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  1. Psychology, as it is generally practiced, only represents a part of the whole. Often the soul is not taken into account. Islamic psychology is a holistic approach that endeavors to better understand the nature of the self and the soul and the connection of the soul to the Divine.

  2. Jan 10, 2020 · Dynamics. Ḥadith relate that each child is born in‘fiṭra’, – that is, in a pure natural state absorbed in the awareness of God. Immediately after birth, however, the baby is pricked by Shayṭān.Thus, in this life, the Self is conceived as containing a continual struggle between the pull of fiṭra emanating from the Qalb, which seeks to bring the Self back to what is natural and ...

  3. This module examines Islam’s version of psychology, namely Islamic spirituality, also known by other names such as the science of Ihsan, the science of the self and more. Specific topics to be explored include various approaches or schools of thought to this science, virtue and character development and spiritual diseases of the heart.

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    • what is islamic psychology study bible app2
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    • what is islamic psychology study bible app4
  4. Al Balagh is offering Islamic Psychology and Counselling innovative online course in collaboration with IHSAAN (A dedicated Islamic Psychological Therapy Service). It is a comprehensive course on a faith-based theoretical understanding of Human Psychology from the perspective of Islam.

    • what is islamic psychology study bible app1
    • what is islamic psychology study bible app2
    • what is islamic psychology study bible app3
    • what is islamic psychology study bible app4
  5. This course is not just a theoretical exploration. It's a practical guide for those studying or practicing Islamic psychology and counselling, Sharia scholars seeking in-depth understanding of relevant Islamic rulings, and individuals interested in the intersection of Islam and mental health.

  6. Dec 8, 2023 · Islamic psychology offers a balanced, insightful approach to human nature and mental health. It blends spiritual wisdom with psychological insights, leading to holistic well-being and self-discovery. If you wish to delve deeper, consider exploring our programs and enriching your understanding of Islamic teachings through courses like the Islamic Aqeedah Advanced Level .

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  8. Some think IP is taṣawwuf (Sufism) or tazkiyat al-nafs (purification of the self) – claiming them to be Islam’s version of psychology/psychotherapy. Others think it is a domain that focuses on understanding the nature and structures of the self from an Islamic perspective such as fiṭra (primordial disposition), nafs (self), qalb (heart), rūḥ (soul/spirit), ‘ aql (intellect), etc.

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