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  1. In the air-to-air role, a gun may also fire warning shots (when using tracer ammunition), may be used to destroy low-value targets such as drones, and provides a last-ditch backup should the missiles run out.

  2. Apr 22, 2024 · Lightning and Typhoon aircraft are equipped with Meteor, Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missiles (ASRAAM) and Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM). Both aircraft also have air-to-air cannon.”

  3. Apr 1, 2018 · Allied might ground down German air power, giving the RAF and US Army Air Corps ‘control of the air’ over Germany. Dozens of smashed cities and hundreds of thousands of dead civilians bore testimony to what bombing from aircraft could do.

    • Overview
    • Origins of the Royal Air Force
    • World War I
    • The interwar years
    • World War II and the Battle of Britain
    • Post-World War II developments
    • Aircraft and equipment of the Royal Air Force

    Royal Air Force (RAF), youngest of the three British armed services, charged with the air defense of the United Kingdom and the fulfillment of international defense commitments. It is the world’s oldest independent air force.

    Military aviation in the United Kingdom dates from 1878, when a series of experiments with balloons was carried out at Woolwich Arsenal in London. On April 1, 1911, an air battalion of the Royal Engineers was formed, consisting of one balloon and one airplane company. Its headquarters was at South Farnborough, Hampshire, where the balloon factory was located.

    Meanwhile, in February 1911 the Admiralty had allowed four naval officers to take a course of flying instruction on airplanes at the Royal Aero Club grounds at Eastchurch, Kent, and in December of that year the first naval flying school was formed there. On May 13, 1912, a combined Royal Flying Corps (RFC) was formed, with naval and military wings and a Central Flying School at Upavon on Salisbury Plain. The specialized aviation requirements of the Royal Navy made it appear, however, that a separate organization was desirable, and on July 1, 1914, the naval wing of the RFC became the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS), with the land-based wing retaining the title Royal Flying Corps.

    Upon the outbreak of World War I, the RFC, possessing 179 airplanes and 1,244 officers and men, sent an aircraft park and four squadrons to France on August 13, 1914. Air-to-ground wireless telegraphy allowed aircraft to be used for reconnaissance and spotting for artillery. Soon, however, specialized types of aircraft were produced for fighting, bombing, reconnaissance, and aerial photography. Speeds increased from 60 to 150 miles (97 to 241 km) per hour and engine power from 70 to more than 400 horsepower before the end of the war.

    The growth and versatility of the air forces had demonstrated that air power had a separate and essential role to play in modern warfare, independent of, but in closest cooperation with, the older services. Practical recognition of this fact was given, shortly before the end of the war, by the creation of the Royal Air Force. On April 1, 1918, the RNAS and RFC were absorbed into the RAF, which took its place beside the navy and army as a separate service with its own ministry under a secretary of state for air. The RAF carried out its first independent operations during the closing months of the war in a series of strategic bombardments of targets in France and Germany by a specialized force of heavy bombers. The strength of the RAF in November 1918 was nearly 291,000 officers and airmen. It possessed 200 operational squadrons and nearly the same number of training squadrons, a total of 22,647 aircraft.

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    The peacetime pattern for the RAF provided for 33 squadrons, of which 12 would be based in the United Kingdom and 21 overseas. Since the prospect of another European war was regarded as remote, the squadrons at home served as a strategic reserve for overseas reinforcement and as service training units for personnel prior to their posting to squadrons abroad. The preponderance in numbers of the overseas squadrons resulted largely from the system evolved by the air staff and adopted by the government of making use of air power as an economical method of maintaining order throughout the British Empire. During the 15 years from 1920 onward, relatively small air forces repeatedly crushed incipient uprisings in Somaliland, in the Aden protectorate, and on the northwest frontier of India. In Iraq, between 1920 and 1932, the RAF exercised military control of the country with a force of eight squadrons of aircraft and two or three companies of armoured cars.

    To train permanent officers for the flying branch of the service, a cadet college was established at Cranwell, Lincolnshire, in 1920. The RAF staff college was opened in 1922 at Andover, Hampshire. The need for trained mechanics, possessed of the various skills peculiar to a military aviation service, was met by the School of Technical Training at Halton, Buckinghamshire, where boys 15 years of age were received as apprentices for a three-year course in their chosen trade. In order to ensure a constant supply of pilots and to build up a reserve, a short-service commission scheme was introduced in 1919. Young men were commissioned for four years (subsequently increased to six), of which the first year was spent in training, followed by service in active squadrons. At the conclusion of their engagement, they passed to the reserve of air force officers for a further period of four years. Some years later a medium-service scheme, with 10 years’ regular service followed by a period in the reserve, was introduced as an alternative. In 1925 an organization known as the Auxiliary Air Force was formed. Its members gave part-time service, undergoing flying and technical training on weekends and during holiday periods. By the outbreak of World War II, this force possessed a number of highly trained fighter squadrons, which did such good service throughout the war that the prefix “royal” was added to its title at the end of hostilities.

