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Jun 1, 2021 · News stories about science follow several specific narratives, the researchers write in a new study in the journal Public Understanding of Science.One is that science is "in crisis" or "broken," a ...
- Science
Science refers to the system of acquiring knowledge based on...
- Science
21 hours ago · Your editorial “Science communication will benefit from research integrity standards” reports on an advice paper by Rhys Morgan at the University of Cambridge, UK, proposing that public-facing ...
Jul 11, 2022 · That is, we do not ask what makes a person trust or mistrust, but rather we ask what conditions need to be in place such that actors should be trusted (as discussed above, several philosophers of science have already made important contributions in this regard). However, while the normative character of the concept of trustworthiness is its strength, it is also its weakness.
Nov 29, 2021 · The effect of trust in science on adherence behaviour varied depending on which covariates were included. When trust in science was the only predictor, it predicted adherence (β = 0.08[0.06, 0.11]).
- Justin Sulik, Ophelia Deroy, Ophelia Deroy, Guillaume Dezecache, Martha Newson, Martha Newson, Yi Zh...
- 2021
A number of factors have combined to undermine public trust in science during the pandemic, including the rapid evolution of COVID-19 science, mixed messaging from leaders, a torrent of misinformation, political interference in federal science agencies, and political polarization, according to experts.
Jul 6, 2021 · June 1, 2021 — News media reports about scientific failures that do not recognize the self-correcting nature of science can damage public perceptions of trust and confidence in scientific work ...
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the credibility of science, we just saw it. Eric Topol, founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute2 It is clear we must work to help policymakers, the press, and the public better understand when and how they should "trust the science". This paper provides an initial primer along two important lanes