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born King (Jesus)—Matthew 2:3-12 When Jesus was born, a star-like object appeared over Bethlehem. The star was seen by wise men in the East who, believing it portended a king's birth in Israel, traveled to Jerusalem. Once there, they told King Herod of the omen. Herod, fearing his kingship might be threatened, ordered
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Dec 2, 2014 · Then, Jesus in the manger. The shepherds are in the field and then they are excited to see Jesus. When Jesus was about 1 1/2 to 2 years old, the wise men visited Him. The Bible states in Luke 2:12 that the angel from God told the shepherds that the Babe has been born. We are told in Matthew 2:1-11, when the wise men visit, that Jesus is a young ...
Jun 23, 2016 · Title: The Birth of Jesus Scripture: Matthew 1:18-2:15, Luke 2:1-21 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: Jesus (make cross with arms) is our Savior (lift hands in the air) King (act like you’re putting on a crown)! Supplies: Photos of doctor, life guard, fireman, police officer, and king, post it notes, story sequence strips, glue,
Dec 16, 2019 · Download this free Sunday School lesson on the Birth of Jesus that focuses on Mary and Joseph. It's part of our new series "Heroes of the Christmas Story" (Celebrated and Lesser-Known) that shares the Biblical story of Christmas. The printable lesson plan below includes coloring pages, activities, game, and craft ideas. Mary-and-Joseph-Matthew-2-LessonDownload PDF Bible Lesson:
- Lesson Opening
- Tell The Story
- Review Questions
- Learning Activity 1: Story Sequencing
- Learning Activity: Life with God
Ask: What kinds of things come to mind when you think of a king? Ask: What do you think of when you hear the word “savior?” Say: The main point in our lesson today is “Jesus is our Savior King.” We’ll be reviewing parts of the story of Jesus’ birth and talking about why He came to earth. Pray that God would open our hearts to His Word today and giv...
Show the pictures of the doctor, life guard, firemen, and police officer. Have the kids tell you what each person is and then see if they can tell you what they each have in common. Guide them to see that they all help save people from danger. Say: We might consider these people to be saviors (with a lowercase s) because they help people in need an...
What was the main point from our lesson? (Jesus is our Savior King!)Where was Jesus born? (Bethlehem)Who did the angel appear to with the news of Jesus’ birth? (Shepherds)What three gifts did the wise men bring? (Gold, frankincense, and myrrh)Supplies: Story strips, scissors, glue, construction paper 1. Pass out the story strips and have the kids cut them out, put them in the correct order, and glue them onto their piece of construction paper. 2. Go over the correct order as a class.
Supplies: Post it notes, pencils 1. Encourage the kids to spend a minute thinking about specific reasons why life with God is better than life apart from God. 2. Pass out a post it and pencil to everyone and have them write down their answers. Invite the kids to share what they wrote (if they want) and put them up on the board. 3. Spend a few minut...
This Word Search for The Prophets Story can help teach kids that God announced the birth of the Messiah centuries before the birth of Jesus. You can also see a list of the types of free Bible activities we provide on the site, including large activities. Other related activities can be accessed via the links below. Read More ⇨
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Printables: The Birth of Jesus These printables can be used in a variety of ways, including illustrations for stories, cards to collect and match, bookmarks to take home and small pictures for attendance charts or matching games.