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Major Organs: Pituitary gland, Pancreas, Gonads, Endocrine tissues in other systems, Thyroid gland, Adrenal glands -Functions: Directs long-term changes in the activities of other organ systems, Adjusts metabolic activity and energy use by the body, Controls many structural and functional changes during development Cardiovascular: -Major Organs: Heart, Blood, Blood vessels -Functions ...
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The 6 levels of organization in the human body are: chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, and organism. An example for each level within the systems studied this semester could be: chemical level - water molecules in the body, cellular level -
Physiology Exam 1 (answers) 4.9 (9 reviews) ... Anatomy and physiology organ systems major parts . 9 terms ... it would be impossible to keep our body chemistry in ...
Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1: Introduction to the Human Body Anatomy: the study of the structures of the body. Gross Anatomy: the study of the larger structures of the body. Microscopic Anatomy: study of structures that can be observed only with the use of a microscope.
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These structures are categorized as cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. The systems of the human body include the digestive, nervous, and other major structures that work interdependently to ensure proper functioning. Each system is an organization of various organs that function as a unit to sustain life. The Digestive System
1. chemical level 2. cellular level 3. tissue level 4. organ level 5. organ system level 6. organismal level Superior Towards the head, or upper part of a structure
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