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May 1, 2011 · Since these soils were somewhat excessively or well drained, the bedrock serves to temporarily restrict internal drainage to increase the time for soil particles to react with the soil solution. Eight of the soils are developed under excessively to well-drained conditions in relatively uniform sandy outwash, and yet they contain ortstein.
- James Bockheim
- 19
- 2011
- 01 May 2011
found that ortstein layers were almost continuous in poorly drained soils and intermittent in well drained soils. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a technique that has been used successfully to study depth to imperme-D.L. Mokma, Dep. of Crop and Soil Sciences, and R.J. Schaetzl, Dep. of Geography, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824;
Jan 1, 2014 · Since these soils were somewhat excessively or well drained, the bedrock serves to temporarily restrict internal drainage to increase the time for soil particles to react with the soil solution. Eight of the soils are developed under excessively to well-drained conditions in relatively uniform sandy outwash, and yet they contain ortstein.
- James G. Bockheim
- 2014
Jan 1, 2014 · Properties: Ortstein is 25 mm or more thick and 50% or more (by volume) cemented (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). As a rule, the horizon has sandy grain-size distribution. Compared to the adjacent non-cemented horizons, ortstein usually has a higher bulk density (Lambert and Hole, 1971; Wang et al., 1978). It is also stronger; the penetration ...
- Jacek Chodorowski
where ortstein eventually forms than in those where it is absent. However, ortstein is not restricted to soils with poor drainage as only 39% of the soils with ortstein have an aquic soil moisture regime. From a weight-of-evidence assessment, ortstein is cemented by Al-organic complexes and short-range-order compounds, and placic horizons
May 1, 2011 · Soils with ortstein cover 2.2 million ha in the USA, 87% of which occur in Michigan and Florida. Of the 650 soils in the National Soil Survey database classified as Spodosols, 47 contain sufficient ortstein to be classified in the ortstein rupture-resistance class; another 42 soils contain materials that are 5% ortstein (89 series) were compared with geographically associated and competing ...
People also ask
Why do some soils contain Ortstein?
Is Ortstein common in a well drained soil?
Does Ortstein have a aquic soil moisture regime?
Where do Ortstein soils grow?
Are Ortstein Horizons common?
Where does Ortstein come from?
Ortstein horizons at two sites in the Maritime Provinces were found to be strongly developed and continuous in poorly drained locations in the observation trenches, and intermittent at well drained locations. Roots did not penetrate the ortstein horizons but most ortstein clods were permeable to water, with saturated hydraulic conductivities ranging from about 0.1 to 31 cm/h. The unconfined ...