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    • Archer. In terms of one-liners, catchphrases, and quotable back-and-forth dialogue, "Archer" ranks as one of the undisputed kings. The show is the brainchild of Adam Reed, who came up with the idea during downtime following the cancellation of "Frisky Dingo" (via The Wall Street Journal).
    • American Dad. If you feel like "Family Guy" has been losing steam the last few years, you should check out Seth MacFarlane's other remaining animated entity: "American Dad."
    • Aqua Teen Hunger Force. If you ever fell asleep on the couch watching Cartoon Network in the 2000s, you probably woke up to this madness. Explaining "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" to a newcomer without proper context is akin to slipping someone a batch of psychotropics.
    • Bob's Burgers. From its endlessly quotable characters to its setting, "Bob's Burgers" is the epitome of a "feel-good" show. The series follows Bob Belcher (H.
    • Zoids Wild
    • Monster Rancher
    • Dinosaur King
    • Mix Master: King of Cards
    • Magi-Nation
    • Beyblade
    • Yu-Gi-Oh!
    • Yo-Kai Watch
    • Bakugan Battle Brawlers
    • Digimon Adventure

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    Zoids Wild is the fifth animated series based on Takara Tomy's toy model kits. It was part of a cross-media franchise reboot that included new toy models, a video game, and a manga series that occurred in 2018. RELATED: Top 10 Highest Rated Pokémon Movies, According To MyAnimeList Zoids Wild follows the story of Arashi, a boy who longs to become a Zoid Hunter. After teaming up with the Wild Liger and discovering the legend of the Great Ancient Treasure Z, Arashi sets out on an adventure and f...

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    Similar to Pokemon, many video game franchises have been adapted into animated series, such as Monster Rancher, which follows the story of Genki, a boy who loves to play video games. One day, Genki is zapped inside of his Monster Rancher video game, where he befriends a girl named Holly and her monster companion Suezo. The newly formed group then embarks on an adventure to discover a Legendary Phoenix and free the land from the tyranny of a villainous ruler named Moo, while meeting and befrie...

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    Dinosaur King is an animated series based on a Sega card game and follows the story of protagonists Max, Rex, and Zoe. The trio encounters mysterious stones and cards that give them the strange ability to summon dinosaurs from the past. After being made aware of a villain called Dr. Z, and the antagonistic Alpha Gang who want to use dinosaurs to make over the world, Max, Rex and Zoe must team up to battle it out against Dr. Z and the Alpha Gang using their new dinosaur companions, and fight f...

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    Mix Master: King of Cards is an animated series that takes place in the town of Gamebridge. After a portal from the video game Mix Master's fictional world of Atreia opens, creatures of the game known as Hench invade Gamebridge, and the unlikely hero Ditt is tasked with becoming the Mix Master to save their town. RELATED: Pokémon's 10 Best Episodes, According to IMDb Mix Master: King of Cards brings over two hundred unique Henches to the series, incorporating many animal and fantasy creature-...

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    There is a huge selection of fan-favorite fantasy anime series that exists, and Magi-Nation brings the best of these elements combined with the creature companion mechanics seen in Pokémon. Magi-Nationfollows protagonist Tony Jones, a young boy from Earth who finds himself summoned into the realm known as the Moonlands, believed to be the prophesied hero known as the Final Dreamer. Similar to Pokémon, Magi-Nation carries the same format of capturing and battling Dream Creatures, building team...

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    Beyblade is an animated series based on Takao Aoki's manga series and was aired alongside its manga source material to promote sales for theBeyblade toy line produced by Takara Tomy. Beyblade follows the journey of Tyson and his friends Kai, Max, Ray, and Kenny, who strive to be the best Beyblade users in the world. Beyblade, like Pokémon, heavily focuses on combat encounters and contains magical creatures called Bit-Beasts. However, these Bit-Beasts are summoned from physical spin-tops to be...

