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  1. In the end, they were talking about the origin of magic. Magic that is more powerful than immortality and death, love. They meant it literally. They used that magic to reincarnate themselves and provide a new destiny of where they meet and fall in love. Zeref was also voicing his wishes and regrets at the last minute.

    • Overview
    • Appearance
    • Personality
    • History
    • Synopsis
    • Magic and Abilities
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    • Trivia

    Mavis Vermillion (メイビス・ヴァーミリオン Meibisu Vāmirion) was the first Guild Master and co-founder of the Fairy Tail Guild. Despite her body being comatose and sealed within a Lacrima that has become to be known as Fairy Heart, she continues to interact with the guild and its members as a Thought Projection. Ultimately after a long time of being encased in...

    Mavis has very long, wavy, pastel yellow-blonde hair that reaches down to her feet with a small ahoge; large green eyes with no pupils; peachy skin and a slight child-like build. As a consequence of using an incomplete version of a grand Magic when she was thirteen to save Yuri Dreyar, her body was no longer able to grow or mature from that point o...

    Mavis is kind and protective of Fairy Tail. She cares, guides and protects the guild whenever it's possible. She seems to be quite cheerful as she's smiling and happy most of the time. Mavis can also be quite carefree and reckless, and this side of her is shown when she allowed Jellal Fernandes to participate in the Grand Magic Games as a part of Team Fairy Tail B, as long as it improved their chances of winning, despite the fact that if anyone found out about the ex-member of the Ten Wizard Saints and escaped convict, it could be disastrous to the guild. Another sign of her reckless nature is shown when she lent Fairy Glitter to Cana Alberona just to win the MPF event.

    Mavis is quite playful and to a certain degree, childish. She even left Tenrou Island just to cheer on Fairy Tail in the Grand Magic Games, solely because she was bored on the island. She seems to be indifferent to certain things. For example, when Mavis felt a malicious force coming from the Raven Tail guild members, she was not especially worried. Though playful, she can be quite serious at times. When it came to winning the Grand Magic Games, Mavis cast aside her smile, adopting a serious persona in which she stated she would lead Fairy Tail to victory, taking charge and giving out orders.

    Mavis was once given the epithet Fairy Tactician, as she led her team to many victories thanks to her exceptional skill in making strategies during battles. However, Mavis can miscalculate a strategy every now and then, and upon learning one was a failure, she usually doesn't take it well.

    Among one of her most noticeable quirks is that Mavis adores being barefoot. Out of comfort, she shuns shoes and chooses to always wander around barefooted everywhere she goes, and to emphasize this conspicuous habit, she is often shown at the perspective of her feet. It is a combination of traumatic events she endured at a young age and her own preferences that caused her to develop the habit. During her childhood, she was abused by Red Lizard Guild Master Zeeself, who made her give back the one pair of shoes he bought for her after he decided she doesn't deserve them, then threw them away when his daughter refused them, forcing Mavis to go without footwear. During her time on Tenrou Island, she grows so accustomed to her lack of shoes that even when she has freedom to use shoes again, she absentmindedly forgets to wear them. When Zera notices this and scolds her, Mavis cheerfully replied she feels better barefoot. She has apparently embraced the habit wholeheartedly, as she has not been seen wearing shoes since this incident.

    Another noteworthy element of her innocent and gentle nature is that she entertains a belief that fairies may exist, after her parents mentioned their existence in a fairy tale back when they were still around. As a result, this eventually inspires her with the name for her guild, and is at the core of many of the principles and values it and the vast majority of its guild members now have.

    For a time, Mavis lost her kindhearted, outgoing, and innocent demeanor. Upon discovering she had the Ankhseram Black Magic curse and would take life in return for how much she cares about it, she becomes a very frightened shell of her former self, driven to despair and madness. In this state, she starts exhibiting the concentric red eyes that Zeref has under the curse, and spends over a year in seclusion, far removed from anywhere she could possibly destroy innocent lives. Consequentially, Mavis's appearance goes from pure yet elegant to badly broken and disheveled. She becomes so hopeless that she tries and fails to end her life through starvation, but, upon seeing how Zeref is suffering from the curse just like her, she finds new hope through feelings of empathy and love, resolving to find a way to break the curse.

