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An early third-century Syriac work known as the Acts of Thomas [142] connects the apostle's Indian ministry with two kings, one in the north and the other in the south. According to the Acts , Thomas was at first reluctant to accept this mission, but the Lord appeared to him in a night vision and compelled him to accompany an Indian merchant, Abbanes (or Habban), to his native place in ...
- Overview
- Origin and growth
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- Doctrine and heresies
- The life of the church
history of early Christianity, the development of the early Christian church from its roots in the Jewish community of Roman Palestine to the conversion of Constantine I and the convocation of the First Council of Nicaea. For a more extensive treatment of the history and beliefs of the Christian church, see Christianity.
Christianity begins with Jesus Christ. The effects of his life, the response to his teachings, the experience of his death, and the belief in his resurrection were the origins of the Christian community. When the Apostle Peter is represented in the New Testament as confessing that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the living God,” he speaks for the Christianity of all ages. And it is in response to this confession that Jesus is described as announcing the foundation of the Christian church: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.”
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Jesus was a Jew, as were all the apostles. Thus the earliest Christianity is in fact a movement within Judaism; the very acknowledgment of Jesus as “the Christ” professes that he is the fulfillment of the promises originally made to the Hebrew patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Christian gospel encountered opposition within Judaism, just as Jesus had, and soon it turned toward the gentile world. Ideologically, this required Christian thought to define the gospel as both the correction and the fulfillment of the prevailing Greek and Roman philosophy of the day.
The symbolic birth of the Christian church is marked on Pentecost, a festival that celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples and the beginning of the church’s mission. According to Acts 2, this event occurred 50 days after the Ascension of Jesus. The members of the early Christian church believed their mission to be nearer its end than its beginning, however. In daily expectation of the imminent Second Coming of Christ, the faithful prepared themselves for his kingdom and, by urgently preaching his gospel, sought to bring others into the redeemed community. In the event, longer perspectives of a “time of the church” opened up. Christians faced the problems of living among a pagan majority, the missionary challenge proved to be far greater than could have been foreseen, and with it came the task of building a Christian social life. It became necessary to determine a new canon of authoritative scriptures (the writings of the apostles and their circle), on this basis to draw out the theological implications of the gospel, and to adopt such institutional forms as would preserve and propagate the inner life in Christ.
The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced: Jerusalem, Damascus, and Antioch; the missions of St. Paul to Asia Minor (Tarsus, Iconium, Ephesus, and Cyprus); the crossing to Macedonia (Philippi and Thessalonica) and Achaea (Athens and Corinth); and the beginnings in Rome. Other early evidence tells of more churches in Asia Minor and of Christians in Alexandria. Though Christianity found a springboard in Jewish synagogues, it owed even more to the crucial decision to open the church to gentiles without either circumcision or complete adherence to the Torah. Roman roads and the comparative security they offered also facilitated missionary work.
By this time the church had developed considerably in its organization, partly against these external pressures and partly in order to express its own nature as a historically continuous society with a corporate unity, a ministry, and distinct worship practices and sacraments. Not later than the first decades of the 2nd century there is evidence in Antioch and several Asian cities of congregations being governed by a single bishop assisted by a group of presbyters and a number of deacons. The bishop was the chief minister in worship, teaching, and pastoral care as well as the supervisor of all administration. The presbyters were collectively his council; individually the bishop might call upon them for help in any of his ministerial duties. The deacons came to be specially associated with the bishop in his liturgical office and in the administration of property, including assistance to the needy.
How far back this threefold ministry can be traced has long been a matter of controversy. It is certain that typical Christian groups, at least in cities, possessed a recognized ministry from their very beginnings, and it is almost as certain that the pattern of ministry was not derived from Greek models. The presbyters (elders) were clearly taken over from the Jewish synagogue; the bishop (where this title is not simply an alternative for presbyter) may be related to the supervisor of the communities known from the Dead Sea Scrolls. How and when the bishop came to be regarded as having authority over his presbyters and how such a “monarchical” bishop was related to the original apostles—whether by direct succession of appointment, by localization of missionary-founders, or by elevation from the presbyterate—remains uncertain. While apostles and other first-generation leaders were alive, there was understandably some fluidity in organization, with apostles, prophets, and teachers at work side by side with bishops, presbyters, and deacons; moreover, some New Testament terms may indicate at one time an office, at another a function.