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    Yu-Gi-Oh! is a well-known animated series that is also known for several spin-off series, a popular trading card game, manga, and many video games. Yu-Gi-Oh!features the story of protagonist Yugi Muto, a young boy who loves to play the Duel Monsters card game. Alongside his friends Tea and Joey, Yugi embarks on an adventure where he battles it out against other duelists of the game. Similar to Pokemon's gym badges, Yugi must collect star chips by defeating his opponents to reach the finals. F...

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    Yo-Kai Watchis an animated series based on the hit video game franchise of the same name. It follows protagonist Nate, a young boy who stumbles across a creature known as Spirit. Spirit provides Nate with a Yo-Kai watch, which allows him to see and interact with otherwise invisible monster-like entities known as Yo-Kai, who cause trouble around the city. Similar to Pokemon, Yo-Kai Watch features an upbeat tale filled with many unique creature designs that fans are sure to love. In addition to...

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    Bakugan Battle Brawlers is a popular animated series that has successfully made a name for having one of the best fantasy games in anime. It tells the story of Dan and his friends, who designed a game to play from mysterious cards and sphere-like creatures named Bakugan that one day fell from the sky. However, Dan and his friends must team up with their new Bakugan companions to face threats from Vestroia and battle it out against the evil Masquerade. Bakugan showcases many similar themes to...

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    Digimon: Adventureis an animated series focused on a group of children transported to the Digital World by strange Digivices that appeared in front of them at Summer Camp. Within this new world, the group befriends a series of monsters known as Digimon and embarks on an adventure to fight evil and combat threats to the world. Digimon: Adventure is one of the most successful animated series of its time, and has been considered the largest competitor to the Pokemon franchise. With captivating m...

    • Grace Black
  1. 1999 - 2000. Seven kids are enjoying their summer when suddenly, a digivice appeared before them, and the next thing they know, they are in the "Digiworld." There, they meet creatures known as digimon. There are evil digimon in the Digiworld, but they are not bad in nature; rather, most of them have been turned evil by nefarious forces.

  2. Sep 19, 2023 · 7. The Cleveland Show (2009-2013) The Cleveland Show is an adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, who also created Family Guy. It follows the story of Cleveland Brown as he marries his unrequited love, Donna, from High School and starts living with her and her children.

    • Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, a comedy set in the 1970s, features Will Ferrell as egotistical news anchor, Ron Burgundy.
    • American Dad! In the realm of animated sitcoms, American Dad! stands out with its satirical take on family life, politics, and American culture. The series primarily revolves around the eccentric Smith family, consisting of CIA agent Stan Smith (voiced by Seth MacFarlane), his loving yet peculiar wife Francine (Wendy Schaal), their two teenage children Hayley (Rachael MacFarlane) and Steve (Scott Grimes), a sassy extraterrestrial named Roger (also voiced by Seth MacFarlane), and Klaus (Dee Bradley Baker), a talking goldfish with the brain of an East German athlete.
    • Happy Gilmore. In Happy Gilmore, the title character, played by Adam Sandler, is a failed hockey player with an uncanny talent for golf. His powerful swing, honed from years of hockey playing, propels him into the professional golfing scene.
    • Chappelle's Show. Chappelle's Show takes a magnifying glass to society with comedic brilliance, steering clear of the mundane. Dave Chappelle crafts sketches that peel back layers of culture and politics, holding a mirror to our shared humanity.
  3. Oct 11, 2024 · Family Guy: Multiple episodes At the end of the second story of Three Directors, Stewie says that Peter died chasing a Pokémon on the street, referencing reports of deaths of players playing Pokémon GO. In Baby Stewie, Brian tries to revert the changes to Stewie's DNA using his own machine, and one of the results is "Stewiechu". Fillmore!

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  5. May 27, 2023 · 5 The Sarah Silverman Program (2007-2012) Stream now on Paramount+. Shows like Family Guy are pretty much sitcoms in name only, as it often deviates from the storylines it sets up and takes on a loose structure. The same could be said of Sarah Silverman’s Comedy Central show The Sarah Silverman Program.

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