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  1. CASE STUDY: HANGAR CONSTRUCTION AT TINKER AIR FORCE BASE A hanger we built a few years back at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City exemplifies all the unique facets of a hangar construction project. The 164,000-square-foot hangar is longer than two football fields end to end (675 feet, to be exact) and is 239 feet wide.

    • I N T R O D U C T I O N
    • TWO:
    • S T E P O N E : W H E R E A R E W E N O W ?
    • Conduct stakeholder analysis
    • Prepare financial documentation
    • Build hangars
    • Conduct a user survey
    • Determine the need
    • E C O N O M I C S 1 0 1
    • Demand for hangars at neighboring airports (and
    • Analyze the airport environment
    • Airline ticket tax
    • Insurance and risk
    • Costs/Expenses
    • C H E C K L I S T F O R S T E P O N E
    • W H E R E D O W E WA N T TO B E ?
    • Explore alternative approaches
    • Maintenance costs come from airport budget
    • Estimate the financial impact
    • Analyze project strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)
    • Congress (a possibility only) Developer or other party has conflicting interests
    • Analyze boundary conditions
    • Architectural designs will require review
    • (i.e., hangar project must be self-supporting)
    • Conduct stakeholder analysis
    • S TA K E H O L D E R A N A LY S I S T O O L
    • Support Concerns Behavior Strategy
    • Create a business plan
    • C H E C K L I S T F O R S T E P T W O
    • H O W D O W E G E T T H E R E ?
    • Seven key principles of project management
    • Frame and plan the project
    • Build stakeholder support
    • Prepare the project team
    • Keep your team on track
    • First, you should confirm that each individual mem-
    • Then, verify that each member is clear on his or her
    • Some team members may withhold their commit-
    • Create preliminary project estimates
    • Identify funding sources
    • FAA AIP grants
    • Airport owner
    • Municipal/county bond issues
    • Private development funding
    • Prepare financial documentation
    • Identify review and approval steps
    • C H E C K L I S T F O R S T E P T H R E E
    • R O J E C T E X E C U T I O N
    • Project design and funding
    • Underground drainage and storm water runoff con-
    • Architectural treatments and material specifications
    • Security fencing, gates, and personnel
    • Not all of these elements will be necessary for all
    • Obtain funding
    • Construction planning
    • Contract wording
    • Bidding
    • Reduce the scope of the project (revise the financial
    • Continue with the project and return or “bank” the
    • Last-minute potential problems
    • Potential obstacles to completion
    • Construction contract award
    • Negotiation and value engineering:
    • A G E N D A
    • New hangar move in
    • C H E C K L I S T
    • R O J E C T E V A L U AT I O N
    • Project economics
    • Debrief project participants
    • How did the project impact your use of the airport?
    • Overall, how would you rate this project.
    • C H E C K L I S T
    • F I N A N C I A L A N A LY S I S
    • Expense
    • Other items
    • P R O F O R M A
    • C O M P E L L I N G ?
    • Phase Three: Develop a basic presentation Phase Four: Feed the business case into
    • Phase One: Develop the business case
    • PhaseTwo: Check with stakeholders to ensure business case is compelling
    • Phase Three: Develop a basic presentation

    MANY PILOTS WHO own or plan to own an air-craft want a hangar to protect their valuable investments in personal transportation from the elements. But there seem to be many more gener-al aviation (GA) aircraft than available hangars. Perhaps your name is on one or more hangar waiting lists. Building hangars can attract new businesses and generate ad...

    we be? not apply to your airport, and your locale may not face the same planning complexities as other parts of the United States. Regardless, this com-prehensive guide covers many of the details you need to know—from start to finish—about a hangar development project. Checklists at the end of each section make it easy to determine if you are ready...

    Determine the need for hangars (type, size, and number) Analyze the airport environment T E P T W O : W H E R E D O W E W A N T T O B E ?

    ■ Create a business plan T E P T H R E E : H O W D O W E G E T T H E R E ?

    ■ Identify the review and approval steps T E P F O U R : P R O J E C T E X E C U T I O N Design and secure funding for hangars

    ■ Complete the project and move in new tenants T E P F I V E : P R O J E C T E V A L U AT I O N Evaluate the project financial performance

    ■ costlier, more difficult, time-consuming effort that is likely to fail. It is important to evaluate the project at the end because this will uncover the strengths and weakness in the process that can be improved upon during future projects. It also can serve to promote the successful opera-tion of the new hangars. IT IS CRITICAL that each party i...

    In this first step, you will assess the current state of your airport, how well it operates, and the viability of a hangar project. This includes quan-tifying the demand and need for hangars, assess-ing the “environment” within which the project will be executed, and obtaining support from key decision makers. It also means becoming familiar with t...

    Start by studying your airport hangar waiting list. If your airport does not have one, generate one to learn if there is a demand for hangars. Determine the level of commitment from those on the list— do they intend to occupy a hangar once one is built? In some cases, people have their names on multiple lists at neighboring airports, or they do not...

    Need or demand most certainly will be related to the cost of the hangar rental unit. It is wise to include an estimate of the rental cost on any existing or new waiting list or survey. Although basic hangar construction costs are available industry-wide and the hangar manufacturers will help, this first pricing estimate will require sharp esti-mate...

    ■ how that demand is being addressed) Sensitivity to paying higher hangar rent (new ■ hangars probably will be more expensive to build, requiring higher rental fees)

    Analyzing the environment within which you will be executing your project is a vitally impor-tant element that often is overlooked. Airport supporters often presume that if the demand for hangars is strong, then all a person must do is obtain the funding needed to complete the proj-ect. But before you seek funding, it is critical to research all of...

