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Oct 4, 2023 · Code Blue means someone is experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency, typically an adult. It often means cardiac arrest or respiratory failure. All staff members near the location of the...
- Amy Rock
Code Blue is called for patients who do not have an advance healthcare directive indicating otherwise. Code Blue is initiated immediately whenever an adult is found in cardiac or respiratory arrest (per facility protocol). In areas where adult patients are routinely admitted there should be an adult crash cart available.
The Hospital Association of Southern California (HASC) Safety and Security Committee and AllHealth Security Services helped define Health Care Emergency Codes for the state of California. The HASC committee revised the codes in 2014 and may consider updating the document in the near future.
“The common and frequent use of emergency codes by hospitals to communicate during life-threatening emergencies routinely segregates hospital staff from patients, visitors, and first-responders during emergencies by providing each group with a different level of information regarding the threat.
- 560KB
- 23
- Summary
- I. Background
- II. Licensing Standards: 50 State Review
- III. Accreditation Standards
- IV. Quality Concerns in Ascs, Corfs, and ESRD Facilities
- V. Study Conclusions
This study was conducted at the request of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), which was directed by Section 1225(e) of the California Health & Safety Code (as amended by California Senate Bill 534, statutes of 2013-2014) to submit a report that “describes the extent to which federal certification standards are or are not sufficient ...
Regulatory oversight of health care delivered in ambulatory settings is generally less rigorous than for inpatient settings because of the typically lower risk of outpatient care. Nonetheless, serious quality of care problems may occur in ambulatory settings. Relatively little is known about such problems. The California Department of Public Health...
Healthcare facilities must meet federal certification requirements to participate in and receive payment from Medicare. The federal standards establish a uniform, national regulatory framework, and state agencies survey facilities for compliance with certification requirements on behalf of CMS. States may also use the federal standards as the basis...
Accreditation provides an alternative approach to external quality oversight for healthcare facilities. CMS grants certain accrediting organizations authority to deem a facility as meeting minimum standards. Currently, ASCs and CORFs are eligible for this process, but not ESRD facilities. Accredited facilities satisfy minimum CMS’ certification req...
Healthcare quality may be viewed through six distinct domains: safety, effectiveness, patient- centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity.22 Government oversight of healthcare facilities generally aims to ensure that patient care meets minimally acceptable standards for quality of care through diverse means, including licensure, operating sta...
This study sought to determine the adequacy of federal certification standards as the sole basis for state licensing of ASC, CORF, and ESRD facilities. It evaluated this question by first examining the regulatory and oversight provisions for these facilities in other states to determine whether there are examples of stronger state regulation. We fo...
Written specifically for California’s hospital compliance officers, chief financial officers, in-house legal counsel, risk managers, and other members of the hospital’s compliance committee, the manual focuses on complex and high-risk compliance issues.
Aug 1, 2023 · Hospital color codes are a critical component of healthcare facilities, providing essential information through a simple and intuitive visual system. These codes, typically represented by color-specific signage or placards, assist in conveying urgent messages quickly and accurately.