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  1. Synthesising contemporary empirical psychology and Islamic psychology, this book is holistic in both nature and process and includes the physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of human behaviour and experience.

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  2. The International Association of Islamic Psychology defines Islamic Psychology as the Psychology that is based on an Islamic paradigm. Paradigm, from the Greek, being understood as an underlying foundational motif. Abdallah Rothman (Rothman and Coyle, 2018;also vide: Skinner, 1989;(2018)) has defined what constitutes an Islamic paradigm in ...

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  3. Oct 28, 2021 · The first part discusses the possibility, foundations, and characteristics of Islamic psychology. The second part introduces research methodology in Islamic psychology.

  4. Jan 30, 2023 · The book introduces concepts, models, approaches, themes, and theories you need to know to study the mind, soul, and behaviour based on Islāmic scripture.

  5. Jul 11, 2022 · This book is a core text on Islamic psychology for undergraduate and postgraduate students and those undertaking continuing professional development courses in Islamic psychology,...

  6. Islam has never been opposed to science but neither has it succumbed to a psychology that denies the spiritual nature of individuals nor their creator. Terms as amal, fitrah, nafs, and wahy cannot be reduced to definitions that exclude transcendence.

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  8. An Islamic Psychospiritual Study MALIK BADRI iiit isbn 978-1-56564-566-0 Contemplation is a book that changes lives. It infuses the spiritual into what is generally thought of as Psychology; not just in a theoretical way, but in a manner that touches the Heart. Professor Abdur-Rasjid Skinner Consultant Clinical Psychologist