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Jan 1, 2016 · This volume endeavors to apply a different perspective, treating human behavior as a syndrome-like condition, and therefore focusing on its etiology rather than its symptoms.
Aug 1, 2011 · This article addresses a longstanding problem in the field of psychology, that of lacking an adequate explication of what is arguably our central concept as a “science of behavior,” the concept...
Oct 21, 2022 · This blog outlines a simple but deep frame for understanding human behavior in terms of three factors: investments, influence, and justification.
Jun 1, 2020 · Even though the concept of behavior is central to modern psychology, there is no consensus regarding what the term behavior means. The current paper focuses on disentangling two separate...
This article addresses two longstanding issues in the field of psychology: (1) that of lacking an adequate explication of what is arguably our central concept as a science of behavior, that of "behavior" itself; and (2) that of whether behavior, and especially human behavior, is wholly explicable in terms of, and so reducible to, biological ...
Nov 27, 2019 · Even though the concept of behavior is central to modern psychology, there is no consensus regarding what the term behavior means. The current paper focuses on disentangling two separate conceptions of the term that have added to the confusion.
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expand on existing theories about behaviour and language and contribute a novel piece of theoretical explanation regarding the crucial role that language has played in human evolution. Key words: Behavior; language; semiotics; nonverbal communication; meaning transmission; questionnaire method.