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“The Christmas Shoes” is the debut novel of the “Christmas Hope” series of novels that introduces successful attorney Robert Layton. He is a successful lawyer who has everything he wants including money and professional achievement but is on the verge of losing his marriage. He had pretty much ignored his two daughters and wife.
- 1 The Linearity Issue
- 2 Determination of The Number of Transition Function
- 3 Nonlinear and Linear Stationarity Issue
We adopt the procedure of González et al. to treat the linearity issue to overcome the estimation of unidentified models. The null assumption is structured as H0:β1 = 0. Nevertheless, the test is nonstandard because, under this null assumption, the PSTR model portrays unidentified nuisance parameters . For this reason, we use the solution of Luukk...
To treat the order of extreme regimes (m) of the logistic transition function in Eq. (3) (Teräsvirta ), we examine the null assumption of no remaining nonlinearity in the transition function through the use of an auxiliary regression (Eq. (5)) with r= 2 or three regimes: The null hypothesis H0 : γ2 = 0 in Eq. (9) assumes a PSTR model with three reg...
Before any econometric analysis, the check of the integration order properties of the data is a fundamental step. Admittedly, the PSTR modeling technique assumes that all the series are I (0) processes. To treat the stationarity issues of the series, the starting point is to perform unit root through the use of the panel unit root tests. In our fra...
- Sofien Tiba
- 2021
Nov 30, 2010 · Their book, entitled Oil Is Not a Curse and recently published by Cambridge University Press, taught me a thing or two. I learned that there is a growing literature out there challenging the ...
Jul 9, 2023 · The results show that where oil’s cost of production is low, and its profitability high, pernicious regime outcomes are observed in keeping with resource curse claims.
curse” to describe this puzzling phenomenon. Its use spread rapidly. 1. Figure 1, reproduced from Manzano and Rigobon (2001), illustrates for a cross section of countries. Exports of primary products as a fraction of GDP appear on the horizontal axis and economic growth on the vertical axis. The relationship on average is slightly negative.
1. They are extremely volatile (see Briefing Note No. 1 [2]). 2. They are unpredictable. 3. They are large relative to total exports, gov-ernment revenue, or gross domestic product (GDP). The sheer size of the income from oil compared to other sources makes the country dependent on oil, but oil prices and hence their revenues fluctuate from one
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Mar 4, 2012 · This dependence, its mechanisms and consequences have been well described and metaphorically called "the oil curse" (Ross 2012). My reference to the psychoanalytic scheme Verleugnung is intended ...