    Zerø arc

    In X679, Mavis, as a child, worked for the Red Lizard Guild, where she would either clean the guild's floor, the members' clothes or even make food. This was due to her parents' untimely death; she was forced to pay back her parents' debts to the guild and contribute to the guild that sustained her. Although, she was mistreated, she vowed never to cry, as her parents once told her that fairies never approached those who were cry-babies. In the year X679, Mavis awoke to find that her guild, Red Lizard, was under attack by another: Blue Skull. Running through the battlefield terrified, Mavis found the Guild Master's daughter, Zera, trapped under a pile of collapsed building. Mavis freed Zera and quickly rushed them towards a nearby forest, though Zera was hesitant to go and didn't want to abandon her guild or father. Convincing the girl that she can live on with her memories of them in her heart and that her life is more important, Mavis was shocked when the wounded Zera suddenly asked if they could be friends, as she had never had a true companion since her parents' untimely deaths. Though Mavis quickly agreed to Zera's request, she turned to see that the young girl had fallen to the ground. Despite shaking her, Zera lied immobile with Mavis crying desperately over her. Seven years later in X686, three mysterious men arrived on Tenrou Island, commenting on the beautiful climate. Standing in the shadows of the forest, Mavis smiled at them. As she sat and hummed to herself, she was approached by Zera, who scolded her for her dilly-dallying and stated that they agreed to clean out the library; remembering the day that Blue Skull attacked and left them as the sole survivors on Tenrou Island, the two girls got to work, though stop when Zera said she could hear somebody approaching. Zera hid as a man walks into the room, screaming in shock when he saw Mavis standing nearby as he thought the island was deserted. Mavis soon tricked the man into revealing that he is a treasure hunter by the name of Yuri Dreyar, and that he and his comrades came to the island in search of the rare Tenrou Jade artifact. Mavis told Yuri that the item is a relic of her people and that she will not tell him where it is or let him have it. Yuri, however, was determined to get the information out of Mavis and proposed a game of wits: should he win, he will be told the Tenrou Jade's location; should Mavis win, Yuri had to take her on his travels to meet fairies. The game was one of guessing information about the opponent and Mavis quickly loses the practice round she requested to test the waters. Confident in his upcoming victory, Yuri set up a Judgement Field and began the game. Through a tactic that astonished Yuri, Mavis managed to win the game, though before she could celebrate her victory, Warrod and Precht arrived to inform Yuri that they found the Tenrou Jade's resting place, but that the artifact was already gone. Shocked, Mavis and Yuri both confirmed the claim with their own eyes, with Mavis telling the men that she believed Blue Skull took the relic seven years ago during their raid. The men seemed hesitant to go out of their way to find a Mage Guild, though Mavis declared that she will help them and demanded they take her with them to the mainland. Despite being hesitant, the men eventually agreed, and that night prepared to leave; Yuri helped Mavis pack her belongings and is introduced to Zera. The man seems uncomfortable with the girl and tried to tell Mavis something, though the little girl ignored him, as she was excited for their upcoming adventure. Some time later, the group arrived in Hargeon Town and Precht decided to go scout around for intelligence on Blue Skull with Mavis by his side. The two end up in a bar talking to a tender, though are told that nobody in the area had heard of Blue Skull. Mavis, however, deduced through reason that the bartender was lying and, after he was called out, the man revealed that he himself is a Blue Skull member and trapped Mavis and Precht in a Magic Circle they are forbidden from leaving. As he planned to eliminate them, Mavis realized that one of the glyphs in the circle was false and steps out, using her Magic to intimidate the bartender into giving them everything they need, much to Precht's shock and admiration. Using the man's information, Mavis and her friends headed towards Magnolia Town, the apparent location of the Blue Skull headquarters. As they traveled, she slowly grew closer to the three treasure hunters as they talked and bonded, and came to trust them quite a bit. One night when they stopped to camp, Mavis spoke to Zera, with the girl asking her to teach her Magic for self-defense. Mavis agreed, and together the two swam, reminiscing about their time on the island. Some time later, the group arrived at Magnolia Town, though are shocked to find it barren and demolished with a humongous Dragon skeleton perched on what once was the famous Kardia Cathedral. They soon encountered an old man who told them that Magnolia's dilapidated state was due to the presence of Blue Skull in the city, but before he could continue he was suddenly killed by some Blue Skull members who turned on the group. Precht, Warrod, and Yuri easily defeated them but the noise attracted a much larger force. Mavis immediately reacted to their presence, having created an army of soldiers with her Illusion Magic, which frightened her opponents and caused them to stop. She asked to see their Master who eventually walked out from the crowd of Blue Skull members. Mavis demanded the Tenrou Jade to be returned lest she unleash her power, but the Blue Skull Master was unfazed and saw through her Magic, dispelling it himself and sending his subordinates in to attack. Yuri and Precht were injured in the ensuing melee (the latter