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  1. Jul 9, 2024 · Portal per als estudiants de tots els cicles de la UB amb informació dels serveis i beques i campanyes informatives de la Universitat.

  2. Portal per als estudiants de tots els cicles de la UB amb informació dels serveis i beques i campanyes informatives de la Universitat.

  3. Studying at the University of Barcelona gives you the tools you need to build your professional career.

  4. Identifiqueu-vos amb el nom d'usuari i la contrasenya de la Intranet UB. Començareu una sessió que us donarà accés als serveis de la Universitat que requereixen identificació UB.

  5. The UAB is a young, public and groundbreaking university. A leader in international rankings and a benchmark in research. Barcelonian, Catalan and international. A transformative, supportive, diverse and egalitarian, sustainable and healthy, participative and cultural university.

  6. Questioning. Advancing. Transforming.Founded in 1990, UPF is a public university based in Barcelona that is highly competitive in research and aims to transform education to respond to future challenges.In a context of major global challenges, UPF has undertaken an imperative commitment as a university institution: to help find solutions for the main challenges facing humanity and the planet ...

  7. The international community of the UAB consists of more than 10,000 international students – of whom 38.7% are Master's and doctoral students – as well as lecturers, researchers and staff from other countries.

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