    ■ (for commercial service airports only) Interest ■ Revenues: For most GA airports, fuel sales and rent generate the largest portion of revenues. But personal property tax also generates revenue. This is handled differently across the United States depending on city, county, and state law. However, it typically is paid by aircraft own-ers based on ...

    ■ management Depreciation charges ■ Expenses: Debt service is typically the largest expense for airports that have continuous development. However, salaries, overhead charges, and fuel purchases might be the biggest expenses at airports where development has been spotty. example, a county might levy the tax and agree to return a portion of it to th...

    You should be able to address each of the items discussed, based on the information you have gathered so far. You probably will not have all of the details, but you should have enough to accu-rately assess “Where are we now?” and what you need to do in order to move forward. Present this preliminary information to key decision makers to gain the su...

    Quantify and valuate hangar demand ✔ Assess level of current support for airport ✔ Identify key decision makers ✔ Assess level of current community support ✔ Identify zoning and land-use issues ✔ Confirm airport master plan in place ✔ Assess environmental issues, preliminary judgment ✔ in hand Review airport design standards ✔ Assess level of curre...

    In Step Two of the process, you will learn the scope of this hangar project by exploring alternative approaches and estimating the financial impact of each. Once you have cho-sen the best approach, you will analyze its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You also will analyze boundary condi-tions, conduct a stakeholder analysis, iden...

    There are a number of reasonable approaches to getting new hangars built at an airport. Each has pros and cons (see comparison charts below), so you will need to analyze the options to determine which is best. There are three typical approaches. First, a private company can own the hangars on leased airport property. Second, the airport owner can b...

    ■ Generating revenue is usually the primary goal for GA airports, so having the airport owner fund, build, and manage a hangar project is fre-quently the best approach. If the owner is not supportive, then finding a private source for funding, construction, and operation will be the most attractive alternative. The key will be your financial analys...

    After exploring the alternative approaches, it is critical to assess the financial impact of each on the airport’s operation. Take the past financial history of the airport’s operation, include the impact of the new hangars, and project the result. You will need to get budget-type estimates for the various alternatives you reviewed in the prior s...

    The purpose of determining the project’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) is to uncover the impact that your hangar project will have on the airport’s stakeholders. It is helpful to have a group of project proponents working together on the SWOT analysis and inter-viewing key decision makers or stakeholders—this can uncover ...

    ■ Once you have completed the SWOT analysis, you will have a better idea of where to focus your ener-gy as you start persuading the decision makers and other stakeholders to become supportive of the proj-ect. If you are fortunate, you might not have many worries in this regard, but it is best to be forearmed.

    Boundary conditions are nothing more than the “givens” surrounding the project. They set what’s in bounds and what’s out of bounds. There undoubtedly will be constraints on the project that you will not be able to change. Better to know this now and include it in your initial planning than later, which could put the project in jeopardy. T Y P I C A...

    ■ and approval City/county council must endorse project plan and ■ contract awards Lease agreements must be renegotiated with ■ some current airport tenants Neighbors must be included in ■ communication process Hangar design is restricted by airport ■ layout plan No additional airport staff can be added ■ to administer project Owner will not provi...

    With the boundary conditions identified, you might find more issues that need to be con-sidered as you put together the business plan and deal with stakeholders during project exe-cution. It is key to determine who will be the decision maker, from whom or what group you will need approvals, and whether this will change at various points during the ...

    A stakeholder is any person or group who has an interest in or will be impacted by the hangar project. Once you have identified the stakehold-ers, determine their level of support. This will help you manage the level of acceptance and commitment for your project—strong allies can influence those who show little support. Use the SWOT analysis to cre...

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

    Once the business case has been drafted into your plan and checked with a sample of stake-holders, develop a presentation that can be used for communication about the project. For exam-ple, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a helpful tool to organize and deliver your presentation. Adjust the format to match the audience to which you are speaking.

  2. By KOKO architects, Tallinn, Estonia. The seaplane hangars at Tallinn Seaplane Harbour, built in 1916-1917 by Christiani & Nielsen, are a remarkable feat of 20th-century Baltic States’ architecture. These hangars, the first known steel concrete shell construction of this size in the world, feature three concrete shells supported by pillars.

    • what is hangar land used for in construction projects and materials1
    • what is hangar land used for in construction projects and materials2
    • what is hangar land used for in construction projects and materials3
    • what is hangar land used for in construction projects and materials4
    • what is hangar land used for in construction projects and materials5
  3. Jan 2, 2024 · Airplane Hangar Construction: Expert Guide for Building Aircraft Storage. January 2, 2024. Aircraft hangars look simple from the outside, but the number of design considerations involved may surprise you. Our step-by-step guide to hangar construction has all the information you need to make your next hangar development project a success.

  4. United Airlines used a competitive bid design-build process for procurement of the new hangar design and construction. AECOM was awarded the contract based on their qualifications and an initial GMP estimate. Upon selection, AECOM was requested to reduce the construction budget by approximately 20% to meet the available funding.

  5. Design-Build helps control hangar construction costs. At The Korte Company, we merge the design and build processes to streamline construction and hold the line on costs. It works with the thousands of commercial building projects we have spearheaded because the designer and the builder are always on the same page (usually, they’re in the ...

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  7. ditional revenue for the airport. In fact, a well-executed and successful hangar project can be the key t. a financially secure GA airport.The Aircraft Hangar Development Guide is designed to help you and your airport owner develop a project management strategy to successfully plan, design, and complete a new hangar de.

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