having lost his eye), but Warrod recovered them and pushed through to escape into the forest with Mavis and Zera. While recovering in the forest, Mavis volunteered to collect some water and think upon her actions. At a nearby pond, looking at her reflection, she was surprised by a young man bursting from the water. The man, Zeref, quickly dressed himself and prepared to leave, not wanting to cause her harm due to dangerous Magic. Much to his surprise, however, Mavis correctly deduced the nature of his Magic, which she recognized as also being a curse cast upon him. She asked if he was lonely and he responded that he was unsure, but happy to have merely talked to her, but quickly tried to leave lest he accidentally hurt her. Mavis then summoned a large number of animals to ease Zeref of his loneliness and asked him if he could teach her and her friends Magic. He agreed and for the next few days taught the group various types of Magic, resulting in Mavis calling herself the "Black Wizard." After briefing her peers of their plan within the forest, they all moved out into the city, where Mavis stood idle alongside Zera within a rampaging crowd in Magnolia. Upon encountering Geoffrey within the blazed city, Mavis attempted to strike fear into him by threatening to take revenge over the Tenrou Island massacre. After being called out on her illusion, she revealed that they had isolated him away from the city. After being warned not to touch the Tenrou Jade, Mavis disregarded his warning, until Geoffrey informed her that if the Jade is touched, it will destroy all of Magnolia, leaving Mavis astonished. Mavis, accompanied by Zera, made her way to the Kardia Cathedral, where she saw Yuri and Precht; after some brief banter, she asked if Yuri had the Tenrou Jade, which he affirmed, but stated that he had no desire to hand it over. Mavis told him to drop the stone as it carried extremely dark, dangerous properties that they were all unaware of, however Yuri did not believe this and obstinately refused, even in spite of Precht's plea to drop the stone as well. Mavis then watched as the Tenrou Jade engulfed Yuri in light, after which the skeletal blue Dragon above them came to life and started ravaging Magnolia. Mavis quickly deduced that Yuri was overwhelmed by the Tenrou Jade and became fused with the Dragon skeleton, and then immediately resolved to try and bring Yuri back to his senses. She, however, failed and was nearly killed by Yuri until Precht saved her at the last second. Precht resolved at that point to kill Yuri, but Mavis continued to refuse to do so, and claimed that although she may not be a treasure hunter, she would save Yuri and Magnolia and protect her friends, as she hunts the treasure of friendship. Mavis, quickly running out of options, decided to use the dangerous Magic Law, taught to her by Zeref as a means of protecting others even if it threatened her life in return. She lured Yuri to her by casting an illusion of gold coins showering down over Magnolia, which caused a hint of Yuri's avaricious nature to emerge and go after the coins despite being under control of the Tenrou Jade. Mavis then leaped onto the Dragon skeleton and prepared to use the spell even though Zera pleaded with her not to, knowing that Mavis hadn't had ten years to complete and promised not to use it until then, because in an incomplete state the price at which it needed to be cast was unpredictable and could potentially kill her. Zera, having jumped on the skeleton to protect her, was urged by Mavis to flee and get someplace safer while she protected her friends. Mavis wished to make her adventure with everyone be a fond experience to look back on, refusing to let it end in tragedy. As Zera reaffirmed she was Mavis's dear friend, the skeleton threw her into the air. Mavis used this opportunity to land in front of the Dragon head and cast Law, releasing Yuri from the Tenrou Jade in a blinding burst of light. The skeleton crumbled apart and the Jade shattered, restoring Yuri to his former self. However, afterward, Mavis collapsed on the ground, unresponsive. Later, Mavis was taken to a specialist who told her that due to using the incomplete version of Law, Mavis would no longer be able to grow. Mavis then went into a forest, where Yuri later found her and tearfully apologized, but she comforted him and told him that it was her choice. A little bit after this, they sat down and talked and Yuri told Mavis that they would be friends "until the very end." He then said that because they are friends, he had to tell her that Zera wasn't real, but an illusion of her own creation. Mavis tried to point out Zera to Yuri, but he reaffirmed that he could not see her. Zera then confirmed Yuri's beliefs, admitting to Mavis that she died during the Blue Skull's Raid and had been a creation of Mavis' Magic ever since that day. In disbelief, Mavis tried to argue the fact, though Zera showed that she was already starting to fade away now that Mavis had become aware of her non-existence. Mavis began to break down, but Zera comforted her, promising Mavis that they will always be together in her heart. Mavis ultimately accepted the fact that Zera wasn't real, which allowed Yuri to see her; Zera entrusted Yuri with the job of looking after Mavis before disappearing completely. Later, Mavis tells Yuri, Precht, and Warrod that she wants to start a Mage guild. Despite their initial reluctance, they agree and leave Sylph Labyrinth to help found the guild. In April of X686, Mavis and the others built the guild building, and all four took a photo as a sign that Fairy Tail had been born. Mavis later entrusted the guild to Precht to serve as its second master, and, in gratitude, after her death the members of Fairy Tail made her a grave on Fairy Tail's holy grounds: Tenrou Island.


