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Create two different types of splines in AutoCAD. Create a fit point spline and a control point (CV) spline, and understand their differences.
Oct 23, 2019 · The key concept is that in AutoCAD there are two methods for creating a spline, fit points (also know as interpolation points) or control vertices (CV). Control vertices are the key data element used directly by the NURBS math.
Jan 23, 2018 · AutoCAD Spline Command Tutorial Complete | Fit, Control Points, Tangency, Object, Convert to Polyline. In this tutorial all the options from spline command is covered such as undo, close,...
- 6 min
- 104.5K
- CAD CAM Tutorials
Creates a spline by specifying control vertices. Use this method to create splines of degree 1 (linear), degree 2 (quadratic), degree 3 (cubic), and so on up to degree 10. Adjusting the shape of a spline by moving control vertices often provides better results than moving fit points.
In this video you will learn how to activate and use the “Spline” tool in order to create spline curves. There are two ways of creating spline curves: the first one is to draw a spline curve...
Convert a Spline-Fit Polyline to a Spline . Click Home tab Draw panel Spline. Enter o (Object). Select a spline-fit polyline and press Enter. The selected object changes from a polyline to a spline.
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Jul 1, 2020 · Follow along using the transcript. This video demonstrates how to create a drawing in model space using AutoCAD 2021. The example used was from the following text book:AutoCAD and Its...