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The plus sign (+) and the minus sign (−) are mathematical symbols used to denote positive and negative functions, respectively. In addition, + represents the operation of addition, which results in a sum, while − represents subtraction, resulting in a difference. [1]
Oct 7, 2020 · While your keyboard’s + and = symbols are perfect for simple sums, the hyphen and the x (or X) are awkward symbols for subtraction and multiplication. A minus sign (alt-8722) is not the same as a hyphen (− vs-), while a multiplication sign (alt-0215) is a long way from a lowercase x (× vs x).
Jul 28, 2017 · Signs—plus, minus, equality, arrow—are often hair-spaced or thin-spaced, but they may be set closed with accompanying numerals or symbols. (An em dash should not be used for a minus sign.) It may be advisable to send the compositor a sample showing the amount of spacing preferred, because some compositors tend to use more than necessary.
List of all math symbols and meaning - equality, inequality, parentheses, plus, minus, times, division, power, square root, percent, per mille,...
- The Minus Sign
- The Hyphen
- The en-dash
- The em-dash
The easiest one to deal with is the minus sign. As the name suggests, it is only used to mean the difference of two mathematical objects, usually numbers, e.g. a − b, or as the unary minus sign, e.g. −5. In practice, most computer users type the hyphen-minus in place of the minus sign, compare −5 (minus sign) and -5 (hyphen-minus)....
The hyphen should be used every time a block of text is justified (i.e. when all lines are of the same width). Hyphens can be inserted in certain places to split a word between two lines; see an example on the right. You should never insert a hyphen manually to break a word; all modern word processors include an English dictionar...
The en-dash serves many a purpose in English typography. It is most commonly used to denote a range of values, e.g. 1. September–October 2. 2:00–3:00 pm 3. Pages 113–117 It is generally recommended to use the word “to” instead the dash, should the latter lead to possible confusion or if it were in any way typographically inap...
The em-dash (“—”) is the longest dash in common use. It comes most commonly in pairs and has a function similar to parentheses (i.e. to break the flow of thoughts). Parentheses, however, imply that the information enclosed in them is “optional”; if you don’t read it, you will still understand the sentence as it was intended. Dash...
May 1, 2018 · A minus sign (–) is a distinct symbol used in digital displays of mathematics and other disciplines to signal subtraction or negative numbers; like the plus sign, it may be used in designations of letter grades and blood types.
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What does a minus sign mean?
What does a hyphen minus mean?
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If you write $$ \cos(a \pm b) = \cos a \cos b \mp \sin a \sin b, $$ then + on the left side corresponds to minus on the right side, and - on the left side corresponds to + on the right side. Standing alone, they mean the same.