    Shortly after the formation of Fairy Tail, war had broken out and Mages were used as soldiers for the Second Trade War. Mavis, acting as a strategist, ordered the soldiers to have the left wing retreat. The other soldiers were flabbergasted by such an order and told her that doing so would ruin everything. Mavis explained what the enemy would be thinking and said she could think of 49 ways to deal with the problem but first the left wing needs to retreat. With that having been taken care of, Yuri, Precht and Warrod joked around about Mavis being a princess before they, and the rest of the guild members, stepped out into battle themselves with Mavis having told them that she believes in them. After the battle concludes, the other soldiers looked in in disbelief as Fairy Tail defeated the countless enemy numbers by themselves. Back at the guild, the members celebrated but Mavis sulked, telling Yuri she wonders how many lives were lost that day and wondering how much longer the war would last as she wanted to go on an adventure. After the war ended, Mavis walked out into the woods were she came upon Zeref once more. Mavis, excited to see him, jumped at him but Zeref told her not to come near as he is cursed. Mavis ignored him and hugged him anyway. She then told him that thanks to him, they won their fight. After some light conversation, Zeref decided to reveal his true identity to Mavis as the Black Mage Zeref. Mavis yelled that he is nothing like the stories, although Zeref remarked they are mostly true. She then looked at him and told him he has very kind eyes, causing Zeref to say she has such innocence. Mavis struck up more conversation then by saying Yuri was to be a father soon. Zeref commented that it seemed odd for that boy to be a father but Mavis stated that it had been 10 years. He commented that Mavis had not changed though, to which Mavis replied that it was the cost she paid for using Law. Zeref then informed her that it is not that she had stopped aging, but rather that she had become immortal like him. He then asked if she had chosen what kind of lives she would be taking. Zeref explained that she had the same curse as him, that the more she cared about life, the more people would die. She told him that no one had died around her, but he remarked that it was likely due to the war and that she had seen life differently because of it, as such she does not know the true meaning of taking a life. Mavis then broke into tears, asking how he could say such things. Zeref simply smirked and stated he is everything the rumors made him out to be. As she ran off crying, Zeref said she had always had the power to walk alongside him. While she ran back to the guild, crying that she does know the value of life, Yuri's son was born. Mavis was requested to name the newborn child and she decided to name him "Makarov," after a prince she once read about. As the guild members began cheering, Yuri's wife, Rita, suddenly died, and Mavis blamed herself for it, Zeref's words echoing on her mind. She ran away from the guild, and lived a solitary life away from people she could potentially take the lives of, after discovering her curse of Ankhseram was now active and she couldn't control it. A year later, Zeref found her, looking skinny and depraved but otherwise alive, despite not eating for half a year. Zeref informed Mavis that there is no way for them to die while under the curse, even if their heads were taken off. Begging for release from the curse, Mavis asked Zeref to kill her, but he explained to her that even he can't do this, nor can she kill him, and in lieu of wishing for death, has decided to make the most of the curse's effects. Zeref discussed his plans to create an empire and start a war with Mavis, but as he spoke on, Mavis noticed that his words began to contradict his motives, and some of the things he thought were distortions of his thoughts brought about by the curse, watching Zeref wrestle between a desire to see his brother and live on, and the curse then making him desire to destroy his brother and himself. As Mavis tried to comfort him, she felt a relatable sadness towards Zeref's suffering, and this brought her out of her despair. Crying heavily, she finally responds by hugging him, and promising that they will stay together. A teary eyed Zeref admitted how he had never loved anyone this much before, and the two shared a kiss. Unfortunately, it was one that took Mavis' life away due to the effects of their shared curse. This act of love between the two wizards with the curse was the highest contradiction of its power. This caused the effects of the curse to reach to grow far more potent in light of this love, able to take away even the immortal life it granted. Though Mavis was supposed to be unable to die, she seemingly perished, leaving Zeref to cry over her body. Afterwards, Mavis' body was taken to Precht by Zeref. He sensed Magic Power still emanating from her heart, so, in his despair to save her, he trapped her in a giant Lacrima in the guild basement, performing various regenerative experiments on her before figuring out that she was under Ankhseram's curse. Continuing the experiments on her long after he became Master, Precht's intellect combined with Mavis' own immortal life force gave birth to the eternal Magic Fairy Heart, an infinite source of Magic Power. Somehow, after this, Mavis bore a son named August, of whom Zeref is the father.

