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Rewrite your sentences in seconds with our AI-powered sentence rewriter. Enhance word choice and fluency while maintaining the original meaning.
Generate explanations, sensory detail, counterarguments, dialogue, or examples. Create unique text in the click of a button. Simply try again if you’re not satisfied with the result. Craft high-quality content to engage your readers. Let AI do the heavy lifting with AI Sparks Continue.
Complex Sentence Generator is a free content rewriter that can potentially rephrase, reword, paraphrase and/or rewrite sentences, paragraphs, articles, content, words and/or phrases into a more complex, unorthodox or convoluted alternative while delivering the same meaning.
Paraphrasing is putting a piece of text into new words without changing the overall meaning. It involves rephrasing sentences or paragraphs, using synonyms, and restructuring the text while still maintaining the core message. You can paraphrase using your own words or with AI writing tools.
Quickly reword sentences for essays, emails, articles, and more. Add your text, click Paraphrase, and your paraphrased text will appear here. Grammarly’s free AI paraphrasing tool makes it easy to create high-quality, mistake-free paraphrases.
Our AI Sentence is 100% free to use. You can use it to generate sentences in any tone – be it friendly, professional, assertive, or informational. Plus, use it for various purposes, from creating blog headlines to email messages and Facebook captions. The sentences created with our tool are plagiarism-free as well. Blog Titles. Headlines. Emails.
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Does Grammarly have a free AI paraphrasing tool?
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Looking for an easy way to generate acronyms? Try our AI Acronym Generator today and streamline your workflow. Detect AI-generated content and rewrite it to sound human with our AI Content Detector. Paste your text and get accurate, human-like results in seconds!