    By 1923 the prospects of permanent peace in Europe appeared less certain, and a substantial increase in air defense expenditure was decided upon. The first steps toward implementing this decision were taken in 1925, when a new command, the Air Defense of Great Britain, was set up, with a proposed ultimate strength of 52 squadrons of fighters and bombers stationed in the United Kingdom. There were, however, delays in the buildup of the force, and eight years later, when Adolf Hitler attained power in Germany, the RAF possessed only 87 squadrons, regular and auxiliary, at home and overseas. With the rapid deterioration of the international outlook in Europe, expansion was greatly increased and accelerated. From 1936 onward the aircraft industry received powerful financial aid from the government to enable additional factories to be built to increase production, while many automobile firms turned their works over to the construction of complete aircraft or their components. To provide the crews for the additional aircraft, the RAF Volunteer Reserve and the Civil Air Guard were formed to give training at civilian schools and flying clubs. University air squadrons, the first of which had been formed soon after World War I to teach undergraduates to fly and to encourage them to join the RAF as regular officers, greatly expanded their activities. The Auxiliary Air Force, meanwhile, formed captive balloon units to provide protective barrages for heavily populated areas and especially vulnerable points. A part-time Observer Corps (later the Royal Observer Corps) had been formed some years earlier to give warning of impending attack by enemy aircraft and was now considerably expanded.

    The Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF), a re-creation of the Women’s Royal Air Force (WRAF) of World War I, came into being as a separate service in June 1939, out of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, an army-sponsored organization which had been formed a year earlier and had recruited special air force companies. (In 1949 the WAAF became the WRAF once more.) Finally, though this did not occur until 1941, the Air Training Corps (ATC) replaced the air defense cadet units and the school air cadet corps of the immediate prewar years. In it boys received some preliminary air force training with a view to their eventual entry into the RAF.

    At the outbreak of war on September 3, 1939, the first-line strength of the RAF in the United Kingdom was about 2,000 aircraft. These were grouped as follows: Fighter Command, concerned with home defense, with a small component detached to the expeditionary force in France until that country was overrun in June 1940; Bomber Command, for offensive action in Europe; and Coastal Command, for the protection of maritime routes, under the operational direction of the navy. There were also Balloon, Maintenance, Reserve, and Training commands. Army Cooperation Command was created in 1940 and Ferry Command (subsequently expanded into Transport Command) in 1941.

    In order to provide the numbers required to crew the rapidly expanding front line strength and to compensate forthe heavy casualties suffered, training programs were undertaken in many parts of the Commonwealth early in the war. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand combined to operate the Empire Air Training Scheme, under which each of them recruited and trained pilots, navigators, and radio operators for service with the RAF. In addition, since the United Kingdom was the main base for operations against the Axis forces and was itself under constant threat of air attack, flying training became virtually impossible there, and great numbers of aircrew pupils were sent to Canada, South Africa, and Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) to receive their training at schools specially established for the purpose. From June 1941 (six months before the United States entered the war) until the end of hostilities, British aircrew were also trained at civilian-operated schools in the United States.

    In the course of the war, techniques were developed for landing individuals or bodies of troops behind enemy lines by means of parachutes or gliders. The RAF cooperated with the army in the training and transport of parachutists and in towing troop-carrying gliders, whose soldier-pilots flew and landed them in the selected area when cast off by the towing aircraft. One other innovation was the formation of the RAF regiment for the protection of aerodromes against enemy attack. Armed with light antiaircraft weapons as well as with the ordinary infantry armament, they were trained on commando lines. They normally served under the orders of the local air force commander but were so organized that they could fit smoothly into the army command structure in the face of a widespread enemy threat.

    The RAF would conduct operations around the globe throughout World War II, but nowhere was its role more conspicuous than during the Battle of Britain. On July 10, 1940, the German air campaign began when the Luftwaffe attempted to clear the English Channel of British convoys. In this they were partially successful because their low-flying aircraft could not be detected on British radar. On August 8 the Germans expanded their attacks to British fighter airfields in southern Britain, and by the end of August night raids were being carried out throughout the kingdom. On August 25 the Germans accidentally bombed London, and the British at once retaliated with a token attack on Berlin. Hitler and Luftwaffe chief Hermann Göring then decided to break the morale of Londoners as they had done to the citizens of Warsaw, Poland, and Rotterdam, Netherlands. On September 7, 1940, the Germans began a series of raids on the capital city that Luftwaffe commanders believed would see the end of the RAF, for they hoped that British Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding would send all his available forces to defend London. Instead, Dowding utilized Chain Home, the most advanced early-warning radar system in the world, to dispatch his limited resources to meet threats as they appeared. At the end of September, Göring, having already lost more than 1,650 aircraft, was forced to change to high-altitude night raids that had limited strategic value. Not only had the RAF won the battle over Britain, but it had also defeated a project to invade Britain by sea by destroying the barges and landing craft that the Germans had been assembling. Above all, Dowding proved that an air force could, contrary to accepted military doctrine, fight a successful defensive battle. Of the RAF’s conduct in the Battle of Britain, Prime Minister Winston Churchill declared, “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”