Though the first local unit of organization must have been the congregation, the church was soon making use of the administrative divisions of the Roman Empire. Normally each bishop became responsible for the church in a recognized civitas; that is, an urban centre with its surrounding territorium. This was the diocese, the fundamental unit of ecclesiastical geography. The subdivision of a diocese into parishes was a much later development. By the late 2nd century, when heresy and other problems compelled the bishops to meet together in councils, they tended to group themselves according to the civil provinces. In the 3rd century there emerges clear evidence of the ecclesiastical province, usually coinciding in area with the civil province and accepting the bishop of the civil capital (metropolis) as its primate (metropolitan), a system which received canonical status and further precision at the Council of Nicaea (325). Besides such metropolitans, the bishops of a few outstanding sees acquired a special authority through a combination of the secular importance of the city and its place in missionary history as a mother church. In Egypt, for example, the bishop of Alexandria ruled six provinces, and in Latin Africa the bishop of Carthage was the accepted leader, though without juridical or canonical rights, of the whole area. The Council of Nicaea, while defining the canonical status of the provincial synods and metropolitans, reaffirmed the ancient customary privileges of Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, and certain other unnamed sees. Out of this the patriarchates of later times were developed.
Until the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 the mother church there may have held a certain primacy. With the shift in emphasis to gentile Christianity, Rome quickly became the preeminent see—the church of Peter and Paul, the only apostolic see in the Latin West, the capital of the empire. No one in the West doubted that the bishop of Rome possessed a primacy of some sort. The exact nature of this primacy in the early centuries was undefined, however, and attempts to interpret it (whether or not on the basis of Matthew 16:18—“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church”) as containing anything like jurisdictional sovereignty were resisted even in the West (for instance by Cyprian of Carthage). In the East, the see of Ephesus maintained its own apostolic tradition against Victor of Rome in the Quartodeciman controversy (c. 190), and Firmilian of Cappadocian Caesarea supported Cyprian in his dispute with Pope Stephen (c. 256).
Early Christian doctrine, much helped to articulation by Greek thought, had to maintain its biblical character against other elements in its Hellenistic environment. One wing of the church clung so tenaciously to its Jewish heritage that it failed to grasp what was novel in Christianity. This branch had no future, especially after the fall of Jerusalem. The mainstream of Christianity worked out a standard of orthodoxy in the course of its struggle with various forms of gnosticism. This philosophy threatened to split the early church by denying the incarnation of God in Christ—thus rejecting the doctrine of the Trinity—partly on the ground that physical matter is evil.
Apologists of the 2nd century like Justin Martyr, Theophilus, and Athenagoras went as far as they could to conciliate Greek thought. Irenaeus, in his book Adversus haereses (Against Heresies, c. 180), came to grips with the gnostic challenge. He not only emphasized the “threefold cord” (a reference to Ecclesiastes 4:12) of apostolic scripture, apostolic rule of faith, and apostolic succession by which the continuity of the church is preserved, but also grasped the Pauline gospel of redemption (the true understanding of which the half-gnostic Marcion had arrogated to himself) and stated it afresh with particular attention paid to the person of Christ. The almost contemporary conflict with Montanism and the development of certain aspects of Irenaeus in the early writings of Tertullian confirmed the church’s awareness of its nature as a continuous society originating in and tied to a divine revelation, identical with the church of the apostles. This perception, however, brought with it some danger of traditionalism and institutionalism.
Apart from Origen’s De principiis (On First Principles, c. 225), Christian theology in this period was not systematic, and doctrines were examined rather as circumstances demanded. Gnostic dualism compelled consideration of the Creation, the Fall of humanity, and free will, as well as the authority and exegesis of the Old Testament. On the other hand, some matters, precisely because they were not then subjects of serious controversy, were not searchingly studied. Thus an aspect of baptism (whether it could be administered outside the church) could receive more attention in the dispute between Cyprian and Stephen than the essential character of the sacrament itself, and eucharistic theology was not yet elaborated. Even the doctrine of redemption was less fully pondered than might have been expected, though the concepts of ransom (Origen proposed that Jesus paid a “ransom for many” to free humanity from sin according to Matthew 20:28 and Mark 10:45) and deification were brought forward for future development.
A Christian society was bound to reflect upon the personhood of Christ. The material reality of his human body had to be affirmed against those who thought it derogatory to a divine Saviour. It took longer to perceive that his complete humanity must be as firmly proclaimed. Although Tertullian taught expressly that Christ combined perfect divinity and perfect humanity in one person, the theoretical problems of this dogma awaited exploration and clarification in the 4th and 5th centuries. In the intellectual formulation of their belief in the deity of Christ simultaneously with the unity of God, many were helped by the concept of the logos (“word” or “reason”) of God, which had roots both in the Bible and in Greek philosophy. This proved almost as dangerous as it was fruitful, since it was difficult to understand what kind of subordination is involved in the fact that the logos is generated by the Father. Some points in Origen’s thinking led toward the Nicene orthodoxy of the future, others toward Arianism.
Some theologians held that Jesus was a man raised to divine honours through his moral and spiritual perfection (Adoptionism). Others allowed no permanent reality to Son and Spirit, treating them as aspects of the one God, modes of his dealings with mankind (Modalistic Monarchianism and Sabellianism). Such problems were argued principally in terms of the relation between Father and Son, with comparatively little attention to the Person of the Holy Spirit. Again, the doctrine of the Trinity was firmly stated, almost in the later terminology, by Tertullian, followed by Novatian—three co-equal and co-eternal personae in one substantia—but new problems emerged, and deeper thought was required in the following century.
During this gradual clarification of the essentials of Christian orthodoxy there was also scope for free discussion and speculation within the limits of the rule of faith and the baptismal creeds, a freedom of which the adventurous mind of Origen took full advantage. Heresy meant denial of the basic tenets of faith rather than departure from a complete and formally accepted scheme of doctrine. Whether these tenets suffered from the slackening of eschatological expectation and the introduction of Greek forms of thought is open to debate. It was not only, or even primarily, the theologian who was responsible for the preservation of authentic Christianity; it was maintained in the worship and discipline and common life of the churches. Once more, the conversion of Constantine exposed this continuity of tradition to fresh dangers while opening up fresh opportunities for the intellectual conquest of the empire.
Candidates for admission to the church were instructed during a lengthy catechumenate, after which they were baptized, generally at Easter, by their bishop. As the sacrament of baptism included what was later separated off in the West as confirmation, the newly baptized faithful (fideles) were at once admitted to the full privileges and obligations of the Christian life. Though adult baptism was perhaps the norm, infant baptism was also practiced from an early date.
The Holy Communion (Eucharist) was the principal Sunday service, the regular gathering (synaxis) of the faithful for worship, the preaching of the Word, instruction, discipline, and fellowship. While it was never shapeless and always included certain actions taken over from the Last Supper, it was only gradually, and perhaps not within this period, that the liturgies of the leading churches took a fixed verbal form. Easter, Pentecost and, in the East, Epiphany were annually commemorated, before long anniversaries of martyrs were being observed, a system of feasts, fasts, and vigils was worked out, and so a Christian year was established.
At first worship must have taken place in private houses. Sometimes houses were handed over to the community and transformed into churches (known locations include Dura-Europus on the Euphrates, c. 232, and several in Rome), but numerous churches were constructed as such in the peaceful intervals of the 3rd century, and they were plentiful by the time of Constantine, who added some notable ones (the Anastasis or Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, St. Peter’s at Rome). Where catacombs existed, as at Rome and Naples, they were burial sites, and not, by intention, places of refuge or ordinary worship. Catacombs and open-air cemeteries contained chapels commemorating martyrs, however, and these sometimes grew into great churches or monasteries.
