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“At once, I commence to outgrow fear”. Now I have the Power I need to walk through the fear and live God’s will. I can now become what He would have me be… Another way to look at Fears: each one. Write out a fear inventory in paragraph form using the topics below. What is the Fear? What was my Belief System with regard to this fear?
This technique works with many kinds of fears and specific situations that make you anxious. It is recommended that you create your Exposure Hierarchy with a supportive professional.
Specifically tailored for situations involving contamination fears, the Fear Hierarchy Worksheet facilitates exposure exercises, including real-life and imaginal exposure. It offers a structured means to confront feared stimuli associated with contamination anxieties.
A Fear Ladder is a list of things that provoke fear or discomfort and situations you’d typically try to steer clear of. This list acts as a roadmap, helping determine what you should gradually confront and when you need help in conquering your fears.
Fear Inventory Who do we Inventory Fear 1. Fear is a wrong. Fear is wrong belief 2. The Book says fear is evil for us 3. It is an evil and corroding thread; the fabric of our existence is shot through with it! 4. It sets in motion trains of circumstances which brought us misfortune (which we felt we didn't deserve) 5.
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Use the Exposure Hierarchy worksheet during exposure therapy to introduce your clients to feared stimuli in a gradual, stepwise fashion. In collaboration with your clients, begin by creating a list of anxiety-producing situations and rate the severity of anxiety they would provoke if confronted.
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How do you write a fear worksheet?
What is a fear ladder?
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STEP FEAR RATING 13 Use toilet at mall 10+/10 12 Use hands to open and close stall door 10/10 11 Touch counter and taps in mall bathroom 9/10 10 Touch knob on mall bathroom door 9/10 9 Touch garbage can in the mall 8/10 8 Use public phone at mall 8/10 7 Use hands to push open doors to mall entrance 7/10 6 Touch table in the food court 7/10 5