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  1. Dec 29, 2023 · The reform must be comprehensive, but it has two essential and urgent components; 1) enterprise reform, essentially of the state enterprise, 2) reform of the agricultural production subsystem. It is also essential to rethink the financing of the economy in general and the reform in particular.

  2. Liquid assets are essential for both personal and business financial health. For individuals, having enough liquid assets ensures they can cover short-term needs, such as bills, unexpected expenses, or even emergencies like medical situations.

    • Liquid Assets
    • Fixed Assets
    • Liquidity in An Economic Downturn

    If a debt suddenly becomes due, the simplest way to meet that obligation is with cash. Physical currency is the only truly liquid asset, since it represents capital in its most accessible form. Because funds deposited in checking or savings accounts can generally be accessed almost immediately, they are also considered a liquid asset. Stocks and bo...

    The things a business owns that contribute to its profitability but are not easily converted into currency are called fixed assets. Common examples of fixed assets include real estate, vehicles and equipment. If a shipping business needs to pay off a creditor on a short deadline, selling its fleet of delivery vans or pieces of large packaging equip...

    In the event of a decrease in revenue or an economic downturn, a company that is highly illiquidwould have to deal with selling off, or liquidating, fixed assets to meet its financial obligations. This could mean selling property or equipment that is essential to the day-to-day operations of the business, limiting its ability to generate revenue do...

    • Claire Boyte-White
  3. Nov 3, 2008 · Today, the foundations of Cuba’s rejoining the international economy are agreements between its government and other governments. The main advantage of these accords is that they provided Cuba with greater stability over the medium term.

    • what are liquid assets & why are they important to the economy in cuba since1
    • what are liquid assets & why are they important to the economy in cuba since2
    • what are liquid assets & why are they important to the economy in cuba since3
    • what are liquid assets & why are they important to the economy in cuba since4
    • what are liquid assets & why are they important to the economy in cuba since5
  4. Following the failure of the “balanced growth” model, Cuba turned to an approach labeled the “turnpike model.” Instead of seeking to diversify the economy immediately, Cuba would give priority to sugar production by increasing the cultivated acreage and increasing mechanization.

  5. cuba is currently facing the worst economic crisis since the one in the ˜˚˚˛s following the collapse of the soviet union. this paper evaluates the economic situation, analyzes the three major causes of the crisis, and examines the cuban government’s strategy and recommendations of cuban economists and my own to improve the situation. 1

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  7. In 2019, the Cuban economy posted only modest growth of 0.5%, compared to the previous year’s 2.2% expansion. This slacker pace of activity mainly reflected the tightening of the blockade, which has had a major impact on tourism, investment, external financing and other variables that are important for the country’s economic development.