    Tenrou Island arc

    Locating Mavis' grave is the second part of the most recent S-Class Mage Promotion Trial and Cana Alberona is the first to reach her grave. As Cana stands before the grave, a card in her bag suddenly glows, the Help Lucy Card, a card that will only glow if her partner Lucy Heartfilia is in trouble. Seeing the card and remembering what she had done to Lucy, Cana begins to cry realizing that she betrayed her friend and guild by putting the S-Class exam first. Determined to rescue her friends, Cana approaches the grave and asks Mavis to lend her the power to protect Fairy Tail, saying that she loves her guild. Hearing Cana's words, Mavis somehow telepathically comforts Cana and lends her the power to use one of the three great Fairy Magics, Fairy Glitter. Later Acnologia arrives at the island and begins to fight the members of Fairy Tail. Mavis uses her Ethereal abilities to create a body for herself and watches her guild members fight from afar. She uses the power of the faith and bonds between them to cast the ultimate defense spell, Fairy Sphere, to save them from when Acnologia tried to use its roar to destroy the island and everyone on it. Although Mavis saved everyone, the use of Fairy Sphere caused them to be trapped in a frozen state for seven years.

    X791 arc

    Seven years after the attack of Acnologia, Mavis, standing on the surface of the ocean near the location where the aforementioned event took place, encounters the remaining members of her guild looking for their missing comrades. Seeing the group, Mavis raises both her hands and Tenrou Island appears inside a giant sphere bearing the mark of her guild. She then leads the group to Natsu and the others and reveals how she used the Fairy Sphere spell which is the reason why the S-Class Trial participants had been absent for the past 7 years. After telling the story and reminding the guild about the power of unwavering faith and resilient bonds, Mavis disappears, happy that her guild became a happy one.

