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  1. Before Jesus was done with Peter, he would be a stone of stability for Jesus Christ. 3. (John 1:43-44) Jesus calls Philip to follow Him. The following day Jesus wanted to go to Galilee, and He found Philip and said to him, “Follow Me.” Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. a.

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      John 1 - But as many as received him, to them gave he power...

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      Digital Markup Bible Study Tool Visit Free Bible Courses...

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      The Authorized Version or King James Version (KJV), 1611,...

  2. Mar 2, 2022 · Community Group Study Guide — The Eternal Word John 1:1-5 Main idea: Jesus is fully God and fully human and is our source of life and light. God responds to the sin and brokenness of creation by sending his son to overcome the darkness of this world. Followers of Jesus find hope in Jesus being the eternal Word (revelation) of God.

    • Full of Grace and Truth
    • For God So Loved The World That He Gave
    • Jesus' Teaching on Grace
    • Jesus' Parables on Grace
    • Jesus' Gracein Action

    In the Beginning

    John begins his gospel with a startling revelation aboutJesus. "1In the beginning was the Word, and theWord was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in thebeginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothingwas made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life wasthe light of men." (John 1:1-4) I can't escape the conclusion that, in these earlyverses, John is talking about Jesus' glory mentioned again in verse 14 -- "wehave seen his glory" -- the verse that...

    Glory of the 'Only-Begotten'

    John 1:14 seems to be both a summary verse and a pausingreflection before moving on. Notice the places where the word "grace" appearsin this passage. "14 And the Word becameflesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Sonfrom the Father, full of grace and truth.... 16 Forfrom his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. 17 Forthe law was given through Moses; graceand truth came through JesusChrist." (John 1:14, 16-17, ESV) These verses are full of meaning...

    Grace upon Grace

    Jesus is full of grace and truth. After a parentheticalaside (verse 15), John continues. "16 For from his fullness wehave all received, grace upon grace. 17 For thelaw was given through Moses; graceand truth came through Jesus Christ."(John 1:16-17, ESV) What does "grace upon grace" mean? There are twoapproaches to understanding it. 1. Accumulation.Most modern commentators take anti as meaning, "in addition to," thusthe NIV translation, "one blessing after another" (NIV).92However, this use o...

    As I mentioned, the actual word "grace" (charis)seldom appears in the Gospels. But the concept, the practice of grace ison full display for all to see. Jesus, full of grace and truth, often allowsgrace to overflow onto those around him using the related concept of "love" (agape). Perhaps one of the most beloved statements of God's grace isfound in ...

    You may not have thought of it in these terms, but Jesusteaches his disciples about grace as part of his core teaching.

    Jesus also teaches grace through his parables. Withouttrying to be exhaustive, I'd like to point to parables in the Gospels where theidea of grace ("God's favor that is unmerited and undeserved") is taughtwithout using the word "grace" at all. These are illustrations of what it meansthat Jesus is "full of grace." It's tempting, by the way, to try t...

    We've seen some parables of grace. But the incidentsin Jesus' ministry that clearly display grace outnumber the parables.

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  3. Nov 5, 2013 · The book, The DaVinci Code is just a warmed over version of the Gnostic heresy of the first 3 centuries that both Paul and John combated so strongly in the NT. But the controversy and the questions it has raised are not unimportant. The authors of a new book, Reinventing Jesus put it this way: “Attempts to reinvent Jesus are nothing new.

  4. Dec 27, 2013 · "All things were made through Him [the Word], and without Him nothing was made that was made" (John 1:3; see also Hebrews 1:1-2). God the Father authorized the creation, but the Word, the One who became Jesus Christ, actually did the creating. John 1:3 is clearly referring to Jesus Christ, as the rest of the chapter shows.

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  6. Jul 30, 2024 · John would emphasize the deity of Christ throughout his Gospel (John 1:14; 5:17–18; 10:30, 36–38; 12:45; 14:7, 9–11). In the book of Revelation, John reintroduces Jesus as the “Word of God” (Revelation 19:13). Jesus Christ Is Eternal John describes Jesus as pre-existent. Jesus was in the beginning with God means He was already present ...

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