters measure water consumption?
How do water meters work?
Do you meter Your Water?
Water meters record the amount of water that flows through the meter. How you read the meter will depend on the type of meter you have. Learn more about Reading Your Water Meter. Electric and water meters are read and recorded each billing period by LADWP meter readers.
•Misread of meter •Estimated usage •Bill covers more than one billing period •Previous unpaid balance. To view charts of your usage history, log in to your account and select "Analyze My Usage" on the left menu. To learn ways to be more efficient, go to Residential Conserve Water & Energy or Commercial Conserve Water & Energy.
You now have to contend with a meter reader who has an 8 hour day. DWP bean counters then sat down and computed where EACH meter was on EVERY house, along with the water meters. A time factor was assigned to the access and reading of every meter so that an 8 hour day would be assigned.
How to Read a Straight-Reading Meter Register. In a Straight-Reading meter register, the reading is taken from the figures shown under the words CUBIC FEET. The meter reads “9999.99”, which is the total number of cubic feet of water recorded since the meter was installed.
Meters should be read at sufficiently frequent intervals appropriate to support the utility’s understanding of volume of production, consumption, and rate structures, to provide accurate bills, and feedback to its customers, transparency and to support sustainability efforts.
A new water meter was installed around June-Aug 2020 time period. Since then, reading has been 3-4x high and quick Google search indicates it's usage for at least 4-person household (NOTE: no one lives there now).
This webpage will guide you in obtaining and tracking your energy and water consumption, using the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®. This will help you comply with the City of Los Angeles’ Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency Ordinance (EBEWE), which became effective January 1, 2017.