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Each part of the question (indicated by a letter) is initially scored by determining if it meets the criteria for essentially correct (E), partially correct (P), or incorrect (I). The response is then categorized based on the scores assigned to each letter part and awarded an integer score between 0 and 4 (see the table at the end of the question).
Essentially correct (E) if the response provides correct values for ALL FIVE of the summary statistics with labels (minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum). Partially correct (P) if the response provides correct values for only THREE or FOUR of the summary statistics with labels.
AP Statistics 2020 Formulas and Tables Sheet *S tandard deviation is a measurement of variability from the theoretical population. Standard error is the estimate of the standard deviation.
Sep 23, 2024 · Explore a detailed AP Statistics cheat sheet on, covering key concepts like probability, sampling distributions, and regression models for exam success.
Aug 10, 2020 · 2.2 Density Curves, Describing Density Curves, Normal Distributions, The 68– 95–99.7 Rule • Use a density curve to model distributions of quantitative data. •Identify the relative locations of the mean and median of a distribution from a density curve. •Use the 68 –95 99.7 rule to estimate (i) the
Standard error is the estimate of the standard deviation. If the standard deviation of the statistic is assumed to be known, then the standard deviation should be used instead of the standard error. C is the point t* with probability p lying above it and probability C lying between t* and t*.
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Recognize that all test statistics in the AP exam (except for the chi-square test statistic) follow a general format. Differentiate between the general definition of a p-value and its interpretation in context, which must take into account H_0 and H_a .