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Feb 2, 2024 · 🔶 Patreon: / 97735334 Today I am going to teach you 5 Easy Strumming Patterns in 4/4 on guitar. The idea is to develop a better understanding of rhythm allowing us to be more versatile and...
- 11 min
- 7.1K
- Sped Spedding
In this beginner guitar video I teach you 2 basic strumming patterns that are easy to play and can be used with thousands of songs with the 4/4 time signatur...
- 3 min
- 202.4K
- BoogieBoy36
In this lesson, I’ll show you two “must know” patterns. These patterns are easy to learn, and your chord playing will sound better right away.
- 6 min
- 2.5K
- Godfrey Guitar
Nov 13, 2024 · These patterns have been carefully curated based on real data from approximately 350 song tutorials on my YouTube channel. So, get your guitar ready, and let’s dive into these essential strumming techniques! Mastering Dynamics with Four Downstrokes (Pattern 1)
Nov 2, 2022 · The 3/4 Pattern. Up until this point, our focus has been on songs with a time signature of 4/4. Here’s a handy strumming pattern that you can use to play in either 3/4 or 6/8. The pattern is quite short and easy to remember, so you shouldn’t find it too challenging to get under your fingers.
Sep 10, 2022 · If you're looking for straightforward, easy songs in 4/4 time to play along with on the guitar, we have the list for you!
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Aug 21, 2024 · 4/4 Time Signature: In this guide, we are using one bar count in a 4/4 time signature to explain the strumming styles. A 4/4 beat consists of 4 quarter notes that are equally spaced from each other, and we have named them 1,2,3, and 4 in our charts.