The early Christians thought of themselves as a redeemed community, promised eternal life in Christ and pledged to live a holy life in expectation of the end of this world, which might come at any moment with the return of Christ as judge. They were simultaneously charged to preach the gospel to the world, and this created a tension not easy to resolve. On the one hand it seemed necessary to separate themselves from a society that was not only, by Christian standards, immoral but also riddled with pagan practices. This conviction is fully displayed in Tertullian’s De idololatria, in a rigorist sect like Montanism, and eventually in monasticism. Public life and much social intercourse were precluded. On the other hand, Jesus had mixed with publicans and sinners, and evangelization was a plain duty. Before Constantine, however, this meant bringing individuals out of the world into the church rather than making society Christian. A high moral standard, refusal to compromise, and steadfastness before persecution proved to be powerful missionary weapons. Evidence of direct missionary campaigns such as Gregory the Illuminator’s in Armenia (3rd century) is scanty.
Since Christians were not automatically made perfect by baptism, and periods of peace removed the selective test of persecution, the moral life of the church was protected by a disciplinary system. Grave offenders publicly acknowledged their sin before the bishop and the congregation and were excommunicated for a greater or lesser period. During this time they performed works of penance, and finally (in parts of the church penitents passed first through several grades) were granted absolution and publicly restored to communion by the bishop. Private penance was a later development. Public penance for grave sin was only available once, and, although practice was not everywhere uniform, it was widely held that apostasy, adultery, and murder involved final excommunication. Relaxation of this early severity caused much unrest among the rigorists and sometimes led to schism. Montanism, Novatianism, and Donatism were all, in part, movements of protest against what was felt to be an abandonment of the standard of individual behaviour required if the church was itself to remain holy.
This disciplinary system carried with it a threat to the central doctrine of justification by faith, since the conditions of forgiveness tended to be assessed quantitatively. In addition, works similar to those performed by penitents, such as almsgiving, were believed to merit heavenly rewards. Ascetic practices were also encouraged, partly as a means toward the purification of the soul for the contemplation of God, but in part as works to be rewarded. Thus a double standard of morality was countenanced: one level of life sufficient to ensure salvation, another aspiring after perfection and proportionately higher rewards. A distinction was made between the precepts (commandments) of the Lord and the counsels.
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Mar 1, 2024 · Historically, this dialogue, which purports to be with a Jewish man but is probably invented, tells us two important things about early 2nd-century Christianity: First, some, but not all, Gentiles had begun to differentiate between Christianity and Judaism as Justin did and second, students of Greek and Roman philosophy were becoming interested in Christianity.
Aug 18, 2023 · The Early Christian Church. From the time of Nero (64 A.D.) until the conversion of Emperor Constantine and the Edict of Milan (313 A.D.), whereby Christianity was made legal, the Christian faith was officially regarded as a religio prava, an evil or depraved religion. Christianity's Jewish Roots
Paul was in contact with the early Christian community in Jerusalem, led by James the Just. [171] According to Mack, he may have been converted to another early strand of Christianity, with a High Christology. [172] Fragments of their beliefs in an exalted and deified Jesus, what Mack called the "Christ cult," can be found in the writings of Paul.
Christian emperors wanted the empire to become a Christian empire, and they used imperial law to make it easier to be Christian and harder to be pagan. [ 152 ] [ 153 ] [ 154 ] However, there was no legislation forcing the conversion of pagans until the sixth-century, during the reign of the Eastern emperor Justinian I, when there was a shift from generalized legislation to actions that ...
Aug 4, 2021 · The principle of cuius regio, eius religio ("whose the region is, his religion") established the religious, political, and geographic divisions of Christianity, and this was established with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which legally ended the concept of a single Christian hegemony in the territories of the Holy Roman Empire, despite the Catholic Church's doctrine that it alone is the one ...