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Jul 26, 2023 · Download the Spanish Reported Speech PDF. Download a free PDF made for this guide including the graphics for reported speech as well as the backshifting verbs table so you can learn how to convert direct into indirect speech.
El estilo indirecto (indirect speech/reported speech) is used in Spanish to report what someone has said without quoting them directly. In this article, you’ll learn the difference between direct and indirect speech and about the different types of indirect speech.
Mar 25, 2017 · In this grammar lesson, take a look at the differences between spanish direct and indirect speech and learn how to apply it when quoting and paraphrasing in Spanish.
Some verb tenses don’t change in reported speech. These include the subjunctive, — the past perfect – indicative and subjunctive,— and the imperfect – both indicative and conditional – present and past. Los nis dijeron: “Queríamos ir al parque.” The kids said, “We wanted to go to the park.”
How to change direct speech to indirect speech When converting direct speech to indirect speech in Spanish, we have to change several parts of speech. Luckily, the process is almost exactly the same as it is in English, which means that you already know more than you realise!
Indirect speech requires a reporting verb to take the place of the quotation marks used in direct speech. The reporting verb must be followed by the subordinating conjunction que (usually) or si , with the original utterance turned into a subordinate clause .
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Oct 10, 2024 · Here are examples of how verb tenses change in Spanish when you switch from direct to indirect speech: Presente → Pretérito imperfecto. Direct: “Voy al cine” (I'm going to the movies) Indirect: Dijo que iba al cine (He said that he is going to the cinema) Pretérito Perfecto → Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto