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  1. A Key to Common Diagnostic Horizons in Soil Taxonomy EPIPEDONS: 1. An “A” horizon is a histic epipedon (one or more horizons) that is characterized by saturation (for 30 days or more, cumulative) and reduction for some time during normal years (or is artificially drained) and either: 1. Consists of organic soil material (see below) that: a.

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  2. Diagnostic horizons are typical results of soil-forming processes, but with a minimum thickness and therefore recognizable as horizontal layers. The definitions of many RSGs in the key (Chapter 4) and the definitions of many qualifiers (Chapter 5) ask for the presence or absence of diagnostics at certain depths.

  3. Argic horizons are normally associated with and situated below eluvial horizons, i.e. horizons from which clay and iron have been removed. Although initially formed as a subsurface horizon, argic horizons may occur at the surface as a result of erosion or removal of the overlying horizons. 1. Fine clay: <0.2 μm.

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  4. Other soil horizons have lost such materials. In the classification and mapping of soils, the petlologist studies the properties of each soil horizon in situ and, on the basis of this study, selects si1es for obtaining samples of soils for characterization in the laboratory. The diagnostic soil horizons more commonly referred

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  5. Diagnostic criteria. An andic horizon must have the following physical, chemical and mineralogical properties (Shoji et al, 1996; Berding, 1997): 1. bulk density of the soil at field capacity (no prior drying) of less than 0.9 kg dm -3; and. 2. 10 percent or more clay and an Al ox + 1/2Fe ox6 value in the fine earth fraction of 2 percent or ...

  6. Diagnostic criteria. An anthraquic horizon is a surface horizon consisting of mineral material and has: a puddled layer with the following Munsell colours, moist, in ≥ 80% of its exposed area: a hue of 7.5YR or yellower, a value of ≤ 4 and a chroma of ≤ 2; or. a hue of GY, B or BG and a value of ≤ 4; and.

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  8. Aug 5, 2016 · Soil Taxonomy • Six categorical levels: –Order –Suborder –Great Group –Subgroup –Family –Series • A soil's placement in a particular taxon depends on the presence or absence of diagnostic horizons and features • A soil's classification offers information on processes that have been important in its development

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