    Grand Magic Games arc

    Mavis later appears at the Grand Magic Games to cheer for Fairy Tail, much to the surprise of all the members present. She assures them not to worry, stating that only those with the Fairy Tail crest can see her. After Fairy Tail's B team is revealed to have also made it through to the finals, Mavis notices the masked man pretending to be Mystogan is not a member of the guild. As Makarov apologies profusely, Mavis notices herself that Jellal is not evil and even has the same "heart" as everyone else in the guild. After hearing that he was once one of the Ten Wizard Saints, she states that she will allow him to participate for Fairy Tail's victory. As the first battle of the games begins, Mavis wonders what the aim of Raven Tail is, seeing that they are only targeting her guild members. Makarov tells her that they just want to embarrass them but Mavis thinks that it is too simple for a goal. During the battle between Lucy Heartfilia and Flare Corona, she quickly figures out the reason that Urano Metria failed was due to outside assistance. As the battle between the disguised Jellal Fernandes and Jura Neekis of Lamia Scale is about to commence, Mavis looks on perturbed. As Makarov seeks to allay what he assumed was worry over whether or not Jellal could defeat Jura, Mavis declares that she needs to use the restroom, which shocks everyone as she is a spirit. However, she later genuinely looks disappointed when Jellal loses. The next day she was also seen in Fairy Tail's corner and is stunned speechless at the Dragon Slayers' dismal performance during the racing event, however by the end of the race she was smiling at Natsu's determination. During the rest of the day, she mostly stays silent, only commenting once, on the rarity of Kurohebi's Mimic. Again during the third day she was seen with the other non-competing Fairy Tail members. She was surprised like nearly everyone else when Erza Scarlet challenged all 100 monsters during Pandemonium, but was later happily cheering when Erza won the event. When the remaining contestants use "MPF" to determine their scores, Mavis shows confidence in Cana when she steps up for her turn. When Cana reveals her Fairy Glitter tattoo, Mavis reveals that she lent her the spell again so that her team can win, adding that she already has enough Magic Power to use it. After Laxus fights and defeats the entire Team Raven Tail, when the fight was supposed to be with him and "Alexei," Mavis looks on ominously as a spectator. She later comments briefly about Sherria Blendy's Magic Power. She later realizes that Sherria is using a lost form of Magic known as Sky God Slayer Magic and watches as the battle goes on. As the Games' third day comes to a conclusion, Mavis joins in on Makarov and Laxus' conversation about Lumen Histoire. She informs the Lightning Dragon Slayer that Lumen Histoire is not "darkness," but rather, it is Fairy Tail's "Light." She adds that such information is disclosed only to the guild's masters and thanks Laxus when the latter refuses to know more about such. Mavis suspects Precht had leaked the information on the Lumen Histoire to Raven Tail, and blames herself as she begins to cry over her poor choice for Fairy Tail's second master. Later that night, Mavis goes to Ryuzetsu Land with Makarov and Laxus to have some fun in the pool. As she plays around holding her breath underwater, she is spotted by Lucy, who questions why they are there. Once she is alone with Laxus, though, Mavis tells him about Yuri as his great-grandfather. As Laxus hears about him for the first time, Mavis further explains how he bears a striking resemblance to Yuri, protecting and caring about his friends regardless of the situation. In the same evening, Natsu manages to blow the building sky high trying to melt some of Gray and Lyon's ice, and Mavis cries alongside Makarov when she hears that Fairy Tail will be charged for all the repair costs. Later, she watches as the new team Fairy Tail appears and says that it's time to show the strength of their bonds. During the starting battle of the fourth day, Mavis, along the rest of the guild members, is shocked as it is revealed that the rabbit from Blue Pegasus is Nichiya. As the fourth day's third tag battle gets underway, Mavis comments on Sting's and Rogue's White Drive and Shadow Drive being Magic amplification techniques. As the battle rages on, Mavis is surprised to see that Sting and Rogue are able to use Dragon Force at will. She remains surprised even after they have fully activated such a technique. However, as the battle progresses, her expression softens and becomes more cheerful when Natsu starts taking on his opponents solely. As she watches, she thinks to herself about how the power of friendship can take down most obstacles in one's path. Mavis celebrates Team Fairy Tail's first victory against Team Sabertooth and is thrilled to see Fairy Tail in the lead with forty-five points. When Team Fairy Tail enters the arena, Mavis happily watches as the rest of the guild cheers. Mavis praises Makarov to have thought a lot about Lucy's arrest. They discuss about having already sent a search team to rescue Lucy in case the King doesn't give her back when they win. As the event of the last day begins, Mavis watches as Team Fairy Tail remains in their place while other teams scatter across the area. Upon Makarov exasperatedly wondering why the team isn't moving, Mavis explains that over the last several days, she has been observing their opponents and formulating a strategy, which she passed on to the Mages so as to achieve victory. Standing up, she proclaims it's the time to go, at which point the members of the team rush into battle. As the team goes in to fight, Mavis announces that there is a 97% chance that Rufus will make a move. Watching as Rufus unleashes his Memory-Make: A Night of Falling Stars attack, Mavis notes that upon seeing the lights, one has a chance to dodge and watches as several do so. Since the attack is composed of lightning, Laxus is able to block the attack, as Mavis predicted. She then stated that Rufus' next move will not hinder them. Mavis continues explaining the moves the members of Team Fairy Tail will make to confront their