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X-ray diffraction and X-ray reflectivity can provide non-destructive, reliable and accurate data for the characterization of thin films. Empyrean enables the determination of ultra-fast reciprocal space maps, X-ray reflectivity and rocking curve analysis.
Empyrean X-ray diffractometer enable the large variety of measurements such as structure determination, phase analysis, stress and texture measurement. It accommodates many X-ray diffractometers apllications in material research, powder diffraction and high resolution diffraction.
The Empyrean is a A multi-function, hard radiation XRD system allowing the study of advanced materials under in-service. Partner: The University of Sheffield. Facility: Royce Discovery Centre. Availability: Available.
Empyrean enables the determination of ultra-fast reciprocal space maps, X-ray reflectivity and rocking curve analysis. The new Empyrean is the first fully automated multipurpose diffractometer that allows the largest variety of measurements without any manual intervention.
Multipurpose X-ray diffractometers for your analytical needs. Overview. Products. Compare. Request a quote. With the Empyrean, Malvern Panalytical has set the new standard in developing the ultimate X-ray platform for the analysis of powders, thin films, nanomaterials and solid objects.
Medium- and high-resolution x-ray diffraction studies of thin films and layered materials in the temperature range of 173 – 770 K (-100 – 500 C). Specifications: Cu, Mo and Ag x-ray sources.
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What is the Empyrean?
Multi-technique X-Ray Diffraction Platform. The Malvern PANalytical Empyrean generates x-rays, directs them toward the sample, and the diffracted rays are collected. A key component of diffraction is the angle between the incident and the diffracted beam.