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Jul 30, 2022 · After researching liminality as seen in literature, psychoanalysis, and my own observations during a global pandemic, I came to see liminality not as a discomfort to avoid, but as a generative site.
- Jess Van Nostrand
Liminal quotes are like keys, unlocking doors to new perspectives, enabling us to embrace change, and helping us navigate the often-uncertain journey between what was and what is yet to be. The church of Jesus needs to wake up from the exile of passivity and embrace liminality and adventure or continue to remain a religious ghetto for culturally co-opted, fearful, middle-class folk.
The garden reconciles human art and wild nature, hard work and deep pleasure, spiritual practice and the material world. It is a magical place because it is not divided. The many divisions and polarizations that terrorize a disenchanted world find peaceful accord among mossy rock walls, rough stone paths, and trimmed bushes.
Apr 6, 2024 · In conclusion, liminality in art is a complex and multifaceted concept that challenges traditional notions of categorization and definition. By embracing liminality, artists are able to explore new possibilities, challenge conventional norms, and invite viewers to question their perceptions and assumptions.
Jun 23, 2024 · Liminality is a recurring theme in my art. I am drawn to the spaces where opposites meet and coexist, where light merges with shadow, and where the defined dissolves into the undefined. My acrylic artworks often feature layers upon layers, reflecting the complexity and multifaceted nature of living with chronic illness.
It would be an understatement to say that the past few months have been chaotic and full of change. We are all moving through liminal space. Liminality is a concept that sprouted from anthropology, reflecting the ambiguity and disorientation we counter during a rite of passage.
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Nov 21, 2023 · Liminality, derived from the Latin word ‘limen’ meaning ‘threshold’, has long fascinated thinkers, writers, and scholars across disciplines. The concept of a liminal space — those transitional, in-between areas that straddle the familiar and the unknown — offers profound insights into the human condition and the nature of change and transformation.