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  1. Apr 2, 2018 · One theory speculates that mula came from the Spanish mula, a “mule,” arguing the beast of burden was historically used as a form of currency. Further, the phrase bajate de la mula, or “get off your mule,” is a colloquial Spanish expression for “Pay up.”. The Times of India, meanwhile, has reported that mula is Fijian in origin and ...

    • Murica

      Folks have been saying Murica long before it became...

  2. Nov 1, 2023 · The origin of the term Mula is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have originated in the United States in the 1930s. Some believe that it came from the Gypsy word “mol,” which means “to be worth.”. Others think that it is a derivative of the Spanish wordmula,” which means “mule” or “jackass.”. Mula is often used in ...

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    Mūla (मूल):—Name for a particular section of the ecliptic. It is also known as Mūla-nakṣatra. Nakṣatra means “Lunar mansion” and corresponds to a specific region of the sky through which the moon passes each day. Mūlameans “the root” and is associated with the deity known as Nirṛti (Goddess of destruction). The presiding Lord of this lunar house is Ketu (south lunar node). Indian zodiac: |0°| – |13°20' Dhanuṣa| Dhanuṣa (धनुष, “bow”) corresponds with Sagittarius. Western zodiac: |26° Sagittari...


    Mūlā (मूला):—One of the twelve guṇas associated with Kanda, the fifth seat of the Svādhiṣṭhāna-chakra. According to tantric sources such as the Śrīmatottara-tantra and the Gorakṣasaṃhitā (Kādiprakaraṇa), these twelve guṇas are represented as female deities. According to the Ṣaṭsāhasrasaṃhitā however, they are explained as particular syllables. They (e.g. Mūlā) only seem to play an minor role with regard to the interpretation of the Devīcakra (first of five chakras, as taught in the Kubjikāmat...


    1) Mūla (मूल) is a Sanskrit word referring to the asterism Lambda Scorpii. According to the Nāṭyaśāstra 2.42-43, the ceremony of “laying the foundation” of the playhouse (nāṭyamaṇḍapa) should be performed during the auspicious part (muhūrta) of a good tithiunder the asterism Mūlā. 2) Mūlā (मूला) is the Sanskrit name for an asterism (Lambda-Scorpionis). According to the Nāṭyaśāstra 3.14-15, the master of the dramatic art (nāṭyācārya) should perform raṅgapūjā after offering pūjā to the Jarjara...


    A minister of King Vattagamani. He built the Mulavokasa vihara. Mhv.xxxix.89; Dpv.xix. 18, 19. N (Origin, root). s. Mūla (“anger”). 'roots', also called hetu (q.v.; s.paccaya,1), are those conditions which through their presence determine the actual moralquality of a volitional state (cetanā), and the consciousness and mentalfactors associated therewith, in other words, the quality of karma. Thereare 6 such roots, 3 karmically wholesome and 3 unwholesome roots, viz.,: greed,hate, delusion (lo...


    Mūla (मूल) refers to one of the twenty-seven constellations (nakṣatra) according to according to Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (chapter XIV).—Mūla is the Sanskrit equivalent of Chinese Wei, Tibetan Snrubsand modern Scorpionis. Mūla is classified in the second group: “The moon revolves around the earth in 28 days. If the moon enters one of the six following constellations (e.g., Mūla), then at that moment the earth trembles as if it would collapse and this trembling extends as far as the Nāgas. The...

    Tibetan Buddhism

    Mūlā (मूला) refers to one of the various Nakṣatras mentioned as attending the teachings in the 6th century Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa: one of the largest Kriyā Tantras devoted to Mañjuśrī (the Bodhisattva of wisdom) representing an encyclopedia of knowledge primarily concerned with ritualistic elements in Buddhism. The teachings in this text originate from Mañjuśrī and were taught to and by Buddha Śākyamuni in the presence of a large audience (including Mūlā). Mūlā (मूला) refers to the nineteenth of t...

    General definition

    1) Mūla (मूल, “root”).—One of the ten kinds of “plant-bodies” (vanaspati) a soul (jīva) can be reborn as due to karma. Mūla and other plant-bodies are within the animal world (tiryag-gati) which is one of the four divisions of saṃsārawhere souls are reborn. 2) Mūla (मूल) refers to “radish”: a type of vegetable (śāka), according to The Vyākhyāprajñapti 7.3.276. Different kinds of vegetables were grown in the vegetable gardens (kaccha / kakṣa). The consumption of vegetables was considered essen...

