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Feb 27, 2014 · Here’s our collection of FREE youth group lessons. We save you time & money by creating youth ministry curriculum and resources to help you point students to Jesus. If you like the free lessons below, you’ll love what’s available in our online store.
- Accountability
A CHRISTMAS STORY – A new youth ministry series taking an in...
- Perspective
Here's a free youth group lesson on "perspective" based on...
- Following Jesus
Youth Group Lesson – Following Jesus. DOWNLOAD THE PDF OF...
- Humility
Youth Group Lesson on Humility. DOWNLOAD THE PDF OF THIS...
- Thanksgiving
Nick Diliberto, Ministry to Youth. Looking for youth...
- Comparison
Here's a free youth group lesson on the topic of comparison...
- 1 Corinthians 13 (Selfless Love)
- Prayer
Youth Group Lesson on Prayer. DOWNLOAD THE PDF OF THIS...
- Accountability
Oct 9, 2022 · Lesson Overview: Laying your life down for others is a core value in Christianity. Jesus laid His life down for us, so in response, we lay our lives down in service to others. This Youth Group Lesson unpacks what it means to truly serve others in humility. Bible: Matthew 22:36-40; Matthew 25:31-45; Romans 12:11.
Nov 21, 2024 · Looking for free, interactive youth group curriculum? Check out these lessons from our store: Jesus is Life: This curriculum is about how Jesus is more than just a part of our lives; He is our life! Every session in this 3-week Bible study includes a game, discussion questions, and student challenges.
Dare 2 Share’s free Youth Group 2 Go Bible studies have everything you need to quickly prepare a lesson for your students, and you can tailor it to your time constraints. These lessons focus on specific stand-alone topics about theology and how to help teens understand and live out their faith.
Here is a free youth Ministry curriculum. Complete with devotionals, small group discussion guides, sermon series scripts, and graphics. We updated our website!
Spend some time before this lesson thinking about the specific families of the students in the youth group and pray for those who you know might be struggling.
People also ask
What are some free youth group lessons?
What is a free youth group Bible lesson?
Where can I find interactive Bible study resources for youth ministry?
Why do you need a free youth ministry curriculum?
What is a good Bible lesson for young people?
How can a youth learn the Bible?
Here are some of our free youth group lessons that are popular right now: Fruit of the Spirit – Bible: John 15:5, Galatians 5:20:22–23, Proverbs 16:32, Matthew 5:43–48. Bottom Line: Stay connected to Jesus and good stuff comes out of your life.