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  1. estment = knowledge, skill and practice)?STRENGTHS DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Practice intentionally describing and applying your talents to persona. , and/or work goals in your life.NAME. EME #1TOP THEME #2TOP THEME #3CLAIM ITWhat a. about this theme?YOUR GOAL OR OBJECTIVEWhat is something you are workin. in the next week, month, or year?AIM ITWhat ...

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  2. Talent is only part of the CliftonStrengths equation. Knowledge and skills are important, too. When you intentionally practice using these important traits together, to the point that you can consistently provide near-perfect performance in a given activity, you’ve developed your CliftonStrengths.

  3. The CliftonStrengths assessment measures the presence of talent in 34 general areas, or themes, that are most directly related to the potential for success. Decades of research showed that the talents most directly related to the potential for success could be grouped into 34 themes. Each theme includes many talents.

    • Intellectual Property Statement
    • Research and Concept
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Achiever® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
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    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Activator® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
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    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Adaptability® Theme
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Analytical® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Arranger® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Belief® Theme
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    • Theme Description
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    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Command® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
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    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Communication® Theme
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    • Theme Description
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    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Competition® Theme
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    • Theme Description
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    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Connectedness® Theme
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    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the ConsistencyTM Theme
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    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Context® Theme
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    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the DeliberativeTM Theme
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    • Theme Description
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    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Developer® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the DisciplineTM Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the EmpathyTM Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the FocusTM Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Futuristic® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Harmony® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Ideation® Theme
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    • Theme Description
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    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Includer® Theme
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    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Individualization® Theme
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    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Input® Theme
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    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Intellection® Theme
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    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Learner® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Maximizer® Theme
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    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Positivity® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Relator® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Responsibility® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the RestorativeTM Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the Self-Assurance® Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the SignificanceTM Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the StrategicTM Theme
    • Conversation Starters
    • Theme Description
    • Action Items
    • How to Manage a Person Especially Talented in the WooTM Theme
    • Conversation Starters

    This document contains proprietary research, copyrighted materials, and literary property of Gallup, Inc. It is for the guidance of your organization only and is not to be copied, quoted, published, or divulged to others outside your organization. All of Gallup, Inc.’s content is protected by copyright. Neither the client nor the participants shall...

    The conceptual basis of the Clifton StrengthsFinder is grounded in more than three decades of the study of success across a wide variety of functions (from business to education) and many diferent cultures (nearly 50 countries). The Clifton StrengthsFinder measures not strengths, but the presence of talents in 34 general areas, or “themes.” While t...

    Your Achiever theme helps explain your drive. Achiever describes a constant need for achievement. You feel as if every day starts at zero. By the end of the day you must achieve something tangible in order to feel good about yourself. And by “every day” you mean every single day — workdays, weekends, vacations. No matter how much you may feel you d...

    Select jobs in which you have the leeway to work as hard as you want, and in which you are encouraged to measure your own productivity. You will feel stretched and alive in these environments. You do not require much motivation from your supervisor. Take advantage of your self-motivation by setting challenging goals. Set a more stretching goal ever...

    When there are times that require extra work, call on this person. Remember that the saying “If you want to get a job done, ask a busy person” is generally true. Recognize that he likes to be busy. Sitting in meetings is likely to be very boring for him. So either let him get his work done or arrange to have him attend only those meetings where you...

    Tell me about a typical day for you. What do you enjoy about your day? Tell me about a current challenge. Is there another one on the horizon? If so, tell me about it. What goals are you working toward? Who knows about them? Who gives you feedback? What do you feel a sense of urgency about today?

    “When can we start?” This is a recurring question in your life. You are impatient for action. You may concede that analysis has its uses or that debate and discussion can occasionally yield some valuable insights, but deep down you know that only action is real. Only action can make things happen. Only action leads to performance. Once a decision i...

    Seek work in which you can make your own decisions and act upon them. In particular, look for start-up or turn-around situations. Take responsibility for your intensity by always asking for action when you are a part of a group. To avoid conflict later, ensure that your manager judges you on measurable outcomes rather than your process. Your proces...

    Ask this person what new goals or improvements should be achieved by your division. Select an area that fits and give her the responsibility for initiating and organizing the project. Let her know that you know she is a person who can make things happen and that you will be asking her for help at key times. Your expectations will energize her. Assi...

    Tell me about something you have made happen. How did you feel about it? What reaction(s) did you notice from those around you? What spurs you to take action quickly? When you are in a group, are you the person who asks for action? Do you usually get it? How do you typically start taking action? What is your “system” for getting things going?