    Mūla.—(SITI), original; a document regarding a title to the property or right. (HRS), investment of capital which is one of the seven sources of revenue specified in the Arthaśāstra. See Ghoshal, H. Rev. Syst., p. 26. (Sel. Ins., p. 163), seedling. Cf. sa-mūla (EI 13), a tree. Note: mūlais defined in the “Indian epigraphical glossary” as it can be ...

    Mula [മുലാ] in the Malayalam language is the name of a plant identified with Bambusa vulgaris Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J.C.Wendl. from the Poaceae (grass) family. For the possible medicinal usage of mula, you can check this page for potential sources and references, although be aware that any some or none of the side-effects may not be mentioned...

    Pali-English dictionary

    mūla : (nt.) root; money; cash; foot; bottom; origin; cause; foundation; beginning. Mūla, (nt.) (Vedic mūra & mūla. The root is given as mūl in 2 meanings, viz. lit. “rohane” Dhtm 859, and fig. “patiṭṭhāyaṃ” Dhtm 391) 1. (lit.) root A. II, 200= M. I, 233; DhA. I, 270; IV, 200 (opp. patti); Vism. 270 (rukkha°=rukkha-samīpaṃ); Pv. II, 96 (sa° with the root); PvA. 43 (rukkhassa mūle at the foot of).—2. foot, bottom Vin. II, 269 (patta°); PvA. 73 (pāda°), 76 (id.). rukkha° foot of a tree: see und...

    Marathi-English dictionary

    muḷā (मुळा).—m (mūlaka S) A radish, Raphanus sativus. 2 A kind of shell-fish. --- OR --- mūla (मूल).—n (S) The root of a tree. 2 fig. The original, principle, basis; the first cause, ground, or occasion. 3 The first ancestor, founder of a race, progenitor. 4 Origin or commencement. 5 The original text; as opp. to the ṭīkā or comment. 6 Capital or principal. 7 m f n A child: also a son or daughter of, without advertence to age. 8 The nineteenth nakṣatra. 9 In arithmetic or algebra. The root of...

    Sanskrit dictionary

    Mūla (मूल).—[mūl-ka] 1) A root (fig also); तरुमूलानि गृहीभवन्ति तेषाम् (tarumūlāni gṛhībhavanti teṣām) Ś.7.2; or शिखिनो धौतमूलाः (śikhino dhautamūlāḥ) 1.15; मूलं बन्ध् (mūlaṃ bandh) to take or strike root; बद्धमूलस्य मूलं हि महद्वैरतरोः स्त्रियः (baddhamūlasya mūlaṃ hi mahadvairataroḥ striyaḥ)Śiśupālavadha 2.38. 2) The root, lowest edge or extremity of anything; कस्याश्चिदासीद्रशना तदानीमङ्गुष्ठमूलार्पितसूत्रशेषा (kasyāścidāsīdraśanā tadānīmaṅguṣṭhamūlārpitasūtraśeṣā) R.7.1; so प्राचीमूले (pr...

  3. Jul 14, 2016 · Money. Mula means money or cash. It is more commonly seen as moolah. There are conflicting reports about the origin of the word, although it is mostly accepted that the term began to gain prominence with gamblers and hipsters in the US in the 1930s. Some believe the word came from the Gypsy word "mol," which means "to be worth."

  4. Mula as Money. As mentioned earlier, one of the most common uses of the term mula is to refer to money. This slang usage of the word has become so widespread that the term is even used in official marketing campaigns and advertising. Mexican markets are full of vendors shouting “¡Compro mula!” which translates to “I Buy Mulas.”

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  6. Dec 9, 2018 · Definition of Mula From|Origin. Or where something came from. "Saan ka nag-mula?" (Saan) (ka) (nag-mula) Where you came from Directly translates to "Where did you come from." That's just an example. There's a lot of examples out there. |From |Yes. "Galing" is also a direct translation to origin or where you came from. |Mula is much more formal, though

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