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  1. With these findings and research that has identified differences in personality within other health professional groups [17,18], it is reasonable to suggest that the personality characteristics of an individual may influence their choice of nursing specialty area and influence the time an individual spends working within a specialty. However, there is limited research evaluating the ...

  2. Given the fact that decision-making in nursing is an important aspect of nursing work, with this research we wanted to examine how CSE contributes to better understanding of decision-making in nursing, especially can it anticipate decision-making strategies in the area of nursing. The results of our research confirms Judge’s theory, which ...

  3. For example, the most frequently used SRI in clinical research for the assessment of personality disorders is the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4 (PDQ-4; Hyler, 1994). Its items were written to inquire explicitly with respect to each of the features of the 10 personality disorders included in the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental ...

    • Personality and GPA (Grade Point Average) and Academic Performance
    • Training and Clinical Performance Outcomes
    • Medical Specialty Choice
    • Attrition, Burnout, and Well-Being
    • Summary

    In relation to personality being applied to medical education, research has identified a relation between the personality of an individual and their performance on medical education in the form of their GPA scores and academic performance. This link demonstrates a timely need to consider how personality assessment is best used within healthcare edu...

    One fundamental argument to utilizing personality assessment within healthcare assessment and selection is the association personality traits have with training outcomes and performance. Trait assessment could help to identify those candidates both better suited to the role in terms of performance; as well those who are more likely to engage with a...

    A further argument for the inclusion of personality assessments in the selection of candidates onto healthcare courses reflects the differences in personality trait profiles of firstly those undertaking medicine as a career (i.e., compared to the general population), but also secondly between the different medical specialties (Lievens et al., 2002)...

    A benefit of implementing the use of personality assessment into the selection and assessment process in healthcare is the relationships that have been established between personality and potential negative outcomes at work, such as attrition, unprofessional behavior, and burnout versus well-being of individuals in a medical and healthcare setting....

    This section has provided an overview of the evidence base for including personality assessment into the selection process of candidates onto healthcare education courses such as medicine, and in medical selection into practice. Traits have been shown in scientific studies to predict GPA and academic performance, training, and clinical performance,...

    • Stephen A. Woods, John Barratt
    • 2018
  4. Jul 8, 2020 · Understanding personality types can assist nurses in enhancing their understanding of themselves and their colleagues, which in turn can support effective communication. This article outlines the principles of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) - a personality inventory that aims to improve the …

    • Louise Terry
    • 2020
  5. Jan 1, 2018 · Although the study sample has limitations, the findings have implications for numerous lines of future research, in particular in understanding the role of training in relations of personality and ...

  6. Jan 27, 2021 · Personality is the description of an individual’s tendencies when acting or reacting to others. Clinicians spontaneously form impressions of a patient’s apparent personality yet such unstructured impressions might lead to snap judgments or unhelpful labels. Here we review the evidence-based five-factor model from psychology science for understanding personalities (OCEAN taxonomy). Openness ...

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