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  1. Explore Mass times, cultural traditions, and other devotions with Catholic Answers: Download our printable PDF Traditional Litany of the Saints. The word “Halloween” comes from “All Hallows’ Eve,” which is the evening before All Saints Day, also known as Hallows Day.

  2. Everyone from your saintly grandmother to the martyrs facing death for Christ: They are all part of the communion of saints. The church commemorates all these saints on All Saints’ Day. The history of the feast reveals a great deal about the church’s understanding of the communion of saints.

  3. All Saints Day is very important in the Catholic Church. It reminds us of all the saints in heaven. These saints lived holy lives and followed Jesus. They are our examples and guides. The Church teaches about the Communion of Saints. This means all believers are connected. We are one family in Christ.

  4. 5 days ago · Almighty ever-living God, by whose gift we venerate in one celebration the merits of all the Saints, bestow on us, we pray, through the prayers of so many intercessors, an abundance of the reconciliation with you for which we earnestly long.

    • Are All Souls in Heaven Saints?
    • Are There Any Living Saints?
    • Are There Any Non-Catholic Saints?

    Yes. The Church has declared some people canonized saints, but there are countless others who have never been recognized as in Heaven, either in the early Church or by a formal canonization process.

    The word “saint” means holy, so St. Paul refers to the just of the various churches as “the saints of” those churches (cf. Eph. 1:1, Phil. 1:1). As used formally by the Church, however, those who are still alive might still lose their state of justice by grave sin, and even die in that condition. Thus “Saint” is usually reserved for those who have ...

    The Church canonizes only Catholics as examples for the faithful, but recognizes that those in ignorance of the truth of the Catholic Faith can still live for Christ and die for Christ. In the 20th Century the numbers of non-Catholic martyrs under the Nazis and Soviet systems alone is likely in the many thousands, as well as the innumerable million...

  5. Nov 1, 2016 · All SaintsDay is a day of the Solemnity of all saints, which the Catholic Church celebrates every 1st of November. On this day, Catholics commemorate all the saints of the Church—all those men and women who have attained Heaven and are in the presence of God.

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  7. Oct 31, 2023 · Further, the merits of the saints' works, which they have won in Christ through lives of faith, hope and charity, can be communicated to others in the Church since all are joined together in the one body of Christ.

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