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  1. The Spiritual History of the Dead Sea Sect. Tel Aviv: MOD Books, 1989. Gaster, Theodore H. The Dead Sea Scriptures in English Translation. New York: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1956. Pfeiffer, Charles F. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1962. Shanks, Hershel. The Dead Sea Scrolls After Forty Years. Washington: Biblical ...

  2. minutes we are at the Dead Sea itself. Unfortu-nately, you can no longer see the salt mounds that you see in this picture. The Dead Sea is receding by 3 feet a year because too much water is being siphoned off before it gets to the Dead Sea. Part I—The Complex History of the Dead Sea Scrolls As we go further into the desert, we can still

  3. The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English (New York: Allen Lane/Penguin, 1997), 101-103; 163-164; 181-183; 261-262. Title: The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English

  4. Dead Sea Scrolls helps Christians to see themselves in several ways as an outgrowth and development of Judaism. The spirituality of the Scrolls has much to do with the law (torah), the prophets, the covenant, the priesthood and the Temple. Christian 1 See Joseph A. Fitzmyer, The Impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Mahwah: Paulist, 2009). T

  5. THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS Janet Bull In today’s society, many people are critical about the validity of the Bible. Archaeological excavations have unearthed many artifacts of the biblical time period, such as pottery, archives, and settlement remains, but Palestine had not produced virtually anything of extremely significant biblical evidence until 1947.

    • John Kampen
  6. Home Categories Authors Tags Wish List Kindle Home - Categories - Religion & Spirituality - Judaism - Book Detail The Dead Sea Scrolls - Revised Edition: A New Translation Movies Music Search Keyword Adsense Author:Michael O. Wise Format:Paperback Publish ate:2005-11-01 ISBN-10:006076662X ISBN-13:9780060766627 List Price: $24.99 Buy Now Page as PDF: The Dead Sea Scrolls - Revised Edition: A ...

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  8. • Use both offensive and defensive spiritual weapons. • Detect demon possession. • Understand how deliverance from demons is obtained. • Win the war even if you lose a spiritual battle. • Describe the final conflict which will end the invisible war. • Identify spiritual warfare principles in decisive battles in the Bible. THE CALL ...

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