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Jun 13, 2019 · What is a glissando? 2015 ABC Young Performer's Award winner Lloyd van't Hoff demonstrates the glissando and how they work on the clarinet, with the help of George Gershwin's classic,...
- 2 min
- 32.4K
- ABC Classic
Feb 9, 2022 · Though the twinkling tones of a harp’s glissando may be difficult to conjure in real life, working with your favorite DAW or keyboard makes it easy to craft your own glistening arpeggios in an...
- 5 min
- 9K
- Sweetwater
Glissando is a musical term that refers to a continuous slide upward or downward between two notes. It is an expressive technique used in various musical genres and instruments, from classical to jazz, and can add a unique flavor to a musical performance .
A glissando is when you slide rather than move cleanly between notes. In this example the effect is rather light-hearted but simultaneous glissandi (as in the second movement of Bartok’s sixth string quartet above) can be powerful and dramatic.
Glissando – A pitch sliding from one note to another seamlessly music (pronounced glih-san-doh) see mnemonic pictures. Examples of glissando in a sentence
What is a glissando in music? A glissando is a musical 'slide'. The term 'glissado' comes from the French glissez, which literally means 'to slide'. The performer will slide from one pitch to the next. There is one instrument you can safely bet most readers will have tried playing at least once: the swanee whistle.
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What is a glissando in music?
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A rapid succession of notes, often played on the piano or harp by sliding the fingers quickly over the keys or strings.