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2 days ago · Python/C API Reference Manual¶. This manual documents the API used by C and C++ programmers who want to write extension modules or embed Python. It is a companion to Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter, which describes the general principles of extension writing but does not document the API functions in detail.
- Importing Modules
PyObject * PyImport_Import (PyObject * name) ¶ Return value:...
- Introduction
If you’re writing C code for inclusion in CPython, ... Most...
- Reflection
Equivalent to calling globals() in Python code. Added in...
- Mapping Protocol
On success, return a list of the items in object o, where...
- Buffer Protocol
Part of the Stable ABI (including all members) since version...
- Operating System Utilities
void PyOS_AfterFork_Parent ¶ Part of the Stable ABI on...
- Call Protocol
This is the equivalent of the Python expression:...
- Number Protocol
3.13.0 Documentation » Python/C API Reference Manual ......
- Importing Modules
- Introduction to CPython. When you type python at the console or install a Python distribution from, you are running CPython. CPython is one of the many Python runtimes, maintained and written by different teams of developers.
- The Python Interpreter Process. Now that you’ve seen the Python grammar and memory management, you can follow the process from typing python to the part where your code is executed.
- The CPython Compiler and Execution Loop. In Part 2, you saw how the CPython interpreter takes an input, such as a file or string, and converts it into a logical Abstract Syntax Tree.
- Objects in CPython. CPython comes with a collection of basic types like strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, and objects. All of these types are built-in.
Sep 14, 2020 · The Python/C API allows C programmers to embed Python directly into C code by exposing aspects of CPython internals. It provides direct access to the Python interpreter from C, acting as a bridge…
The CPython interpreter (aka, "python") works by compiling Python source code to intermediate bytecodes, and then operating on those. CPython, which is written in C, is also accompanied by an Application Programming Interface (API) that enables communication between Python and C (and thus basically to any other language that C can interoperate with).
The API is equally usable from C++, but for brevity it is generally referred to as the Python/C API. There are two fundamentally different reasons for using the Python/C API. The first reason is to write extension modules for specific purposes; these are C modules that extend the Python interpreter. This is probably the most common use.
Jul 1, 2013 · The interpreter is written in C. It compiles Python code into bytecode, and then an evaluation loop interprets that bytecode to run your code. You identify what Python is written in by looking at it's source code. See the source for the evaluation loop for example. Note that the implementation is but one Python implementation.
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The API is equally usable from C++, but for brevity it is generally referred to as the Python/C API. There are two fundamentally different reasons for using the Python/C API. The first reason is to write extension modules for specific purposes; these are C modules that extend the Python interpreter. This is probably the most common use.