    You live in the moment. You don’t see the future as a fixed destination. Instead, you see it as a place that you create out of the choices that you make right now. And so you discover your future one choice at a time. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have plans. You probably do. But this theme of Adaptability does enable you to respond willingly to...

    Seek roles in which success depends upon responding to constantly changing circumstances. Consider career areas such as journalism, live television production, emergency healthcare, and customer service. In roles of this type, the best react the fastest and stay level headed. Fine-tune your responsiveness. For example, if your job demands unanticip...

    This person lives to react and respond. Position him so that his success depends on his ability to accommodate the unforeseen and then run with it. Let him know about the planning you are doing, but unless he is also strong in Focus, don’t expect him to do the planning with you. He is likely to find much planning work endlessly boring. With his ins...

    Your Analytical theme challenges other people: “Prove it. Show me why what you are claiming is true.” In the face of this kind of questioning some will find that their brilliant theories wither and die. For you, this is precisely the point. You do not necessarily want to destroy other people’s ideas, but you do insist that their theories be sound. ...

    Choose work in which you are paid to analyze data, find patterns, or organize ideas. For example, you might excel at research (e.g., marketing, financial, medical), database management, editing, or risk management. Whatever your role, identify credible sources upon which you can rely. You are at your best when you have well-researched sources of in...

    Whenever this person is involved with an important decision, take time to think through the issues with her. She will want to know all the factors afecting the decision. If you are explaining a decision that has already been made, always remember to lay out the logic of the decision very clearly. To you it may feel as though you are overexplaining ...

    What data have you been considering recently? What “feeds” your analytical need? Who is fun to talk to about factors in a situation? Who might benefit from information and facts you know?

    You are a conductor. When faced with a complex situation involving many factors, you enjoy managing all of the variables, aligning and realigning them until you are sure you have arranged them in the most productive configuration possible. In your mind there is nothing special about what you are doing. You are simply trying to figure out the best w...

    Seek complex, dynamic work environments in which there are few routines. Make lists of suggestions for how to improve your work environment. Develop successful strategies for getting things done. Push yourself to keep adding new wrinkles. Learn the goals of the people with whom you work. Let them know that you are aware of their goals. Take on the ...

    This person will thrive on responsibility, so give him as much as you are able, according to his knowledge and skill levels. He may well have the talent to be a manager or supervisor. His Arranger theme enables him to figure out how people with very diferent strengths can work together. When you are launching a project, give him the opportunity to ...

    What big event have you planned or are you planning? What do you like best about pulling all the pieces together? List all the “balls” you have in the air at the moment.

    If you possess a strong Belief theme, you have certain core values that are enduring. These values vary from one person to another, but ordinarily your Belief theme causes you to be family-oriented, altruistic, even spiritual, and to value responsibility and high ethics — both in yourself and others. These core values afect your behavior in many wa...

    Clarify your values by thinking about one of your best days ever. How did your values play into the satisfaction that you received from your best day? How can you organize your life to repeat that day as often as possible? Don’t be afraid to give voice to your values. This will help others know who you are and how to relate to you. Actively seek r...

    This person will have a passion about something. Discover her passion and tie it to the work to be done. She will have some powerful permanent values. Figure out how to align her values with those of the organization. For example, talk with her about how your products and services make the lives of people better, or discuss how your company embodie...

    Have you taken an opportunity to list for yourself your core values? What are some that are top-of-mind? Who has influenced your beliefs? Anyone else? Who depends on you? Who do you depend on? Are there shared beliefs? How do your beliefs influence your decisions? What activities in your personal or professional life make you feel you are doing s...

    Command leads you to take charge. Unlike some people, you feel no discomfort with imposing your views on others. On the contrary, once your opinion is formed, you need to share it with others. Once your goal is set, you feel restless until you have aligned others with you. You are not frightened by confrontation; rather, you know that confrontation...

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

    How many people have you met in the last month? How many acquaintances do you have? As you go about your day, how many individuals can you get to return your “Hi!”? Do you like to meet and greet at a social function? NOTES

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  4. ing our eforts. Here are tips for determining what work. Specify the goals of the strengths development program.Base the program o. the strengths rules and execute the program as designed.Administer valida. d measures before and after the program to track change.If possible, compare strengths dev.

  5. These cards help kids identify with their strengths and how to achieve their goals. Each card describes one of the ten Strengths Explorer ® themes for a deeper understanding. They offer insights how each strength might hold kids back, as well as strategies for maximizing each strength’s potential. As a coach or teacher, you know that ...

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