    When the wartime forces were demobilized in 1945, the total strength of the RAF was reduced to about 150,000. The subsequent deterioration in the international outlook led to a fresh expansion in 1951. By 1956 the total strength was up to 257,000, but by the early 1960s it had again retracted to about 150,000 (including 6,000 women in the WRAF), the majority of whom were stationed in the U.K. or in Europe as part of NATO forces. The RAF regiment remained after the war as a regular arm of the service, tasked with securing airfields and providing forward air control personnel to British army and Royal Marine ground forces. The WRAF became a regular service in 1949, and in April 1994 it was merged with the RAF.

    RAF troop strength had declined significantly by the second decade of the 21st century as part of an overall force-reduction strategy implemented by the British military. With some 35,000 troops and fewer than 150 fixed-wing combat aircraft, the RAF was a smaller, more-focused force than it had been in previous years. Despite its reduced size, the RAF remained a potent instrument for projecting British influence across the globe, as demonstrated in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The RAF also participated in the 2011 NATO air campaign in Libya and conducted operations against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

    Though most of World War II was fought in the air with aircraft powered by piston engines, the last year of hostilities witnessed the entry on both sides of the newly developed jet engine, which by the early 1960s had almost entirely ousted the piston engine in the RAF. The great increase in speed and climb conferred by jet engines pointed to their value in fighters, and it was in this field that reequipment first took place, the early Meteors and Vampires leading on to the Vulcans, Lightnings, and V/STOL (vertical/short take-off and landing) Hawker Harriers of the mid-1960s. The bomber force was built up as the strategic deterrent, and by 1966 its main armament consisted of Handley Page Victor B.2 and Vulcan B.2 medium bombers, of which a number were armed with Blue Steel air-to-surface nuclear standoff missiles. Over time, the RAF phased out its strategic bomber force entirely, and in 1969 its nuclear deterrence mission passed to the Royal Navy’s nuclear submarine fleet.

    The reequipment of the bomber force led to fierce controversy over the respective merits of the British TSR 2 and the U.S. swing-wing F-111A; the government decided on the latter, but its order was later withdrawn for economic reasons, and no major reequipment then took place. The Panavia Tornado, a multirole sweep-wing combat aircraft, entered service in 1979 and would serve as the backbone of British air power for the next 40 years. In addition to the Tornado, the RAF fielded the Eurofighter Typhoon, a delta-wing multirole aircraft that entered service in 2003. The Tornado was retired in 2019 and replaced with the F-35 Lightning, a multirole aircraft also known as the Joint Strike Fighter.

    Throughout the 1960s and ’70s, Britain’s strategic transport force consisted of Britannias, Belfast long-range freighters, and VC-10 troop transports, each of the last-named capable of carrying 150 men or a number of armoured vehicles. As these aircraft were retired, there were no obvious successors, and during the Falkland Islands War the British military was forced to rely on civilian aircraft for its transport needs. In time this shortfall was addressed with the addition of such planes as the C-17 Globemaster and the C-130 Hercules.

    Increasing use was made of helicopters, especially for tactical support of the army. In 1999 the British military’s battlefield rotary-wing aircraft were gathered under the umbrella of the Joint Helicopter Command (JHC). This interservice command was created to better coordinate the attack, rescue, and support capabilities of British helicopter forces.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. Nov 8, 2004 · Actually designed by Vickers, but made in USA and used mostly by the France air Arm in ww1 and some in US Army Air Corps. Employed mostly in ballon and Zeppelin hunt due the larger incendiary capacity of its ammunition in Spads and some Niueports.

  5. 7) RAF GUNS - .303 LEWIS TO GAU-22A AND BEYOND... This presentation will look at the guns used by the RAF during its 100 year history. As well as the various weapons themselves, it will look into aspects such as ammunition types, weight of fire, harmonization, sights, weapon integration and mounts.

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  7. Sep 11, 2016 · The battle highlighted the divergence in thinking on tactical air power that still existed between the RAF and army despite the agreements that had been reached between the two services prior to their embarkation to France.

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