Search results
Enter a 7 or 10 digit number from the upper right-hand corner of a State of Kansas issued check. This feature searches information maintained and provided by the Kansas Department of Administration, Office of Accounts & Reports. The information in this search feature is typically updated daily, although delays can occur.
Enter criteria to search for past amounts distributed to cities, counties and other recipients of certain State monies.
HOW CAN WE HELP? Find out the current status of a check issued by the State of Kansas.
In short, the State Treasurer is the Chief Banker of the State. I am proud to serve as your State Treasurer. This page outlines the host of services our office provides to Kansans every day. If you have a question about any of our services, please feel free to contact us at 785-296-3171." Learn more about Steven.
The Kansas Supreme Court's Online Attorney Directory is a source of current information on attorneys licensed in Kansas. Enter the registration number or any part of the name and click Search. It is not necessary to fill in all the search boxes below.
The State Treasurer is entrusted with the possession of all public moneys paid to the state treasury. The Treasurer deposits moneys in Kansas banks designated as state depositories.
The State Treasurer of Kansas is the chief custodian of Kansas's cash deposits, monies from bond sales, and other securities and collateral and directs the investments of those assets. The Treasurer provides for the safe and efficient operation of state government through effective banking, investment, and cash management.