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A better way of writing this is: The police determined that the victim wasn’t safe from the still at-large criminal. Simply removing the word “location” gives the sentence more clarity, leading the reader to draw a better conclusion of what is meant. 2. There’s a sudden shift in grammatical structure.
Grammarly can save you from misspellings, grammatical and punctuation mistakes, and other writing issues on all your favorite websites. A sentence that is logical has a subject and a predicate . When a subject is introduced in a sentence, an expectation is set up about the grammatical direction the sentence is going in, and when that expectation is not met, the sentence does not sound right.
A mixed-construction sentence contains parts that do not fit together because of grammatical structure or meaning. These sentence errors occur when writers begin a statement in one way, or one direction, and then unintentionally change grammatical paths. This kind of sentence construction can detract from an otherwise solidly analytical text.
A shift in sentence construction occurs when words or phrases intended for one purpose are used for another, upsetting the natural flow of the sentence. Below are examples of three frequent errors that shift sentence construction.
Mixed constructions often happen when you start a sentence with one grammatical structure and then switch to another. INCORRECT: For most people who have pets live longer, happier lives. This sentence seems to be going in one grammatical direction, but suddenly switches to another without warning. It can be revised a few different ways:
Jan 29, 2016 · This is my third post on the complicated but important idea of shift in sentences. Sentence shift happens when there is a significant change in the tone or meaning of the words in a sentence. A shift sentence first says one thing, and then says something else that is almost completely opposite. This idea of English shift is central to the GRE Verbal section. Understanding sentence shift also ...
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In a passage where an unnecessary shift has occurred, go through and highlight each of the verbs and verb phrases. Change the tense of the inconsistent verbs or verb phrases to align them with the primary tense that has already been established. Reread the passage aloud and listen for consistency in verb tense.