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  1. Apr 18, 2017 · Think doing your taxes is annoying? Imagine trying it without a computer, a calculator… or even the Arabic numeral system. That was the situation in the ancient Middle East. To figure out how people managed it, Manuel L. Jose and Charles K. Moore looked at what the Bible has to say about taxation.

    • I. Introduction
    • III. The Principle of Proportionality
    • IV. The Principle of Personal Productivity
    • V. The Principle of The Practical
    • Non-Vested Citizens
    • VI. Summary

    Scripture is clear that the institution of government has the right to tax the citizenry of any given nation. In the New Testament’s (NT) classic passage on the role of government, the apostle Paul writes in Romans 13:6–7 what is specific and straightforward in this regard: For because of this [government] you also pay taxes, for rulers are servant...

    The next principle of taxation relates to government’s just and proportional treatment among all individuals who are taxed. Why? Because in a free-market economy, each person will end up with differing amounts of private property depending on what he can earn given his personal industriousness, education, God-given abilities and talents, character,...

    It is critically important that citizens have jobs and are productively employed. Without personal productivity, government has no income to tax. It follows that the degree to which the work force is employed and expanding is thedegree to which government has a financial basis to do what God has called it to do with excellence.

    The fifth and last biblical principle that need be considered in tax policy is what is commonly referred to in theological circles as the “sound mind principle.” It stems from 2 Timothy 1:7: For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline. The Greek word for discipline in this passage is sophronismos, meaning “so...

    Please note: I say the following with a deep compassion for genuinely bereft individuals. And what I am about to espouse, like everything else I say, is not necessarily the opinion of the sponsors or participants in the Bible studies. It is my growing personal conviction, stemming from this biblical principle under discussion, that if there is not ...

    There are at least five basic biblical principles that public servants need incorporate into viable tax policies in order to ensure that they are not only successful, but even more importantly, pleasing to God. Our nation is in need of God’s blessing—and obedience to His precepts is the way to best position oneself and one’s nation to gain them. If...

  2. Apr 8, 2009 · This web site provides studies on the biblical calendar written by Herb Solinsky in PDF format and a holy day schedule for upcomming years. A concise biblical calendar study is now available that is much shorter than the documents below.

  3. To fully comprehend our obligations as taxpayers, we need to understand the environment in which the Bible first stated them - to Christians living under the pagan, oppressive, and corrupt Roman empire.

  4. Aug 5, 2024 · ~ This year we have a theme of Prayer and Praise in our 2022 Christian printable calendar, which is designed to help you write God’s Word on your heart – especially when you also use them as Scripture memory cards. ~

  5. Throughout the Gospels, the Word of God reveals numerous interactions between Jesus and tax collectors. Several Gospel accounts even address the payment of taxes. In the passage on governing authorities in Romans 13, the apostle Paul gives instruction regarding taxes. Accordingly, the subject of taxation is an important topic in the New Testament.

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  7. 08 January 2022 Bo 6 Sh'vat 5782 Exodus 10:1-20 or Exodus 10:1-29 Plague of locusts, plague of darkness Jeremiah 46:13-28 Prophecy against Egypt 15 January 2022 B'shallach 13 Sh'vat 5782 Shabbat Shirah Exodus 13:17-14:14 or Exodus 13:17-14:25 Crossing of sea and victory over Egyptians Judges 4:4-24 Victory over Canaanites