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  1. Psalm 100 is a psalm of thanksgiving, and it speaks of an invitation to the whole earth to know and to worship God. Pastor David Guzik gives the what and why...

    • 27 min
    • 37.8K
    • David Guzik
  2. Apr 3, 2020 · Pastor Carl Santos walks us through this celebrated, short psalm of praise and thanksgiving.

    • 15 min
    • 14.3K
    • New City Church Calgary
  3. Feb 25, 2021 · In this lyric video for Psalm 100, you’ll see & hear 📖 The text of the Bible 🎵 sung word-for-word 🌹 over beautiful nature videos. ********************************** 🔗 | Explore all The...

    • 4 min
    • 35.3K
    • The Bible Song - Word for Word Ministries
    • What Does It Mean to Make A Joyful Noise unto The Lord?
    • Why Are Christians called to Be Joyful?
    • 3 Ways We Can Express Thanksgiving to God Every Day

    When Psalm 100 invites “all the earth” to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” (Psalm 100:1), the word used for “make a joyful noise” connotes an exultant shout of victory. This word (rûa) is used often in the psalms in order to extend invitations to everyone to join in the exuberant praise (cross-reference Psalm 66:1, 81:1, 95:1, 98:6). The same wo...

    Seeing the Messianic connections included in this prophetic reference helps to put all the psalmic praising in context. Christians can sometimes wrongly perceive that the Bible instructs believers to be adamantly happy-clappy and always positive and cheery. But a closer look at the many Psalms of lament (not to mention the often-sad conduct of many...

    1. Meditate on God’s character. God makes Himself known on the pages of Scripture, revealing Himself to be faithful, and generous, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Studying the character or the names (which reveal His character) of God with a formal study could be helpful, but simply reading the Bible with the question, “What does thi...

  4. Psalm 100 is no doubt a beautiful psalm of thanksgiving, worship, and service to God. From learning how to worship God to understanding God’s nature, Psalm 100 is filled with powerful lessons for all of us to learn. If you’re looking for a sermon on Psalm 100:1-5, you can turn to this blog.

  5. The psalm tells everybody to come to the *temple and tell God how great he is. What Psalm 100 means. Verse 1: Here "everyone" does not only mean the *Jews. Jews are people who were born from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their children. Bible students believe that it means everybody in the whole world. The word "shout" here means "make a loud ...

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  7. David Guzik commentary on Psalm 100, which speaks of all the earth coming to worship God, entering His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise.