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  1. Jun 8, 2021 · India Five Hundred Now Said To Have Died In Golden Temple Though Central Shrine Largely Undamaged

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  2. Jun 6, 2023 · 39 Years Since Operation Bluestar: What Happened? | Firstpost UnpackedJune 6 marks the horrific memory of ‘Operation Blue Star’ which was the codename of a m...

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  3. Jun 6, 2018 · The 1984 Operation Blue Star was the biggest internal security mission ever undertaken by the Indian Army. Operation Blue Star was Indira Gandhi's solution t...

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  4. As far as the book itself, yeah Bluestar had a pretty rough go of it. ThunderClan before Firestar’s days was very brutal, and rivalries between them and RiverClan far surpassed any rivalry in the series. Lots of fighting over Sunningrocks, lots of death and bloodshed. Very hardcore stuff.

    • Overview
    • Appearance
    • Biography
    • Trivia

    Bluestar is one of the tritagonists of Erin Hunter's Warriors book series. She is the former leader of ThunderClan and mentor of Firestar, as well as mother of Mistystar and Stonefur and Oakheart's mate. After Tigerclaw's betrayal, she starts to spiral into a state of paranoia and becomes apathetic towards her Clan, though eventually snaps out of it and sacrifices herself to save her cats from Tigerstar's vicious dog pack.

    After her death she continued to guide Firestar from StarClan and, along with Yellowfang and Spottedleaf, was occasionally sending omens and visions to ThunderClan's medicine cats.

    Bluestar is a lithe blueish-gray she-cat with light blue eyes. She has a silver muzzle and a large scar across her shoulders.

    Bluestar's Prophecy

    Bluekit and her sister Snowkit are born to Moonflower and Stormtail. When they're able to leave the nursery, Leopardkit and Patchkit show them around ThunderClan's camp. They explore the camp, meeting Featherwhisker and Stonepelt while doing so. The next day, Moonflower takes her daughters to meet their father Stormtail, who admires his children for a while before Pinestar call him over to share prey together. When Bluekit asks if she can join, her father looks uncomfortable and tells her that she should stay by the nursery. They then go to meet their uncle Goosefeather, where they explore the medicine den and Bluekit dares her sister to swallow poppy seeds, with Moonflower angrily taking them back to the nursery when she finds out. Later, both kits witness Leopardpaw's and Patchpaw's apprentice ceremonies. A few moons later, Poppydawn gives birth to three kits. Bluekit suggests she names the tom Thistlekit after his spikey fur. After the noisiness of the nursery wakes her up from a nice dream, she leaves in a huff and encounters the deputy Sunfall, who invites her to climb up the ravine with him. While climbing, Bluekit almost falls off when Sunfall catches her, telling her that they should go home because she's too small to be out of camp. Upon reaching six moons old, Bluepaw and Snowpaw are made apprentices. Bluepaw's mentor is Stonepelt, while Snowpaw's is Sparrowpelt. Stonepelt's new apprentice asks if he's going to start teaching her hunting techniques or battle moves, becoming disappointed when she's tasked with gathering moss instead. He teaches her the best way to get the moss and tells her that she's learning useful skills, motivating Bluepaw to finish, though Leopardpaw teases her when she tells the older apprentice. The next day the two sisters learns how to hunt, and Bluepaw impresses her Clan by catching a large squirrel in her first attempt. However, Goosefeather notices that the vole Snowpaw caught has its fur blown back by the wind, interpreting it as a sign that they must attack WindClan, otherwise ThunderClan will be destroyed. Upon hearing this, Pinestar decides that they'll attack tomorrow morning, assigning Bluepaw and Snowpaw as messengers since they haven't had any battle training yet. The next morning, Goosefeather finds a shred of catmint on the vole's fur, telling the Clan that it's a sign that they must destroy WindClan's herb supply, though his Clanmates doubt that it actually means anything. During the raid, Bluepaw watches the fighting uneasily as she tends to the injured Leopardpaw. As Stormtail and Moonflower go to destroy the herbs, Stormtail stops to help Dappletail, and the WindClan medicine cat Hawkheart attacks Moonflower to defend his herbs, killing her in the process. Bluepaw witnesses this in horror, and tries to save her before being stopped by Swiftbreeze, who tells her not to fight without training. As ThunderClan begins to lose the battle, Pinestar calls for his Clan to retreat. The blue she-cat runs up to her mother's unmoving body and begs her to wake up, but Pinestar informs her that Moonflower has gone to StarClan. Hawkheart approaches her, and she demands to know why he killed Moonflower, to which Hawkheart simply explains that she was destroying his herbs, which could have caused many WindClan cat's lives to be lost. Moonflower's death takes a heavy toll on her daughter, who is no longer interested in going on patrols and barely speaks to her Clanmates. Her mentor Stonepelt retires and she is reassigned to Sunfall. Bluepaw continues to be bitter towards everyone and everything, finding herself staring into a foxes den one day. Sunfall tells her not to get so close to a fox den, telling her that Snowpaw is still coping with Moonflower's death and wouldn't be able to handle it if her sister died too. Sunfall then talks to her about Moonflower, admitting to her that he misses her too, surprising the young apprentice. After talking to her mentor, Bluepaw starts to notice everyone else is avoiding her. At her first Gathering, Bluepaw meets the RiverClan apprentice Crookedpaw. She notices that he's bigger than normal for a new apprentice, and he explains that he started his training late. The two apprentices quickly form a friendship, with Crookedpaw pointing out that he's the brother of Oakheart when RiverClan introduces the new warrior. Bluepaw begins to act more friendly towards her Clanmates in hopes of connecting with them, and later learns that RiverClan is invading Sunningrocks. While in the battle, her and Snowpaw fight off Crookedpaw together, who renounces his friendship with the blue she-cat. RiverClan retreats, and Bluepaw can't help but be sad that she lost Crookedpaw's friendship. After she gets injured while running away from a fox, Bluepaw goes to Goosefeather for treatment. Suddenly, Goosefeather tells her that she's like fire and will blaze through the forest, warning her that even the strongest fire is doused by water. Stunned by his words, she asks Snowpaw what she thinks, but her sister just brushes it off before talking about her friend Thistlepaw, annoying Bluepaw as she and Thistlepaw have a mutual dislike of each other. A short time later, Bluepaw and Snowpaw have their warrior ceremonies, earning the names Bluefur and Snowfur. A few days after, Pinestar tells the newly named Bluefur that he forgot to take her to the Moonstone as part of her apprentice training. He takes her there, where she has a nightmare of drowning while sleeping next to it. When they return, Leopardfoot gives birth to her and Pinestar's kits: Mistkit, Nightkit and Tigerkit. The next morning, Bluefur along with Thistlepaw's sisters Rosepaw and Sweetpaw all have horrible bellyaches from a tainted mouse they shared together the other day. While Bluefur and Rosepaw are able to recover, Sweetpaw's condition worsens until she dies, and Thistlepaw volunteers to bury her. After Thistleclaw earns his warrior name, he and Snowfur grow closer much to Bluefur's agitation. When Pinestar steps down as leader and leaves to become a kittypet, Sunstar becomes the new leader of ThunderClan, though only has eight lives instead of nine due to Pinestar still being alive. While patrolling alone, Bluefur finds the RiverClan tom Oakheart sunning himself on ThunderClan's territory. Bluefur attacks him in a blind fury, before he knocks her into a stream. Bluefur panics, thinking that she's drowning, until Oakheart points out that the stream is shallow enough for her to stand in. Embarrassed, the blue warrior snaps at him to leave. After they part ways however, she starts to feel romantic feelings for him, repeatedly reminding herself that falling in love with someone outside your own Clan goes against the warrior code. When she gets back, Rosetail notices her fur being drenched and comments that she has the same look on her face that Snowfur gives Thistleclaw. She then tells Bluefur that Thrushpelt has been mooning after her lately, surprising Bluefur as she only ever considered him a good friend. Snowfur tells her sister that she's pregnant and that Thistleclaw is the father, and while Bluefur pretends to be excited, she's really devastated at this news. Much later, Snowfur gives birth to a singular white tom that she names Whitekit. Bluefur is stunned to see how lovingly Thistleclaw treats his mate. Later, when Whitekit is old enough to be left alone for a while, Bluefur takes Snowfur out for a walk, where her sister learns about her infatuation with Oakheart. They argue about Bluefur's codebreaking, before noticing two ShadowClan warriors trespassing onto ThunderClan territory. Snowfur quickly gives chase, pursuing them across the thunderpath. While she's crossing the thunderpath however, a monster appears and runs her over, killing her. Bluestar is destroyed by this, similarly to how she was when Moonflower died, and as she returns to camp with her sister's body she struggles to explain to Whitekit that his mother will not be coming back. Thistleclaw, blind with grief and fury, blames Bluefur for the death of his mate. Sunstar has a similar conversation with her to the one they had when Moonflower was killed, and Bluefur starts to avoid her nephew for being too much of a reminder of what happened to her sister. At the next Gathering, Oakheart reports twolegs coming into RiverClan's land. Bluefur is made uncomfortable when Rosetail starts to moon over the RiverClan warrior. Later, Bluefur and Thistleclaw get into frequent arguments over the former spending time with Whitekit. When Tigerpaw reaches six moons old, he is mentored by Thistleclaw, and Bluefur wonders why he chose him over her, though is glad that she at least gets to spend more time with Whitekit. A little while later, Bluefur is on a patrol near twolegplace with Thistleclaw and Tigerpaw, much to her ire. While on patrol, the three come across a small kittypet kit named Tiny. Thistleclaw orders his apprentice to attack the black kittypet to teach him a lesson about trespassing on Clan territory. Bluefur watches in horror before intervening, commanding Tigerpaw to stop his attack and letting the now injured kit run away. Thistleclaw is irritated at Bluefur's interference, saying that she's too soft for a warrior and doubting her loyalty to ThunderClan. Time passes, and Whitepaw is apprenticed to Patchpelt and later becomes a warrior named Whitestorm. Bluefur also becomes the mentor of Frostpaw, who becomes Frostfur. Eventually Sunstar decides that it's time to take back Sunningrocks from RiverClan. He gathers some warriors to go with him to RiverClan camp to discuss the matter, and Thistleclaw is annoyed by this, saying that real warriors fight for their territory instead of asking. Sunstar is able to trick the RiverClan leader Hailstar into giving back the Sunningrocks by making it look like it would be his fault if a battle broke out. On the way back to ThunderClan, Oakheart tells Bluefur to meet him in secret, as he has feelings for her. Though she knows it's going against the warrior code, Bluefur sneaks out at night after all her Clanmates have gone to sleep and meets Oakheart at Fourtrees, where the two spend the night together. Not wanting to just stand around, she challenges him to race up a tree, but Oakheart tells her that he can't climb. She teaches him how, and as they climb up the tree together, Oakheart promises to return the favor by teaching her how to swim one day. She doesn't admit that she's afraid of water due to Goosefeather's prophecy, instead wondering if StarClan is watching them when they reach the top. Oakheart replies that if StarClan can't see them from there, then they won't be able to see them anywhere. They get back to the ground and play fight for a while, when Oakheart tells Bluefur that he loves her and that the only thing that can hurt him is being apart from her. The two then build a nest and fall asleep together. The next day, Bluefur sneaks away from Fourtrees, worrying that a patrol might see her and Oakheart together. A while later, Leopardfoot tells Bluefur that the blue warrior is expecting kits after a Gathering. Knowing that Oakheart is the father, she doesn't know how she's going to explain it to the Clan. Learning of Bluefur's secret, Thrushpelt offers to pretend to be the father of the kittens. At the Sunningrocks, Bluefur stops Thistleclaw from trying to kill Oakheart, reporting his actions to Sunstar, though the leader brushes it off as the gray tom simply being loyal to his Clan. Later, Bluefur gives birth to three kits, naming them Mistykit, Stonekit and Mosskit after things that reminded her of the river, and by extension, Oakheart. Sunstar's deputy Tawnyspots falls ill, and is on the brink of death. Knowing that Tawnyspots will die and that Sunstar is on his last life, Bluefur realizes that whoever becomes deputy next will most likely go on to become leader. Determined to not let Thistleclaw take that role, she laments the fact that she must give up her kits if she wants a chance at becoming deputy. After discussing the matter with Oakheart and agreeing to bring the kits to RiverClan, she sneaks out with them during a snowstorm one night to take them to their father. Along the way, Mosskit dies of hypothermia and Bluefur grieves her loss before being forced to continue so that the remaining two don't face the same fate. She successfully brings Stonekit and Mistykit to RiverClan, somberly telling Oakheart that Mosskit didn't make it, before saying farewell to the three of them. When she returns to camp, she claims that a fox had stolen her kits from the nursery and ate them. After Tawnyspots dies of his sickness, Bluefur is chosen to be ThunderClan's new deputy. Sunstar dies soon after, and Featherwhisker takes her to the Moonstone to receive her nine lives. She gains a life of compassion from Pinestar, a life of endurance from Mumblefoot, a life of humor from Larksong, a life of hope from Sweetpaw, a life of courage from Sunstar, a life of patience from Goosefeather, a life of trust from Mosskit, a life of love from Moonflower, and finally a life of pride from Snowfur. Her sister tells her that StarClan had chosen her long ago and never regretted their choice. She then earns the name Bluestar, and chooses Redtail to be her deputy. Many moons later, Bluestar and Whitestorm see an orange kittypet named Rusty staring into the woods from where he sits on the fence. When she tells Spottedleaf about him, believing him to be the prophesied fire that will save the Clan, Spottedleaf replies that what she does next is up to her, and that whatever it may be, the tortoiseshell will support her.

    Blackfoot's Reckoning

    At Blackfoot's leadership ceremony in StarClan, Bluestar approaches him to give him his sixth life. He reflects on the damage he did to her Clan under the orders of Brokenstar and Tigerstar, and when Bluestar is about to give him a life, she asks if he's sure he wants it. Blackfoot affirms that he does, so she gives him a life of judgement. She tells him to use it to consider all options and the consequences of them in the future, before walking away to let the ceremony continue.

    Firestar's Quest

    When he begins to see wandering spirits everywhere, Firestar goes to the Moonstone to get answers from StarClan. There, Bluestar reveals that the ghosts were cats of the lost fifth Clan, SkyClan, which had been driven out of the forest many years ago. She then tells him to focus on ThunderClan, and he asks if it's StarClan's will to ignore the suffering of cats like the ones of SkyClan. She replies that there are some who would argue SkyClan wasn't meant to be in the forest in the first place, as Fourtrees represents the four current Clans. This only angers Firestar though, and he snarls at Bluestar, asking if SkyClan had to leave just because there weren't enough trees. She's shocked at this, but before she can reply, Firestar leaves. Later, Firestar and his mate Sandstorm set out on a journey to find SkyClan's descendants and rebuild the Clan. During a raging storm, Firestar looks up to see Bluestar's face in the clouds. She seems to be pleading with him about something, and Firestar tries asking her something before a flash of lightning makes her face disappear. After Firestar and Sandstorm get separated, the orange tom realizes she was trying to warn them about the storm.

    •Bluestar's name was originally going to be Moonstar, with her warrior name being Moonstone. This was changed since the authors felt that "moon" should be a sacred and special word, though this was retconned with the introduction of Moonflower, Ambermoon and Harveymoon.

    •Author Victoria Holmes says she likes the idea of Bluestar being a descendant of Mapleshade.

    •Bluestar and Whitestorm were not originally meant to be related while the first arc was being written, and it wasn't until Bluestar's Prophecy where they are revealed to be aunt and nephew.

    •Bluestar has given out the most lives during leadership ceremonies, at four in total.

    • 3 min
  5. smolcharizard. • 2 yr. ago. Vicky confirmed a while back that when she was writing Bluestar’s mental health decline after Tigerclaw’s betrayal she was trying to portray dementia, PTSD, and depression (it’s in one of Vikcy’s lockdown videos on Facebook where she talks about it if you’re interested).

  6. People also ask

  7. Bluestar was the leader of ThunderClan before Firestar and after Sunstar. She is an important character in The Prophecies Begin, a supporting character in many of the succeeding arcs, and the protagonist of Bluestar's Prophecy. Bluekit was born to Moonflower and Stormtail of ThunderClan alongside her sister, Snowkit. Both she-kits are apprenticed and receive the suffix 'paw. Bluepaw's mentor ...