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Call 911 if you are in an emergency, immediate danger, or medical distress. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call or text 988 . For other needs, call 211 to be connected to mental health and other social services. To close this web page quickly press Alt+F4 or Cmd+Q (Mac).
Call 416-960-9276 or/ 416-960-WARM between 8 pm to midnight or/ 416-323-3721 between 12pm - 8pm.
You can access the Toronto Community Crisis Service if you are in the above parts of Toronto by calling 2-1-1 or 9-1-1, or directly by contacting the Gerstein Crisis Centre or the 2-Spirited People of the First Nation.
Call 1-1-833-456-4566 toll-free, anytime – or text 45645 between from 4 pm to midnight EST. more.
The Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS) provides free, confidential, in-person mental health supports city-wide from mobile crisis worker teams. TCCS supports Toronto residents 16 years of age or older and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 211 to be Connected to TCCS
Accessible and integrated mental health, developmental and community services for all ages and families in Toronto, where every client has the opportunity to be seen, be heard and to be well.
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Jan 29, 2019 · please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital or emergency department. Get help. Talk to someone. Free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling.