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Oct 8, 2023 · There are multiple ways to indicate an equal segmentation of spline or polyline objects in AutoCAD. Try one of the following methods: Use the DIVIDE command to segment an existing object into a number equal parts. Points will be placed along the object (for example: spline, polyline, line). With DIVIDE there is no input of a specific length though.
Click Home tab Draw panel Point drop-down Divide. Find; Select a line, circle, ellipse, polyline, arc, or spline. Enter the number of intervals. A point is placed between each interval.
Click Home tab > Draw panel (expanded) > DIVIDE. Find. You can also enter DIVIDE at the Command prompt. Select the line to divide. Enter 5 for the number of segments. The line segment now has four points on it, marking it into five equal parts. It’s still just one line object.
Oct 21, 2022 · I recommend not using polylines to construct a spline. Use Spline Method Fit to create your first draft of a curved then use splinedit to modify at least one CV (or add a cv). After this you can easily move CVs to adjust the shape of the spline by just selecting the spline and picking a CV to move.
Select Object to Divide. Specifies a single geometric object such as a line, polyline, arc, circle, ellipse, or spline.
The free DivBreak utility by Arkance Systems breaks polylines, lines, arcs, helixes and splines to individual segments. You can set either the number of segments or their length (measured along the curve). DivBreak combines the BREAK and DIVIDE / MEASURE commands.
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Divide and Measure are two often forgotten but very useful commands — they don’t actually separate objects into segments; they place points at set intervals along them, based on a specific distance or partition value.