opponents. The rest of Fairy Tail members are amazed at how accurate her Fairy Star Strategy plans are and Makarov recalls the nickname she was given due to her strategic abilities, The Fairy Tactician. As the number of participants are decimated, Mavis notes that the battles are going to get harder, specifically stating that Jura Neekis will be difficult to deal with. As Gray prepares to battle Rufus, Mavis explains that Rufus is key to Sabertooth's plans and it is vital that Gray defeats him, though she's not certain that he can. Recalling a past conversation in which Gray himself volunteered to go after Rufus, Mavis notes that emotions should help him in battle and asks him to show their power. As the battle continues with Gray on the ropes, Mavis looks on but breathes a sigh of relief when Gray ultimately comes out the winner, referring to his victory as "splendid." Later, Mavis clenches her dress tightly as Makarov remembers his written apologies. Soon after, while the Fairy Tail Mages continue advancing, Mavis watches as Sherria attacks Juvia, just as she had predicted. Though the others say Sherria can't be beaten due to her healing ability, Mavis states it doesn't matter since Juvia can hold her off while Erza fights Minerva. However, to Mavis' surprise, Erza encounters Kagura instead. As the two battle, Mavis begins crying as she wonders where her calculations went wrong and continues crying as Minerva later joins the fight. Her tears soon cease though as she watches the three powerful women begin their assault on one another, clasping her hands together tensely as the three fight. When Minerva later begins to use her Magic to its full extent, Mavis recognizes it and can only stare open-mouthed at the spells she casts. Later, while Gajeel is mentioning Mavis failing in her predictions, she is seen still crying over this. Some time later, Mavis shows excitement after witnessing Erza's miraculous comeback from a seemingly one sided fight. Later, during Gajeel's battle against Rogue, Mavis watches the battle with interest as she notes Rogue to have been possessed by an evil Magic, one which she does not recognize. After Gajeel wins the fight, Mavis is still wondering about the dark Magic that even she is unaware of. Mavis then silently watches as the Grand Magic Games proceeds, and is shocked to see Jura easily defeating Orga. As Jura then turns on Laxus, Mavis watches from beside Makarov as the two clash, smiling when Laxus manages to land some blows.[100] When Makarov appears shocked by Laxus' abilities, Mavis comments that he didn't expect him to be so strong, his expression whilst watching the fight giving this fact away.[101] Continuing to see Laxus make use of some powerful attacks, Mavis comments that all of the youth in the guild are growing up. Urging them forward like the wind in their battles, Mavis states that their blood, sweat and tears are a beautiful thing, and that they should show no fear, whilst in Crocus, the Mages of Fairy Tail all stand and push themselves forward in their fights.[102] With Team Fairy Tail now confronting Sting, Mavis waits for the outcome while Team Fairy Tail stands defiantly against Sting. After Sting caves in and surrenders to Fairy Tail, Mavis, along with the rest of her guild, cheer in delight as they claim the title of the strongest guild.[103] Mavis then smiles as Sting and Lector reunite with each other. However, the moment of happiness is short lived as Mavis notices something around the city of Crocus.[104] Later, Mavis is seen celebrating and rejoicing with the guild, playfully claiming the results were just as she calculated.[105] Mavis is then present at Crocus as the 7 Dragons controlled by Future Rogue attack Fiore's Mages. When Laxus, with the support of the Thunder God Tribe, decides to fight Atlas Flame on his own, she supports the plan, agreeing with Natsu that only a Dragon Slayer can hurt a Dragon and tells Gajeel to intercept another Dragon. She then guides the rest of the Fairy Tail members to attack the monsters that were hatched from Motherglare's eggs.[106] Later, after the battle is over and the Dragons return to their own time, Mavis is seen looking at the town from above, noting with saddened expression that not even a single Dragon Slayer managed to defeat any of the Dragons.[107] During the royal ball at the Mercurius Castle, Mavis appears behind Wendy and states, drooling at a piece of jello, that it does indeed look delicious, surprising the Sky Dragon Slayer. Still mesmerized by the food, Mavis states that she wishes to try some, but Wendy asks her to show some restraint, as she is a ghost, much to Sherria's confusion. Wendy then asks Mavis if she has seen Natsu, to which she replies that she hasn't. Also stating that Natsu's absence is uncharacteristic of him, Sherria feels Mavis' presence behind her, and asks Wendy to help her.[108] As Fairy Tail celebrates their victory in the Grand Magic Games after returning to Magnolia, Mavis goes to a nearby forest where she greets Zeref, stating that she knew the Black Wizard was watching the games. Zeref tells Mavis that though he cannot see or hear her, he knows she is there. Acknowledging that they were both close to one another seven years ago, Mavis asks if Zeref is still looking for a place to die, to which he states that it has been decided. Zeref tells her he has seen many atrocities in his life but always hoped a new era would eliminate them, wondering how many times people will continue making the same mistakes. Mavis states that they are just living, but Zeref disagrees, stating that what they are doing is not truly living and that "humans" are already dead. Mavis asks if he has stopped waiting, to which Zeref replies that if the world rejects him, he will deny it as well. Mavis states that Fairy Tail accepts the world, but Zeref argues that what he is doing will be the gift of harmony and regeneration. When the First Master asks if there will be fighting, Zeref, with his eyes flaring, exclaims that there will instead be a one-sided annihilation as everyone will die. Mavis then puts on a similar expression and tells the Black Wizard that her guild will stop and annihilate him in turn as the two legendary Mages stare at one another.[109]

