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The Code establishes a standard of conduct, which in many respects exceeds basic legal requirements. This standard ensures that the rights and interests of consumers of real estate services are protected. As a condition of membership, all REALTORS® agree to abide by the Code.
- REALTOR®_Code .pdf
Since 1913, when the first Code of Ethics was approved by...
- REALTOR®_Code .pdf
Since 1913, when the first Code of Ethics was approved by the National Association of Real Estate Boards, it has bound REALTORS® together in a common continuing quest for professionalism through ethical obligations based on honesty, integrity, fairness, accountability and professionally competent
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The REALTOR® Code of Ethics of The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) is universally recognized by real estate professionals and consumers alike as the measure of professionalism in real estate.
The REALTOR® Code establishes a standard of conduct, which in many respects exceeds basic legal requirements. This standard ensures the protection of the rights and interests of consumers of real estate services.
The REALTOR® Code of Ethics ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to cooperate with each other in furthering clients' best interests. Read the full Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and access related resources and training.
The duties imposed by the Code of Ethics encompass all real estate-related activities and transactions whether conducted in person, electronically, or through any other means. The duties the Code of Ethics imposes are applicable whether REALTORS® are acting as agents or in legally recognized non-agency capacities except that any duty imposed ...
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What are the duties imposed by the Code of ethics?
The duties imposed by the Code of Ethics encompass all real estate-related activities and transactions whether conducted in person, electronically, or through any other means.