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  1. › 2011 › 05Modernism

    More specifically, the term describes the modernist movement, its set of cultural tendencies and array of associated cultural movements, originally arising from wide-scale and far-reaching changes to Western society in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

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    • THE WHAT IS– – IMMA Talks Series – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ?
    • Modern and Contemporary Art.
    • WHAT IS– –
    • Introduction
    • (ii)
    • (ii) How is Modernism?
    • (iii) Defining Modernism
    • (i) Contemporary – Whatever That Means
    • (ii) Themes in Contemporary Art
    • AbSTrACT ArT
    • AlTErMoDErn
    • ArT FAir
    • ArT MuSEuM
    • biEnniAl
    • CinEMATogrAPHy
    • CollECTor
    • CriTiCAl THEory
    • CubiSM
    • CurATor
    • DEAlEr
    • DiDACTiC
    • DigiTAl TECHnology
    • ExPrESSioniSM
    • FAuviSM
    • FEMiniSM
    • ForMAliSM
    • FuTuriSM
    • gAllEry
    • inSTAllATion
    • MoDErn
    • nEW MEDiA
    • nEW MEDiA ArT
    • PArTiCiPATory ArT
    • PoSTColoniAliSM
    • PoSTMoDErniSM
    • PSyCHoAnAlySiS
    • PubliC ArT
    • rEnAiSSAnCE
    • rElATionAl AESTHETiCS
    • SiTE SPECiFiC
    • SoCiAlly EngAgED
    • Modern & Contemporary Art: General Resources
    • Intute
    • STOT
    • Artcyclopedia
    • The Artists
    • international Museums and galleries
    • New York
    • ICA
    • MOMA
    • Musee d’Orsay, Paris
    • Reina Sofia, Madrid
    • Serpentine Gallery, london
    • White Cube, london
    • Butler Gallery, Kilkenny
    • Dock Arts Centre,
    • Draiocht, Dublin
    • Dublin
    • IMMA
    • Cork
    • Dublin www.motherstankstation. com
    • RHA
    • Rubicon Gallery, Dublin
    • biennials and Art Fairs
    • Text:
    • Editors:
    • What is __? Team:
    • Marianna Sabena Rebecca Devaney
    • Copyright Clearance:
    • Print:
    • What is Series 1 ?
    • Francis Halsall and Declan Long

    There is a growing interest in Contemporary Art, yet the ideas and theo- retical frameworks which inform its practice can be complex and dificult to access. By focusing on a number of key headings, such as Conceptual Art, Installation Art and Performance Art, this series of talks is intended to provide a broad overview of some of the central theme...

    This series represents a response to a number of challenges. Firstly, the inherent problems and contradictions that arise when attempting to outline or summarise the wide-ranging, constantly changing and contested spheres of both art theory and practice, and secondly, the use of summary terms to describe a range of practices, many of which emerged ...

    Modern and Contemporary Art ? – –– –– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    The Irish Museum of Modern Art is the national cultural institution for the col-lection and presentation of Modern and Contemporary Art in Ireland. IMMA ex-hibits and collects Modern and Contemporary Art by established and emerging Irish and international artists. The Temporary Exhibitions Programme features work by established and emerging artists...

    there is considerable overlap and confusion between the terms MODERN and CONTEMPORARY, both of which refer to the present and recent past. Modern is a term which has a broad application depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to the present or the contemporary. In terms of social, political and philosophical discourse, modern ref...

    Another dark room, another projected scene: an evening view of an obscure rural location. In the near-distance we see an odd elongated piece of archi-tecture: a fragile but imposing shelter, an elaborate cylindrical tent that seems simultaneously out of place and yet somehow at home in this natural landscape. The images are from French artist Phili...

    Another way of thinking about what modern means in art is to think of it as an attitude to making. This uncouples ‘Modern’ from a specific time and place – meaning that art is not necessarily modern merely because it is new. It would also mean that examples from history could be identified as modern in their outlook, such as El greco, the seventee...

    The definition of modernist art that emerges is thus: that it provides a meaning-ful expression of, and gives artistic and aesthetic form to three things: (i) the specific time and place where it was made, (ii) the medium that it is made of, and (iii) how it was made. We can now ask if this definition can be usefully applied to much of contemporary...

    The tricky task of identifying a working definition of ‘modern’ is accompanied by the equally testing challenge of defining the word ‘contemporary’. Indeed, ‘recent’ might be one easy definition for ‘contemporary’, allowing us to think of contemporary art as that made within recent memory. Another closely related and very straightforward meaning of...

    Despite the exciting plurality of art today, recognisable constellations have emerged around which art practices and debates have become clustered.

    Artwork that is non-figura-tive, non-representational and which is concerned with the formal elements of the artwork rather than the representation of subject matter.

    A term coined by French curator Nicolas Bourriaud to describe arts practice in the twenty-first century which is concerned with globalised culture and com-munication and which is realised through social and technological networks.

    An event, usually held annu-ally, to network, showcase, market and sell art. Art Fairs have become an important mechanism in the art market for Modern and Contemporary Art. Notable examples include Frieze, ARCO and ArtBasel.

    A venue for the collection, preservation, study, inter-pretation and display of significant cultural objects and artworks.

    A large-scale exhibition of international Contemporary Art hosted by many cities every two years. The Venice Biennale was the forerunner of what is now a dominant trend in exhibiting Contem-porary Art.

    The technical term for motion picture photog-raphy, which involves the manipulation of the film in the camera, the arrange-ment of lighting and the printing of the film.

    Someone who acquires artworks based on personal taste or for investment purposes. Many collectors donate or loan their col-lections to museums and galleries.

    A range of theories, drawn mainly from the social sciences and humanities, and associated with the Frankfurt School, which adopt a critical approach to understanding society and culture.

    An early twentieth century movement led by Pablo Picasso and georges Braque which focused on the physical qualities of painting rather than the subject matter. It is charac-terised by the breaking up of the picture plane, merg-ing of figure and ground, the adoption of multiple viewpoints, and simplifica-tion of form into geometric shapes. It is con...

    person who makes deci-sions with regard to the selection, acquisition, display and storage of art-works. A curator may be independent or free-lance, or may be afiliated to a museum or gallery. curator of Contem-porary Art is concerned with display, research and preservation, but is also involved in experimentation and innovation.

    An art dealer represents an artist, promoting the artist’s work and negotiat-ing opportunities for the exhibition and/or sale of the artist’s work.

    To adopt an approach which conveys a message, knowledge or information.

    Electronic data storage and transmission technology that enables immense amounts of information to be compressed on small storage devices, such as computers and tele-phones, that can easily be preserved, retrieved and transported.

    A form of artistic practice which emphasises the expression of feelings rather than the depiction of reality. Colour, form and the application of paint are employed to convey the artist’s feelings. Most notably associated with a number of avant-garde german artists involved in Die Brücke and Der Blaue Reiter in the early twentieth century.

    From the French ‘Fauve’ meaning wild beast, a post-impressionist movement in the early twentieth century which placed an emphasis on colour and brushwork rather than pictorial rep-resentation. Considered a precursor of abstraction.

    A social, political, intel-lectual and philosophical movement advocating equal rights and repre-sentation for women in all aspects of society.

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

    What is Modern and Contemporary Art? is the first in a series of talks and booklets which aim to provide a general introduction to key concepts and themes in Contemporary Art. What is Modern Art and Contemporary Art? provides a brief overview of Modern and Contemporary Art, identifying some of the challenges that arise when attempting to define thi...

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  2. Modernism was a global movement that aligned with the social upheavals brought on by the industrial revolution. Building on late nineteenth-century precedents, artists began reflecting on the realities, hopes, and fears they experienced in the modern world.

  3. Oct 21, 2024 · Modernism was a movement in the fine arts in the late 19th to mid-20th century, defined by a break with the past and the concurrent search for new forms of expression. It fostered a period of experimentation in literature, music, dance, visual art, and architecture.

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  4. Modernist art and literature remain thought of as complex and difficult. This Introduction explains in a readable, lively style how modernism emerged, how it is defined, and how it developed in different forms and genres.

  5. uished Cambridge Histories series. It identifies a distinctive temperament of “modernism” within the “modern” period, establishing the circumstances of modernized life as the ground and warrant for an art that becomes “modernist” by virtue of its demonstrably self-conscious in.

  6. People also ask

  7. modern artists broke with centuries-old traditions of art making and turned a critical eye toward the subjects, concepts, materials, and formal qualities of their work. Consider the following questions as you explore these works of art: • What makes a work of art modern? • In what ways do modern artists break with established art-making ...