    Illusion Magic (幻影魔法, Genei Mahō): During her time at Tenrou Island, Mavis was self-taught Illusion Magic. Her illusions are so detailed that they appear to be truly life-like, and Mavis has used them on occasion to intimidate people, such as by creating fearsome beasts that look deadly[152] and summoning an army of knights.[153]

    •Heavenly Wolf (天狼 Tenrō): Mavis raises her arms above her head and creates an illusion of a humongous wolf. The wolf's frightening face and forelegs appear to be covered in a dark flame pattern, and its paws sprout saplings similar to the ones seen on Tenrou Island.[154]

    •Tenrou Soldier (天狼兵 Tenrōhei): Mavis raises her arms above her head and creates an illusion of a whole army. All of the "knights" wield a sword, shield with an insignia of wings, and wear armor.[153] However, the Guild Master of Blue Skull could see through the illusion, causing it to dissipate.[155]

    •Guardian Eagle: Mavis summons a massive eagle-like creature with big wings, with spouted saplings on his shoulders and claws, resembling those on the Tenrou Island. The illusion is noted to appear as being incredibly life-like.[156]

    Fairy Glitter (妖精の輝き(フェアリーグリッター) Fearī Gurittā): Fairy Glitter is one of the Three Great Magics of Fairy Tail. It is a Magic that rivals Fairy Law and is a radiance of merciless light that rejects the presence of any foes.[157] It is also an exceedingly complex and unfathomably intricate spell that collects and concentrates the light of the sun, the moon and the stars.[158] Mavis transferred this Magic to Cana Alberona temporarily.[159]

    Fairy Sphere (妖精の球(フェアリースフィア) Fearī Sufia): Mavis used this Magic by converting the Fairy Tail members' bonds and faith into Magic Power. It is a Magic that will protect the Guild from any evil; an absolute defense Magic. However, Fairy Sphere also acts as a stasis chamber, and anyone trapped inside will not age.[160] It's powerful enough to protect Tenrou Island and everyone on it from Acnologia's Dragon's Roar, and to keep it sealed for seven years.

    Magic Diving Equipment: Mavis has shown to don this equipment, allowing to travel underwater without repercussions.[179]

    •Originally, Mavis was supposed to be an "old-grandpa" male. However, after Mashima found out that Mavis is a female name, he immediately redesigned Mavis to be a girl. Her being a small child was also something he wanted to be "unexpected" to the readers.[184]

    •Mavis being more incorporated in the story was due to the unexpected popularity from the readers' impressions.[185]

    • 2 min
  2. Jul 4, 2015 · 80's. July 2, X784. Lucy Heartfilia runs into Natsu Dragneel and Happy.The three meet, battle, and defeat Bora. Lucy is invited to join Fairy Tail. July 4, X784. Lucy Heartfilia joins Fairy Tail. Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia vs. Vulcan (Macao Conbolt) Macao Conbolt is saved by Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia and brought back to his son ...

  3. Mystogan (ミストガン Misutogan), whose real name is Jellal (ジェラール Jerāru),[1] is a former S-Class Mage of Fairy Tail[4] and the current King of Edolas. He was also considered the most mysterious member of the guild, as he did not show himself, or his face, at all.[5] He is the Edolas counterpart of Jellal Fernandes.[6]. He is also the romantic partner of Erza Knightwalker and ...

    • Staff Writer
    • The Manga Releases New Volumes Slowly. Hiro Mashima and Atsuo Ueda are both working hard to create 100 Years Quest and deliver it to fans, but it's not easy, and the manga industry as a whole has had some hardships within the last year and a half.
    • The Story Is Fast-Paced. The original Fairy Tail proceeded at a leisurely pace, with the Grand Magic Games Tournament arc taking up many episodes and the Tartaros arc being nearly as long.
    • The Cast Of Characters Is Streamlined. Like other major shonen series, Fairy Tail has a large and diverse cast of characters, since the story keeps introducing more, and relatively few characters actually die.
    • 100 Years Quest Will Get An Anime Soon. The original Fairy Tail series was popular enough to get its own anime, which was animated by two different animation studios.
  4. › wiki › Fairy_TailFairy Tail - Wikipedia

    Fairy Tail (stylized in all caps) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima. It was serialized in Kodansha 's Weekly Shōnen Magazine from August 2006 to July 2017, with the individual chapters collected and published into 63 tankōbon volumes. The story follows the adventures of Natsu Dragneel, a member of the popular ...

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